Williamsburg Photo du Jour: K.K.K.
Filed under: Williamsburg
From Bedford Avenue.
Miss Heather
“East Williamsburg” Photo du Jour: Stagg Street
The force of change in north Brooklyn is currency.
Miss Heather
Williamsburg Photo du Jour: North 6 Street
Filed under: Williamsburg
Welcome to the new Williamsburg. I have no doubt developers will be tripping over each other to include this piece of urban grit in their advertising campaigns.
Miss Heather
Cold War Style On A Capitalist Budget!
Filed under: Williamsburg
Last weekend I had the honor of attending my first baby shower. Since it was conducted in Southside “Billyburg” and a sunny Saturday afternoon was mine for the taking I opted to walk. One block before I reached my destination I encountered this piece of newly fabricated Cold War glory.
Or is it new? It depends on what one considers “new”. According to the Department of Buildings this was once a story building housing an auto body shop. Now it is slated to become an artist studio. Don’t believe me? Click here and read for yourself.
Nonetheless, this building bears all the qualities necessary to make our proletarian pals proud.
Institutional sheet metal front door.
A lookout post. Good luck getting artillery or tear gas past this bad boy. This baby was built to last (the Cultural Revolution, that is).
Lastly, this building sports the medium of choice for many a Communist era masterpiece: LARGE QUANTITIES OF CEMENT. All this building needs is a little rebar and hurricane wire perched atop the roof and hello East Berlin! I’d be reluctant to call 311 about this property if I were its neighbor. They might sic the Stasi on you.
In the spirit that is the Enver Hoxha Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Architecture, I give this building comrade five full bunkers!
And one honorary Cylon.
Miss Heather
East Williamsburg Don’t Play
Yesterday I found this (accidental?) homage to yours truly on Evergreen Avenue. I have to confess, it made me smile.
All the way down to the woman’s legs gracing the sign for the “East Williamsburg Valley Industrial Development Corporation” I felt welcome. East Williamsburgers have a real knack for making a person feel right at home. Their hospitality and graciousness are truly beyond compare. I learned this when I knocked around their fair burgh yesterday. Read on, dear readers, and you too will become a believer.
Montrose Avenue
Skeletons brandishing their own eyeballs are not just for Halloween here.
Boerum Street
If you have some bottled up anger, let it out. You’ll feel much better afterwards.
McKibben Street
But please try to be concise. We New Yorkers are busy folk. Time is money!
Keep it short, sweet and to the point like this guy.
Siegel Street
And don’t forget what your mother taught you. When asking your neighbors to refrain from leaving their dog’s excrement on your property be sure to use the magic word: fuck you.
Miss Heather
Submissions Wanted: Gentrification Bingo
Last weekend I did something I had not done in a long time: allow my husband to go to Williamsburg. I have made it a habit to bar Mr. Heather from accompanying me to this neighborhood because he will invariably get in a fit of pique, start grumbling about hipsters and I end up having to tell him to shut up. Repeatedly.
Last Friday night we discarded our usual habit of staying home in favor of going out to dinner in the mighty B-Burg. Wishing to prevent and/or mitigate any behavioral problems on the part of the Mister, I concocted a cunning plan: as a child I went on many a road trip. One of the activities my parents provided to keep me entertained (and out of their collective hair) was “travel Bingo”. I am certain a number of you know what I am talking about. If you see a red truck (for example) everyone checks it off. You see a stop sign, it gets checked off —and so forth until someone gets five in a row and calls “bingo”. Which brings me to how I kept Mr. Heather occupied.
Gentrification Bingo: a game the hoi polloi can play while walking through gentrified ghettos which were once “neighborhoods”. As we strolled the streets of Williamsburg in search of kibble we called out artifacts that define gentrification. By the evening’s end we netted approximately twenty such items which I carefully noted on the back of an old ATM receipt. Here are a few examples:
- Illegally parked SUV
- Thai Restaurant
- Building designed by Karl Fischer (or Robert Scarano)
- Self-absorbed 20 somethings on cell phones babbling/sending text messages
- Viral marketing posing as street art
- Unattended small children (What business does a toddler have roaming around at 8:30 p.m. on a Friday night? Seriously?)
- Stop Work Order
- Luxury artist loft
- Corcoran (depicted above)
- Homicidal taxi driver
Hence the purpose of this post: I wish to produce actual bingo cards, take them and a few good friends to various neighborhoods, play a round or two of “Bingo” and document the results. As I have previously mentioned, I have roughly twenty items. In order to produce bingo cards I will undoubtedly need quite a few more. Methinks about fifty. At least.
If anyone out there wishes to tender suggestions for this noble cause they can be submitted via comments or email at:
missheather (at) newyorkshitty (dot) com
It is my intention to have these cards designed by the end of the week (so I can post a sneak preview here on New York Shitty). Any and all ideas, feedback and constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated.
We may not be able to turn the tide of homogenization and luxurification afflicting our fair borough —but that doesn’t mean we can’t get a few laughs at their expense. The time for Gentrification Bingo has come New York Shitty. Let’s make this happen!
Miss Heather
Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Condoburg
Filed under: Williamsburg
From the construction fence fronting the “Finger Building” on North 7th Street.
Miss HeatherÂ
TODAY: Apartment Sale
Filed under: Williamsburg
I found this flier while walking home last night and being a person whose apartment is furnished in large part due to apartment sales, felt it was worth a mention.
“Huge Sale”
179 N. 10 Street #1
Brooklyn, New York 11211
Days: March 15 & 16
Times: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Check it out!
Miss Heather
Williamsburg Photos du Jour: God Bless America
Filed under: Williamsburg
This work of art hails from (where else?) North 6 Street. Shortly after taking this photo I rather large drunk man groused at me because I was impeding access to his pick-up truck. Once he fired it up he revved the engine several times for everyone’s edification. Unimpressed, I announced:
(Measuring out 3 inches with my thumb and forefinger) His peenie is this big! Cocksucker.
Two New York City police officers standing nearby thought this was hilarious.
Speaking of size matters, I found this motor vehicle parked on Kent Avenue. Wondering exactly what kind of person would drive a minivan festooned with the stars and stripes, I took a peek at the license plates. They were from (drumroll)…
You know what they say: everything’s bigger in Texas.
Miss Heather
Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Unlucky N. 13 Street
Filed under: Williamsburg
I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!
Miss Heather