Hey Joe

May 29, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bum Shit, Dog Shit, Dung of the Day, Greenpoint Magic, Other Shit 

(Someone in the Garden Spot really, really does not like you.)

Yesterday afternoon I ran errands. Among my tasks was purchasing household cleaning products. Let’s just say one of our cats decided to use our bedroom as a vomitorium, I will spare you the details except to say it was quite disgusting.

As anyone in the know will tell you, any and all consumer products in Greenpoint are to be found in one place: Manhattan Avenue, so I headed there without delay. When I reached the Greenpoint Furniture store I noticed a man standing in front of the door. Well, noticed isn’t exactly the right word— HEARD is much more like it. Imagine this, if you will, being bellowed in the biggest Brooklyn honk imaginable:

You know what you are Joe? You’re a fuggin’ piece of shit! That’s what! A fuggin’ piece of shit!

Over and over. I turned to the man next to me, gave him my best “wtf” look and said:

It’s always healthy to let your anger out. What’s more, if I ever meet a guy named Joe I will know he is a fucking piece of shit.

He laughed.

I then went back about my business, as did my fellow bystander and the man who hates Joe.

Several hours later after I accomplished all the chores on my “to do” list I decided to head home via my favorite thoroughfare: McGuinness Boulevard. I have extolled upon the magical qualities of the street named after Greenpoint’s favorite alderman many times. I will do so yet once again here: McGuinness Boulevard is the undiluted essence of all things Greenpoint. It is the very soul of the Garden Spot. Some of the most interesting things I have ever seen have been found on this boulevard. Yesterday was no exception.

This mural is located on Newton Street. It originally read “diva”. As you can see, someone has seen fit to make a few annotations.

I really like this shot. Methinks this image should be on a greeting card. Seriously.

Not since high school have I seen hatred meted out in such a passionate and heated fashion. This person is seriously angry. If any of you are wondering what that brown stuff is, use your imagination. If that fails, here’s a clue: read the url for this web site.

You know, I cannot help but respect someone who would do this. I do not condone their behavior, mind you. I simply believe it is good policy to have a healthy respect for people who have no qualms whatsoever about picking up shit off the sidewalk and smearing it on a wall. Even I wouldn’t do that. If you’re out there reading this Joe, take my advice: stay away from McGuinness Boulevard.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Decorative Installation

May 29, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

From Humboldt Street.

Miss Heather

Salvation on Varet Street

May 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Williamsburg 

As I walk around North Brooklyn I often find myself pondering the human condition. These are troubled times we live in, after all. There is more to life than documenting Fedders Specials. I was reminded of this fact on Varet Street recently.

My ass is toast, I thought to myself. There’s no way I will escape. I ride the G train.

Hmm. Maybe that’s what they want me to think. If the son of man wants to come in a manner one would never expect, the Crosstown Local would be suit his designs perfectly.

I don’t know about you dear readers, but I have a plan! When the apocalyptic shit hits the proverbial fan I am hauling my ass down to the corner of Varet Street and Graham Avenue. Not unlike the ark that brought Moses to safety, my ride employs the use of wood.

Albeit with a distinctively nuanced 20th century twist.

I sure hope this baby is an automatic. There’s no way in (or in this case, getting out of) hell I’m letting Mr. Heather behind the wheel.

Miss Heather

Bushwick Photo du Jour: Added Value

May 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bushwick 

Okay, I see the foliage but where are the boogers? Wait —don’t tell me —I don’t want to know.

Miss Heather

Stolen Bike

May 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

If anyone sees this bicycle, whoever is riding it is either a thief or purchased it from one. V writes:

My bike was stolen from Greenpoint Ave and Eckford St today (May 27, 2008) while I was at work. I filed a police report but all that allows me to do is claim it legally if I find it on my own… It’s a vintage, ladies’, cranberry colored, Schwinn with a big basket on the front and all the paint worn off the center of the frame from the chain lock. It was locked to a sign post with a Kryptonite lock.

It just really gets my goat that someone would take the time to cut thru my Kryptonite lock, in broad day light, on a Tuesday afternoon, just to steal my beat up old Schwinn with a wobbly wheel, bent basket, and shot breaks. Why me? Life’s not fair…

So let me get this straight: a police report was filed but all this allows V to do is claim it if she finds it on her own. Aren’t the police supposed to retrieve stolen property? Or at least investigate a little bit? I guess not. I suppose they’re too busy harassing photographers.

In any case if anyone has seen this stolen bike please call the 94th Precinct: 718 383-3879.

Miss Heather


May 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Last week some of you might recall I noticed something bearing a strong resemblance to a gopher strapped to a fence behind the bath house on Huron Street. Well, lest any of you have been wondering, it’s still there.

What’s more, some sucker lucky guy or gal who buys this unit at the Viridian is going to get a particularly scenic view. I really like this photo. It almost looks like this little critter is riding a magic carpet.

Or trying to escape.

Take your pick.

Miss Heather

Brilliant. Simply Brilliant.

May 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Once in a blue moon I happen upon a web site whose concept is so utterly brilliant I am green with envy. Such was the case at the Brooklyn Blogfest earlier this month. During the “shout out” session a gentleman got on stage and described of his blog, Trailers Undone. The sole purpose of this site is to review movies solely based on their trailers. No more shelling out ridiculous sums of money to only walk away disappointed!

If any of you have the time today, do check this site out. It’s a lot of fun!

Miss Heather

THIS WEEK: Borden Avenue Bridge Tour

May 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Long Island City 

Saturday, May 31 at 1:00 p.m. Richard Melnick of the Greater Astoria Historical Society and Bernand Ente of the Newtown Creek Alliance will be co-conducting a free 90 minute tour of the Borden Avenue bridge and surrounding Long Island City. All interested attendees are instructed to meet at:

Hunters Point Avenue near 21st Street, adjacent to the entrances for the Hunters Point Avenue #7 Subway Train Station, on the street, east end of station.

Anyone wishing for more information should contact the Newtown Creek Alliance via email at info (at) newtowncreekalliance (dot) org. Be sure to mention “May 31 Tour” in the subject line.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: The Writing On The Wall

May 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

That’s what makes parts of Brooklyn so special. You have all of these rowhouses, townhouses, smaller-scale developments, more neighborhood-friendly developments. You have more open space. The quality of life in this way is going to be preserved in Brooklyn.

– Karl Fischer

Hey Karl, you might want to head down to the Boulevard Tavern on Meeker Avenue. Someone would like to have a word with you.

Look at it this way Mr. Fischer, at least one person in Greenpoint doesn’t think you are the “worst architect ever“.

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: BIG props got out to Jay Slack for forwarding this gem. Great find!

Times Are Tough Indeed!

May 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

A number of you probably attended any one of a number of festivities thrown last weekend in honor of the Brooklyn Bridge’s 125th birthday. I was not fortunate enough to check out the Brooklyn Bridge last weekend, but thankfully my intrepid colleague (and fellow Greenpointer) Bitchcakes did. You can check out her flickr photo set by clicking here.

But this post isn’t about the Brooklyn Bridge’s 125th birthday. It not about fireworks or celebrations either. Nope, this post is about a curious item Miss Cakes found ON the Brooklyn Bridge.

Bitchcakes notes:

Someone abandoned their sign. I guess they got enough $$ for breakfast.

You know times are bad when Lady Liberty is shilling for breakfast money at the Brooklyn Bridge.

In all seriousness folks, there are a lot of people right now who are having a very hard time putting food on the table. I know for a fact the Greenpoint Reformed Church’s food pantry is seeing an unprecedented number of families needing groceries.

Why not take a little time and donate to your local food kitchen today?

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: BitchcakesNY

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