Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

May 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

It has been brought to my attention that Studio B is applying for a cabaret license! Community Board One‘s “Public Safety Committee”* will be having a hearing this Thursday, May 29th, at 6:30 p.m. to discuss this matter. Those you who are interested in giving your two cents at this meeting (and I know you are out there) should swing by CB1’s office at:

435 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211
(718) 389-0009

I wonder if these folks know about Studio’s B yet-to-be rescinded Stop Work Order and fire code issues? Well, I suppose they’ll find out soon enough. In closing I would like to quote the findings from my favorite Studio B D.O.B. violation:



Miss Heather

*Not to be confused with the Public Safety Commission.

Memorial Day BBQ At Papasitos

May 26, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

As I wrote in this post today the newest addition to the Greenpoint dining scene, Papasito’s, threw a Memorial Day Barbecue. If what I saw late this afternoon was any indication, it may very well be a hit! I didn’t have to time to check out their foodstuffs (was too tired after playing baseball with a four year old base/heart stealer supreme) but I did take a few photographs which you can see here.

All in all, everyone appeared to be having a great time and it was a very mixed crowd. Now if you don’t mind, I am going to soak my sore feet!

Miss Heather

UPDATE: Per a tipster the food was plentiful, good and crazy cheap. A mere $5.00 a plate.

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Manhattan Avenue

May 26, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

From Manhattan Avenue outside Off Track Betting.

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: Rebecca 11222

Great Find!

Happy Memorial Day From Greenpoint!

May 26, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

From Java Street.

Miss Heather

Bushwick Photo du Jour: Broadway

May 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bed-Stuy, Bushwick 

I am totally bummed out I missed out on this event. The handwritten text at the bottom of this flier reads as follows:

Seminar of monkey brilliance feat(uring) over 12 monkeys @ anytime.

Who the hell can argue with that? Screw cable and digital television, what this country needs is more monkeys!

Miss Heather

The India Street Trailer Mystery: SOLVED!

May 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Anyone who has bothered to knock around north Greenpoint east of McGuinness Boulevard has surely encountered this trailer on India Street. I know I have. I even wrote a blog post about it. In the previous tome I christened this humble domicile the Pla-Mor (with my nuts) Palace.

Although I had heard through the grapevine that someone does indeed live in this humble domicile I had my doubts. That is until yesterday when I finally met the man behind inside the trailer.

I did not catch this chap’s name. It was a busy day at the junk shop and I only joined in the conversation when he voiced his desire for a Polaroid camera. My colleagues said we didn’t have one. As you can see, I knew better as he is proudly sporting one on his lap in the above photograph. After doling out my share of “customer service” I went back to work. I was quickly jolted out of my pricing and sorting bliss when I overheard the following tidbit of conversation.

Mystery Man: I live in a trailer.
Larry Da Junkman: In Greenpoint?
M.M.: Yeah, over on India Street.
Miss Heather: I KNOW WHERE THAT IS!!!
M.M.: Really?
Miss H: Yeah, I even wrote a post on my blog about it. (excitedly pulls up post on New York Shitty via the “company computer”*) Here it is!
M.M.: (surprised) Yeah, it looked a lot better back then.
Larry: Aren’t you afraid someone will try to break in?
M.M.: No, I keep the place locked up pretty well. What’s more I suspect most people wouldn’t want to enter in fear of who they might find in there.

You know, the man may live in a trailer— something that is inconceivable to most of us— but he brings up a very salient point. I wouldn’t venture in there. Would you?

I know little else about the resident of the Pla-Mor Palace other than he is going to be involved in some kind of reality television show and is an artist. He recounted several years ago that he was an audience member at a live taping of Martha Stewart Show. Knowing that she “liked things made with a hot glue gun” he made a “bearded clam” (as he called it) and gave it to her. On live television.**

The camera man really freaked out. He immediately pointed the camera to the ground.

He said.

Every neighborhood has a story to tell, one need only pay attention. Greenpoint is no exception. The only difference is the tales to be found in the Garden Spot of the Universe are— how should I say— a little more colorful than those to be found among its better-heeled neighbors.

And that dear readers is why I live here!

Miss Heather

*Whose purpose is primarily checking private email and the playing music off of I-tunes, Slacker or YouTube.

**The man deserves an award for doing this. Seriously.

TODAY: Stoop Sale On Eagle Street

May 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Those of you with a little money and time to burn will be happy to know a(nother) stoop sale will be happening today at 49 Eagle Street. Unless my memory fails me (and that is entirely possible) I have hit stoop sales at this address before. There were some damned good pickins’. Check it out!

Miss Heather

Meet Tango And Honey

May 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady 

These lovely ladies have been given a brief reprieve from the Center of Animal Care and Control’s euthanasia list in the hopes someone will give them new homes. Follow are brief bios for these two winsome cats from Eva, A fellow Greenpointer:

Tango is two years old and weighs nine pounds. She’s a very friendly, calm, cool and collected young girl. She loves to be petted. She is bright and very in tune with any human who lavishes attention upon her—which were in fact, quite a few! She had us lining up! She has been spayed by Animal Care and Control and can go home with you today.

Less is known about Honey. This sweet-faced two year old hails from the Bronx. Her owner was evicted so she ended up at the C.C.A.C. Honey currently has a mild case of the sniffles (who hasn’t given the weather of late), but she is being treated with medication and is expected to be just fine.

If anyone is interested in giving either of these felines fallen on hard times a foster or forever home they should contact Eva via email at evaprokop (at) earthlink (dot) net A.S.A.P.

Even if you cannot take Tango and Honey in, please spread the word.

I believe the character of a society should be judged not by its so-called accomplishments. Greatness be it monetarily, technologically or intellectually is not what defines a people. Rather, it is how they (or in this case, we) treat those who are unable to fend for themselves, be they two-legged or otherwise.

These two lovely animals did nothing whatsoever to deserve the fate that befell them, e.g.; ending up on a euthanasia list at an animal shelter. It was simply a matter of bad luck. They deserve better. And we should do our best to give them the quality of life they deserve.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint To Get A Beer Garden?!?

May 24, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Lest any of you have been wondering what is going on behind the Corner Frenzy (Huron Street at Manhattan Avenue), today I got the scoop. Per the owner this space is going to be a beer garden/Mexican restaurant. The grand opening is slated for next Sunday after next, June 8, 2008. Those of you who are interested in getting a sneak peek will be interested to know they will be hosting a barbecue on this Monday, Memorial Day, from 2:00 p.m. until dusk.

I think I speak for many of my fellow Greenpointers when I say this is very good news — and not only for those of us who like beer and Mexican food. Let’s face facts: the dining options available in the Garden Spot are meager to say the least. A Mexican restaurant/beer garden could be a great addition to the neighborhood. Socializing over tacos and beer is far superior to hanging out in some pretentious club and sipping over-priced drinks (in the hopes someone will actually converse with you). I can hardly wait to check this place out!

Miss Heather

Disturbing Consumer Item Of The Day

May 24, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

This hails from Graham Avenue and is wrong on far too many levels to go into here.

Miss Heather

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