Bed Stuy Photo du Jour: Moron

March 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bed-Stuy 


From Halworth Street.

Miss Heather

The Balconies of Broadway

March 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

I have yet to get this fascination developers have with balconies. Perhaps I do not engender the proper sense of entitlement? Having a hefty balcony from which to look down upon my neighbors is not my cup of tea. What’s more, many of the balconies I see nowadays are for the skinny set. Very skinny.

152 Broadway

Which brings me to 152 Broadway. This was a four story building. Four. Stories.

As Per Plan

Now it will become a six story building. As. Per. Plan.

Can bad architecture make me want to kill myself?

The poster to the far right reads:

Could an opera make us warriors for peace?

In all probability, no.

Can a piece of shit modification on an existing building make Miss Heather vomit?

Yes. When I look at the second floor balcony’s misalignment with the columns on the first floor I heave. And grieve. For the death of taste.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Keep Off Flowers

March 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Keep Off Flowers

From Division Avenue.

Miss Heather

Great Moments in Aluminum Siding Volume XV: The Gauntlet

March 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Vinyl Siding 


I recently watched the trailer for this movie on Videodetective. Why would Miss Heather entertain herself with seventies schlock, you ask? Well, I took a walk down Eldert Street recently and thought of this movie for some inexplicable reason.

Eldert Street Bunker

The owner of this house appears to be rather vigilant about being protected from the elements. Whether or not the aforementioned are his neighbors or merely inclement weather is anyone’s guess. I can almost hear Sondra Locke whining from here.

Front view

One thing’s for certain: beige is clearly this person’s favorite color. So much so that he elected to have his car match his house. Those are some pretty fierce rims. There’s no way in hell an army of sharp shooters are going to blow out this guy’s tires.

Miss Heather

Bed-Stuy Photo du Jour: Lafayette Avenue

March 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bed-Stuy 

Bed-Stuy Stroller

Could it be?!? Has Bedford Stuyvesant indeed gentrified enough to merit an influx of stroller moms?

Miss Heather

Orient Avenue: Knocking On Scarano’s Back Door

March 26, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

As I mentioned in this post, I played “tour guide” last weekend. Any tour guide worth his/her salt knows where to take a bathroom break: Cooper Park. Second only to the privy at Fermi Playground in Bushwick. The latter is the only bathroom I have patronized that had soap, paper towels and toilet paper in abundance. At the same time. But that is the stuff of another post.

After relieving our respective selves I took my friends to Orient Avenue. We checked out the Munster House at 59, but found its neighbor to the west much more intriguing.

11 Orient Avenue

This is 11 Orient Avenue.

Rat trap

This is 11 Orient Avenue on crack. Any questions?


Apparently the Department of Buildings would like to ask a question.

Thursday’s Child has far to go

Or two. They have issued summons but have yet to get access to the property.

Per the Department of Buildings complaint #625608:

DOB BIS, 11 Orient Avenue

When we walked by this building on Sunday, March 23, 2008 it was eviscerated. It sported cinder blocks for a front door, rat traps laid with total abandon and garbage dumped atop the few purple tulips which grace its soon to be deceased front yard.

11 Orient Sneaks

Perhaps the no shoes in our house policy deterred the D.O.B. gaining entrance? Or to be Zen; if a New York City Building Inspector knocks on a pile cinder blocks does it make it sound? Not to his supervisors. So he sticks a notice on the fence instead. Twice.

Miss Heather

P.S.: It should hardly be surprising that this site is going to be razed for yet another Scarano masterpiece. Five stories, no less.

Crypt Keeper ’08!

March 26, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bed-Stuy 

Macdonough For Obama

I found this curious juxtaposition on MacDonough Street yesterday. This household is pro-Obama and very patriotic.

Dick Cheney

Yet they have Dick Cheney sitting in their window sill. Maybe they’re hedging their bets?

Miss Heather

Southside Soap Opera

March 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

The “southside” of Williamsburg is not a place I like to frequent. The ungodly amount of traffic, noise and invasive construction makes my person avoid it almost every time. Almost. On a lark I walked through this neighborhood today and learned what I have been missing.

South 6th Street

Please do NOT

This is what I call a multi-purpose sign. The author of this tome has a number of issues he (or she) wishes to address. Among them are:

  1. Bikes chained to fences
  2. Improper disposal of dog shit

  3. Drunken chicanery.

Who knew Billyburg south of the bridge was so exciting? Well, it is. And then some.


Do not date…

I found this degraded flier of degradation and excess attached to a Fed-Ex drop box a block away. While a number of crucial elements were missing the message was more or less intact, e.g.;

  • Do not date this man because…
  • he “plays on women’s sympathies” and
  • is a “liar, mooch, cheat”

This describes a number of men I have met in New York Shitty. Thankfully the woman who created this public service announcement highlighted a couple distinguishing characteristics of this loathsome Lothario so as to help her sisters cull the dating pool.


Bulging eyeballs and an affection for having dildoes shoved up his ass.

That should narrow down things a bit.

The Southside is much more interesting than I ever imagined. I’ll have to go back there more often.

With a strap-on.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Bedford Avenue

March 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Call Keith

This Keith chap appears to be quite the player —and a very disorganized one at that. I have no doubt the story behind this missive has more twists and turns than a David Lynch movie.

Or my stomach after eating at Taco Bell.

Miss Heather

Free Enterprise in Bedford Stuyvesant

March 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bed-Stuy 

Bedford Stuyvesant has a number of endearing qualities. Their prowess for destroying public pay phones and taste for challenging art are only two facets of this much misunderstood gem of a neighborhood. The fine folks of the Stuy also happen to be some of the most innovative free market capitalists I have ever encountered.

First Aid Dummy

This gentleman graces the street in front of a CPR school on Marcus Garvey Boulevard. It really says something about the good nature of the people in Bed-Stuy that he has be left untouched. Had someone placed this dummy in Greenpoint I can assure you something would be inserted in his mouth. But I digress.

CPR and ambulance service

C.P.R. training is but only one of the many services offered at this mobile home megaplex. They also sport an ambulance service.

Fish Around

But I’m not too sure I want to give or receive C.P.R. from people who also fish monger. Unless of course they have an adjacent Listerine concession stand. And these clever folks just might! Bed-Stuy’s barons of business are wily enough to out-Trump the Trump. I see C.P.R./Ambulance/Fish and Chips franchises gracing this great nation from coast to coast… and soon!

Miss Heather

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