Break On Through To The Other Side!

June 6, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Long Island City, Williamsburg 

I have been doing a lot of research regarding Het Dorp and Peter Cooper’s glue factory of late (for a future post— stay tuned). Just when I thought I found what I was looking for my Internets upchucked and I (not having bookmarked anything) had to start all over again. It is by happy accident I found this gem via the Brooklyn Daily Eagle online archives. It dates from August 18, 1893 and involves man going where no man in his right mind would go: Newtown Creek. Unless of course, said person was totally blitzed. And naked. Thankfully the local constabulary was on the job.

If ever I was able to do a “scratch and sniff” blog post, this would be the one. Mr. Cassidy, after frolicking au naturel through the bucolic splendor that was (and is) Newtown Creek and kicking it at the local glue factory, undoubtedly picked an olfactory signature that was very difficult to ignore. I would hazard to guess Mr. Cassidy’s cell mates (god rest their souls) would agree.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Frigid

June 6, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

From Berry Street.

Miss Heather

Fed Up On Roebling

June 5, 2008 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit Signage, Williamsburg 

Today I received the above (and quite wonderful) submission from a reader called madboyelroy. He writes:

…roebling between grand and metropolitan is a war zone of crap. they even bag it and drop it on the sidewalk. these guys clearly are FED up and done with this shit… literally…

My advice to any and all of you who happen to live in this area and have a canine companion: do the right thing and dispose of your doggie dumplings properly. If common courtesy is not a sufficient motivator, consider your own self-preservation. It is very clear these guys (or gals) mean business.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Pay Phone du Jour: Manhattan Avenue

June 5, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I found this pay phone in front of the Pay-O-Matic Check Cashing establishment on Manhattan Avenue this week. Looks like someone lost his (or her) patience waiting for their economic stimulus check. Whatever the case, the gentleman to the right wisely opted to send a text message instead of attempting to use it.

Miss Heather

Brooklyn Photo du Jour: Who Loves You, Baby?

June 5, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

If this image (courtesy of Google Maps) is any indication, Brooklyn does! I happened upon this missive as I was fact-checking my post about Het Dorp. It is located at Morgan Avenue and Withers Street and really brightened up my day. I hope it does the same for you!

Miss Heather

NEXT WEEK: Tree Care Workshop

June 5, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

So now Greenpoint has a bevy of new trees that have been planted by the city. That’s all well and good, but what next? I suppose you could post signs on them calling your neighbors “slobs” and “sluts” (as this property owner has done*) or you can attend the tree care workshop being hosted next week at the Green Oaks Club.

Per the notification I received, in this workshop you will:

…learn to care for young street trees, receive free tools, and get a Parks Volunteer Permit, which will allow you to care for street trees and greenstreets. Advance registration is required; space is limited.

There are still slots left, so if you are interested in attending please register by sending an email to channaly.oum(at) or call (212) 676-1929. Be sure to provide your name, email address and/or phone number.

Tree Care Workshop
June 11, 2008 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Green Oaks Club
179 Green Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

This workshop is being hosted by GWAPP’s North Brooklyn Tree Project and will be conducted by the New York Tree Trust.

Miss Heather

*This property is for sale as a “development site”.

Given its prime location— and by “prime” I mean McGuinness Boulevard facing the Pulaski Bridge, one can only hope it is razed to build (more) luxury condominiums.

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Cleanpoint!

June 5, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Laugh all you want, but this chap has the right idea. He sat on his stoop brushing his teeth al fresco for at least two minutes. Clearly this man takes his dental hygiene very seriously. I for one find this to be a refreshing change from finding someone’s choppers at a public pay phone on Manhattan Avenue earlier this week.

Miss Heather

Het Dorp: A Virtual Tour of Bushwick Green

June 4, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Thanks to my new (or would that be not-so-new) copy of History of Kings County Including Brooklyn, N.Y. I embarked on a little walking tour last weekend. My guide was the hybrid “map” depicted above. The map in white indicates the layout of “Het Dorp” or in English, “Bushwick Green”. The satellite map underneath of it comes courtesy of Google. As you can see, Bushwick Green was not in what we call “Bushwick” today. It was, in fact, located very close to Cooper Park. Here’s a brief introduction from the (rabidly anti-Dutch) History of Kings County:

The remains of ancient Bushwick, says Newtown Antiquary, Mr. Wm. O’Gorman, “cluster around the Dutch Reformed Church on the confines of North Second (now Metropolitan Avenue— Ed. Note) and Humboldt Streets, Brooklyn, E.D., where the animosity of Governor Stuyvesant planted them in 1661, to gratify his hatred against the English Kills of Newtown. On March 14th, 1661, he probably emerged from the old Conselyea House on Humboldt Street— irascible old man that he was— supporting a heavy dinner on his historic wooden leg, rather unsteadied from heavy lager, and pronounced and christened the new village ‘BOSWIJCK’, which the moderns have made Bushwick, the Low Dutch name for ‘heavy woods’…”

If you click on the above map you will be directed to my Flickr page where you can check out what I found as I walked through what was once “Bushwick Green”. Follows are brief descriptions of the landmarks (all culled from History of Kings County and long gone) to guide you on this virtual tour. Enjoy!

1. Bushwick Church: The old Bushwick Church was an octagonal edifice, standing on the site of, and facing the same way as the present one… The wrinkled and homely old one story town-house, and the school-house on the opposite side of the Wood-point road, which leads from the church to a point in the woods on the meadows, neat Van Cott and Meeker Avenues… In 1840 the old church was replaced by the present edifice. In 1846 Maspeth Avenue was opened to Newtown, and several houses erected upon it, this side of the creek.

2. Town-House: The old town-house (the settlement’s “seat of justice” — Ed. Note) yet stands and around it centre the memories of the ancient, civil, ecclesiastical and educational glories of Bushwick. In front of it (or more probably of its predecessor), contumacious John of Lyden was exposed to the public gaze, ignominiously tied to a stake, with a bridle in his mouth, and a bundle of rods under his arm and a label on his breast, stating he was a writer of lampoons, etc. Here, too, a thief was once punished by being made to stand under a gallows, with a rope around his neck and an empty scabbard in his hand; and here, saddest sight of all, a venerable clergyman of the town, who had incautiously married a couple without observing the formalities demanded by the law, was condemned to flogging and banishment; a sentence which his gray hairs, was commuted to that of exile form the town.

3. School House: The school house which stood near was occupied by a district school until within a few years past (1884 — Ed. Note)— latterly under the charge of the Board of Education.

4. & 5. De Voe Houses: From the old burial ground, and looking along the old Woodpoint road, the two venerable De Voe houses might be seen, standing (on either side of the old road) between Parker and Bennet Streets, near De Bevoise avenue.

6. Conselyea Houses: The venerable homestead of the Conselyea family stands angle-ways to Humboldt Street; with its front looking, as of yore, on old Bushwick Church, its rear to Jackson Street. It is worth a visit. Part of the building has been lately cut away. The last occupant of the name was “Aunt Katty”, widow of Andrew J. Conselyea. She died in 1873, and the family of Conselyea departed with her coffin through the old portals of the homestead never to return. A write of the day this describes the rooms left vacant: ‘The window sills are of sufficient capacity to seat three men comfortable, and are each one foot in depth; the window sashes are the same as were originally placed there, with nine small 6×7 panes of glass in each sash. The ceiling of this room is particularly worthy of notice. It is supported by five ponderous beams that measure 14 1/2×7 1/2 inches in thickness, and are twenty feet long. They are painted brown, and give the room a rather gloomy appearance… The old cupboard of 150 years ago was removed to Jamaica, and is now preserved in the house of John Conselyea, of that town ship; it was and is yet an ornamental piece of furniture.’

7. Old Bushwick Graveyard: In the sight of the church, and covering the present junction of Parker (Withers) Street and Kingsland Avenue, was the ancient graveyard of the original Dutch settlement, for many years unused and its few remaining monuments neglected, broken and almost undecipherable. In 1879 Isaac De Bevoise, grandson of Isaac, who here was buried, undertook the pious duty of removing such remains as were left. He collected seven large casket-boxes of bones, whose identification was impossible; besides a few remains which were identified by neither coffin-plates or headstone. He estimated them at 250 skeletons, and he remarked that all had sound teeth— save the one tooth which was used to hold the Dutch pipe. If you are wondering where these remains were re-interred, they are under the old church (in other words, the middle on Conselyea Street).

If you have the time this weekend, why not check out “Het Dorp” yourself? Unlike Greenpoint, there is still quite a bit of “green” there to be found!

Miss Heather

Digester Lighting Ceremony Post Script

June 4, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic 

As I wrote earlier today I attended the digester tank lighting ceremony last night at the Newtown Creek Nature Walk. Aside from being highly entertaining, it has been my experience that these events usually afford opportunities for free stuff. This was the case last night— and cake and coffee were not the only freebies in the offering.

As Mr. Heather and I were leaving the festivities, a woman was handing out these water bottles. As you can see it is emblazoned with the logos for the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the Department of Environmental Protection. I proudly showed my new prize to Mr. Heather. He was sick with envy— that is, until we looked at the bottom of this bottle to ascertain what it is made of.

This bottle is clearly labeled “PC 7”. What is “PC 7” you ask? Here is a little information from thegreenguide:

Not all #7 plastic is polycarbonate, nor are all Nalgene bottles made from polycarbonate. Unlike #1-#6,#7 is the official “other” plastics category. Nalgene makes several varieties of water bottle, made from different kinds of plastic, including polyethylene and polypropylene. Nalgene’s Lexan bottles are made of polycarbonate plastic (PC), a plastic known to leach the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A (BPA). This puts it in the company of two other plastics which studies have determined are prone to leaching and pose environmental and/or health concerns: 1) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) which can leaches phthalates, a hormone disruptor, and dioxin, a carcinogen; and 2) polystyrene, which can leach styrene, a possible human carcinogen.

Does that mean Nalgene Lexan water bottles are unsafe? We cannot say categorically that Nalgene Lexan bottles are unsafe or even that they leach BPA, until the product has been properly tested. According to Our Stolen Future: “No tests on bisphenol-A leaching have been carried out specifically on Nalgene water bottles, to the knowledge of, nor were Nalgene bottles the brand used in the experiments demonstrating a link between polycarbonate and chromosomal aberrations. There may be some reason why Nalgene bottles do not leach bisphenol-A. This would be highly unexpected, however, given their chemical composition.”

What We Know

PC is a durable and heat resistant plastic, making it a popular material for food storage and laboratory equipment, including baby bottles, water bottles, petri dishes and animal cages. In the late 1990s, studies testing PC baby bottles found they leached low levels of BPA. After several tests of the same bottles the presence of BPA decreased dramatically. The studies suggested that while residual amounts of BPA may be present on some baby bottles, it would disappear after a short period of use. The studies concluded that the PC baby bottles currently on the market are not a health risk to children.

In 2003, a study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP), reproduced the same results as the earlier studies when new bottles were tested. However, after repeated washings and scrubbings, the levels of BPA leaching from the bottles increased significantly. The study concludes, “The increased migration levels may be due to polymer degradation.”

During the same year, two more studies were published in EHP, which came about after researchers traced BPA in lab mice to the PC cages in which the mice were housed. These studies share several of the same conclusions: 1) Polycarbonate exposed to harsh detergent is prone to leaching; 2) The older the polycarbonate, the more it leaches; 3) High temperatures cause higher rates of leaching. One study found that polycarbonate will leach into water at room temperature. Of even greater concern, the laboratory plastics studies were initiated by sudden abnormalities in mice egg cells after polycarbonate animal cages were mistakenly washed with the wrong detergent.

This is mildly disturbing. I guess I can always use this item as a time capsule or something. Thanks Department of Health!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Wet Paint

June 4, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

From Driggs Avenue.

Miss Heather

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