TOMORROW: Record Riot

June 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

This is a quick reminder that tomorrow The Warsaw will be hosting Record Riot, a music lover’s extravaganza replete with beer and kielbasa. Marjorie of the fabulous Permanent Records will be on hand to represent Greenpoint. Why not pop by, get a little music, drink a little beer and say hi?

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool

June 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

When I got home after running errands and sweating my ass off I was absolutely delighted to find this image added to my newly-created photo pool. It is by Katie Sokoler and (in my opinion) epitomizes the spirit of summer fun in the Garden Spot. Great shot, Katie!

Miss Heather

The New Mexican Wedding Shirts Are In!

June 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Huitzilli just got in a fabulous assortment of Mexican wedding shirts for your summertime pleasure.

Fabrics include cotton poly blend (as seen above) and linen, the latter of which are $88.00 a pop  and a bit pricey for many. But with proper care they will last you a LONG time. These shirts are immaculately constructed. Sizes go up to 54 men’s.

624 Metropolitan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211
(718) 701-3195
Hours: Mon-Tues by appointment only, Wednesday – Sunday noon to 7:00 p.m.

Check them out! The yellow shirts are particularly fetching.

Miss Heather


June 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Apparently there was a fire in the wee hours of the morning at the Green Point Deli Market at 903 Manhattan Avenue. Here are pictures of the damage.

I asked an employee (who was on the premises) what his take was. He said it was arson. A police officer was inside the storefront investigating so hopefully we’ll have a conclusive answer soon. In any case, it looks like it was one HELL of a nasty fire and I hope everyone got out safe and sound!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photos du Jour: Vice

June 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

1001 Manhattan Avenue, 6/27/08 7:50 p.m.

1003 Manhattan Avenue, 6/27/08 10:30 p.m.

Miss Heather

More Movies At The American Playground!

June 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

After much delay I finally secured the schedule of movies to be shown at the American Playground in July and August! I do not to give away any surprises, but I have to say it is a TERRIFIC LINE-UP and includes none other than The Good, The Bad And The Ugly! Curious to see what else they have in the offering? Click here* and see for yourself!

Miss Heather

*6/28/08, 12:36 p.m.: The link has been fixed!

Great Moments In Real Estate Advertising: Light, Volume, Space, Stink!

June 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Today as I was walking down McGuinness Boulevard I noticed that the condominium building I like to call “Fort Apache, The Point” now has a web site: Intrigued, I went home and checked it out. Although it is little more than a page directing you to the The Developers Group’s web site, it sports something I found more than a little amusing.

As this image scrolled in front of me my gut instinct told me to take a screencap and look at it very carefully. So I did.

Yup, illuminated living in Greenpoint means having an unobstructed view of our local waste treatment plant*!

Miss Heather

*Which, if you are wondering, was a bit more fragrant than usual today.

Home Sweet Home!

June 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

So I lied. The previous post was not and will not be my final post of the day. Sometimes I encounter something so special I deem it necessary to pass it along to my readers stat. Today was one such day.

So you’re probably saying to yourself “What’s the big deal— so someone has a children’s playhouse in their yard?” Ordinarily this would not be a newsworthy development, but it is where this petit chateau is located that makes it so fascinating: on the premises of our local waste treatment plant. Yes folks, in the shadow of what I lovingly call the “Greenpoint Shit Tits” our friends at the D.E.P. are playing house!


Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Summer At Last!

June 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

This beautiful shot from Berry Street will round out New York Shitty’s selections for the day. It’s summer folks and I have every intention of enjoying it! Why not go out, take a few summer pix of your own and add them to my newly created photo pool? I’d love to see them!

Miss Heather

I Am A Bad Feminist

June 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Crazy People, Greenpoint Magic 

I have found myself asking this question more and more of late. When I leave my apartment building I am harassed by construction workers on a regular basis. When I take photographs men try to intimidate me. I have been hissed at, kissed at and physically threatened in person. Online I have been called a bitch, a witch, a cunt and someone who needs a good “vagina pounding”. Does this sound like equality to you?

I aspire to be called an asshole, dick head, son of a bitch or motherfucker. In terms of physical violence, I want the threat of a good ass kicking, not a hate fuck. I am married woman. I want to be monogamous. Is this too much to ask? I think not.

Gloria Steinem said anyone against Hillary Clinton was anti-woman. I guess I am anti-woman too. Who knew? In any case, here’s a choice tidbit I found from the March 11, 1870 edition of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle to remind us that womens’ rights are quite a novel thing.

When someone says to me:

Hey Heather, you motherfucking dick-headed son of a bitch asshole I want to kick your fucking ass.

I know I have achieved equality with my male peers and will dissipate into a cloud of feminist pixie dust. Until then I will rant. And be a cunt whose sole aspiration in life is to be an asshole. Feminism is dead— if you want it to be. I’ll keep on fighting, thank you very much.


This post is dedicated to George Carlin.


Miss Heather

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