Greenpoint Puts Manhattan Avenue Bike Lanes To Good Use

July 24, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I am still fascinated by the responses to my post about the newly created bike lanes on Manhattan Avenue. Streetsblog called it “hysterical” by which I suspect they meant “alarmist” and/or “anti-bicycle”. So be it. If some people want to construe my concern about the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists in such a manner there’s nothing I can do about it. In any case, over the last week I have seen bicyclists using this new path, along with a few folks of the four wheel persuasion.

When this guy (from Java Car Service) noticed I was taking his picture he immediately tried to extricate himself from this bike lane.

Worried that your dry cleaning won’t arrive on time? Don’t worry, the city has provided ample parking.

Need a quart of milk? Why bother parking, it will just cost money at the meter. Why not use the bike lane instead?

The same goes for the Garden. Isn’t it, after all, “greener” to park your car (and truck) in the bike lane instead of idling?

The same goes for scoring that valuable parking space. Why go around the block when you can sit in the bike lane and wait for the guy to pull out instead? You saw that spot first, dammit! It’s yours!*

Miss Heather

*This is satire. Those of you who don’t/can’t/won’t “get it” might be interested to know that the fair babes of the Emerald Isle are in grave danger. But I suppose cannibalism is greener than factory farming.

Williamsburg Photo du Jour: The Duke

July 24, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

In keeping with this morning’s cowboy theme I present to you John Wayne courtesy of North 5th Street!

Miss Heather

TOMORROW: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

July 24, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

That’s right folks, tomorrow is the big night! Those of you who are interested in watching Maestro Eastwood do what he does best (READ: kick some serious ass) should be sure to arrive before 8:30 p.m.!

Miss Heather

Comment Of The Week

July 23, 2008 ·
Filed under: Asshole, Greenpoint Magic 

This masterpiece of post-Feminist (and decidedly anti-Twinkie) rhetoric comes from a chap who calls himself* “REALITY”. It is in regards to this post about Studio B. Enjoy!

I have read your site, you have to be the most sexually frustrated person in the neighborhood. I have live here for around 20 years and I have never seen anyone BITCH as much as you. If I had to guess you have to be an over weight fat chick that has no life and wants others to be miserable like yourself. I also figure you don’t get out much either, and looking at your site when you do its to BITCH. If you don’t like the area or whats going on move back to where ever you came from because anyone reading your blogs damn well know you are not from new york and if you are you gotta be from the freaking suburbs. Do everyone a favor move out of the neighborhood, and if you can’t do that stick one of those Twinkies that you have been fattening yourself on in your mouth because that seems to be the only time anyone will be happy. Get out of your apartment lose some weight and maybe you might get a guy who will take you out in public which would be like a place like the Underground, Exit , Studio B hell maybe even to the zoo. In closing GET A LIFE and leave the neighborhood alone it was fine before you got there and it will be better off when you leave.

You know I thought about “getting a guy” to take me out “in public”, but then I realized my husband would probably not be too keen on the idea. Oh well. In any case, “REALITY” sure talks a tough game. Too bad his mommy didn’t teach him about IP addresses (good grammar or gender sensitivity).

Note how the IP addresses for Agnes Piekarska (the Manager of Studio B) and “REALITY” match.

Now if you don’t mind, I’m off to buy some Twinkies.

Miss Heather

*Although I suppose this could be a woman.

Another Bar Cometh To Williamspoint

July 23, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

The aptly named Richardson will be located at 451 Graham Avenue, which is at the corner of (drum roll, please)… Richardson Street!

When I walked by last week I took a quick looksee and I have to say it appears that they are doing a very professional job overhauling the space. My only concern is can new bar flourish when there are already so many such establishments to be had in the area already— like the R Bar, which is located just across the BQE?

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: Lisacat

Great Moments In Ad Placement, Volume I

July 23, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

From North 7th Street.

Miss Heather

What Part Of Greenpoint Do You Live In?

July 23, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

My buddy Matt Wolfe (formerly of the Greenpoint Courier) tipped me off to this great map over at Very Small Array. It looks like I call “North Vinyl Siding” home —although I prefer Vinyl Siding HEIGHTS, thank you very much! Any of you who have a little time to burn today do check out this web site. It is teeming with lots of fun and informative stuff!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photos du Jour: Aftermath

July 23, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Today I finally got around to checking out the site of our latest auto(mobile) de fe. Tammy Jez did an excellent job documenting the incinerated truck. Follows are a few photographs I took of the property damage.

It was one HELL of a fire. It even blew out the windows on the first floor of this house.

Its neighbor received a more Salvador Dali-esque treatment.

You can even see where the mattress was placed.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Kent Avenue

July 23, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

…And your ass will follow!

Miss Heather

Urban Gravestones: L’il Rich

July 23, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Since my buddy over at Bed-Stuy Banana is cavorting around Canada right now I thought I would hit you up with an urban gravestone, north Brooklyn style. Those of you who live or have visited the Southside lately have probably noticed a couple of things:

  1. A seriously elevated police presence
  2. The above flier

I found this one on South 3rd Street along with newest urban gravestone to grace the Southside.

It features none other than L’il Rich himself.

Curious to know what happened, I asked a young man busy lighting candles to Rich’s memory what happened. His answer was as follows:

He died.

Was L’il Rich the victim of the latest wave of violence to blight the Southside? Perhaps. What people (myself included) tend to forget while reading about the latest shooting or stabbing is the human cost. While the victims may be nameless and faceless to you and me, they are and will continue to be sorely missed by their friends and loved ones. Nowhere else has this become so apparent to me than the outpouring grief over the death of L’il Rich. Whether he died from natural causes or otherwise is immaterial: he was clearly loved by his friends and neighbors. May he rest in peace.

Miss Heather

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