Greenpoint Gentile Fondler

March 2, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic 

For smell

As I indicated in yesterday’s post, I no longer try to fathom the depths of human stupidity. It is simply too big (and depressing) a task. That said, as I was checking my email last night, I came across something in my inbox that reminded me of yet another ‘golden rule’ I espouse: the world is teeming with idiots, many of whom also happen to be flaming perverts. Perverts the like of which make Dan Hoyt seem downright respectable by comparison.

This email featured a caveat circulating amongst the McCarren Park Dog Run Association. My tipster (whose husband happens to be a dog walker) wrote:

The following email crossed my monitor yesterday… I’ve fact-checked, and the events detailed seem to be true. As f-ed up as the situation is, see if you can find the most awesome Freudian-slip spelling error EVER (even since before Jesus and the dinosaurs roamed the planet together, singing “Kumbaya”).

I read what she forwarded me. Not believing what I had just read, I read it again. Once the content began to sink in, I got a queasy feeling in my stomach— and it wasn’t due to my husband airing out his balls while watching television either (which is what he was doing at the time). The Dog Shit Queen of Greenpoint was grossed out.

Follows is a condensed version of what I read. Be advised that after reading this item one may have the utmost desire to:

  1. Gouge his/her eyeballs out.
  2. Vomit. Repeatedly.

If this happens to you, dear readers, fear not: it’s normal. Without further ado, here it is. In all its abject glory…

I wanted to send you an email that I hope you can send out to others you know who use the McCarren dog run. I was at the run this morning (02/27) at about 9:00 am when I was approached by a Hasidic male who was asking me questions about my dog (breed, gender, etc)… When I left the run to bring my dog across the street to Must Luv Dogs, he approached me and asked if he could pet my dog. I told him yes, and as he was petting my dog’s head, he took his other hand and started fondling my dog’s gentiles. I saw what he was doing, pulled my dog away, and loudly told him off. He left the park very quickly.

When I went into MLD, they told me that he has been in the day care before, asking to hold the dogs, and that (he) had fondled another dog’s gentiles that was with a female owner.

I found this to be very disturbing and alerted the NYPD. While nothing will probably will come of it, anyone at the dog run who is approached by a mid-30’s to early 40’s Hasidic male, with dark brown hair and glasses should be careful.

This week I have learned about the existence of Greenpoint Nazis, people who lose their guinea pigs (in public parks), and now, Hasidic “gentile” fondlers. This dude gives the term “community outreach” a whole new meaning. I feel so dirty.

I can only imagine what next week will bring. God help me.

Miss Heather

P.S.: No one better lay a finger on my gentiles; if they do I’ll kick their fucking ass!

Anyone Lose a Guinea Pig?

March 1, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Today, just like the the day before, I have been busy uploading pictures to my Flickr page. Ten minutes ago I came across the following gem and almost fell out of my chair laughing.

Guinea Pig Found

Why would someone carry a guinea pig around in a bag?

How does one manage to lose a guinea pig?

Is this a subtle attempt to collect ransom for guinea pignapping?

If so, why kidnap guinea pigs? It seems to me that the house apes running around Carroll Park (under the less-than-watchful eyes of their nannies) would be a lot more lucrative.

The previous are all very good questions… and Hell if I know what the answers are.

However, it should be noted that every time I think I have beheld the end all, be all of abject fucking stupidity, some miscreant comes along and proves me wrong.

I can only hope this tale had a happy ending. Think of the guinea pigs, people!

Miss Heather

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