Bushwick Photo du Jour: Acme

May 24, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bushwick 

From Johnson Avenue.

Miss Heather

NEXT WEEK: McGolrick Park Dog Run Fund Raiser

May 24, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Next week District Dog will be hosting a fund raising event/meeting regarding the McGolrick Park dog run. Per their press release:

This is a community event for Big and Small Dog owners, for all of us to hang out and get to know one another. It would be a great opportunity to get together and discuss concerns, suggestions, community organization etc. If we get enough of a turnout maybe we can pick a new run coordinator to manage the runs up keep. THIS IS VERY NEEDED. We hope to see you all.

All proceeds will be applied towards building a run for small dogs, e.g.; fencing, entrance and benches. Anyone interested in attending this event should R.S.V.P. via email at:

info (at) districtdog (dot) com

Miss Heather

Papa B Studios

May 24, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bed-Stuy, Bushwick 

As I was knocking around Broadway earlier this week I noticed the above store front. My first thought was “Gee, that’s a cool old sign, I hope they don’t cover it up.” My second one was “This looks like an art space.” My curiousity aroused, I went in for a closer look.

That is indeed what Papa B is. I poked around a little (both in person and online) and it struck me as being a rather nifty space— especially for an artist working on a budget. The “Open Studio Membership” costs only $150 a month and includes the following:

  • Access to the communal space from 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. workdays
  • A storage locker
  • High speed Internet
  • Free access to all shows, events and classes and
  • Being able to show and sell your work in their gallery space

Many other memberships and services are available. Those who are interested in learning more should Papa B via email at info (at) papabstudios (dot) com or visit their web site.

Rehearsal spaces are also reportedly in the works.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Darth Tater

May 24, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

From Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

Stoop Sale Round-up

May 24, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

For those of you who are staying in New York City this holiday weekend and have a little money to burn three stoop sales will be held in the Garden Spot this weekend. Here’s a general rundown.

Sci-Fi geeks and film nerds should head over to 107 Freeman Street. Among the offerings promised are Star Trek action figures and “weird inflatable toys”. Anyone seeking a desk should take note: they will have one free for the taking around 5:00 p.m.

This sale’s offerings are a bit more pedestrian, but it may very well be worth checking out. Especially if you’re seeking housewares and gardening equipment.

Lastly, on Sunday there will be a stoop sale at 103 Huron Street. All benefits are purported to go to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Even if you don’t see anything that tickles your fancy you are more than welcome to leave a donation.

Happy hunting!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint’s Lost Dove

May 24, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I found this flier at the Garden yesterday and feel compelled to pass it along. I used to patronize this laundromat and my dealings with the ownership there were always pleasant. If anyone has seen their pet dove (or knows of its whereabouts), please contact them at the above phone number.


Miss Heather

Bed Stuy Photo du Jour: Long Weekend Edition

May 23, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

From Greene Avenue.

Miss Heather

For Sale In Bushwick

May 23, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bushwick 

One of my favorite streets to stroll in Bushwick is the avenue which bears its name. Some very beautiful old houses can be found on Bushwick Avenue. And then you have this.

Ever had one of those moments when you find yourself muttering under your breath “Wow, that is really ugly?” This was one such moment.

This undoubtedly was a row house. It probably looked not unlike its neighbors at one time. Not anymore.

It has been modified almost beyond recognition. Note the placement of a park bench. All the better to enjoy scenic front yard. If what you, dear readers, have seen so far tickles your fancy I have some very good news: this house is for sale.

By Corcoran, no less.

Miss Heather

Bushwick Photo du Jour: Unisex

May 23, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bushwick 

From Broadway.

Miss Heather

COMING UP: Exposure

May 23, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

During my knockings around this week I happened to walk by Third Ward. A poster in the front door advertising an upcoming photography competition called “Exposure” quickly caught my interest so I took a picture of it (to remind me to follow it up when I got home). Here is a very general rundown of my findings as culled from artistswanted.org:

1. Submissions can only be made online via Artists Wanted’s web site. The deadline is June 17, 2008.

2. Up to four works can be submitted. The genre is completely up to you. It can be fashion, fine art, still life, portrait, landscape, nature, travel, photo journalism, and so forth. Be sure to include an image that represents you as well.

3. There will be two forms of judging: a panel of judges and a “people’s choice” award.

4. The winners will be announced July 15, 2008. The Grand Prize includes $2,008, a full press promotional campaign and a feature in The Annual.

Those of you who are interested to learn more can check out Artists Wanted’s web site or contact Third Ward in person (at 195 Morgan Avenue) or via email at:

exposure (at) artistswanted (dot) org

Good Luck!

Miss Heather

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