The Word On The Street, Part II: Montrose Avenue

Montrose Avenue nys

Taken February 27, 2015.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Perched

Perched nys

From Driggs Avenue.

The Word On The Street: Party

February 19, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11211, The Word On The Street, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Pigeon Party nys

Taken February 19, 2015.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Dinner

February 17, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11249, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Taken by Jonathan Percy.

THIS WEEK: Community Board 1 Combined Public Hearing & Board Meeting

Combined_Public_Hearing_&_Board_Meeting_Notice_2-10-2015_Page_1 nys

Combined_Public_Hearing_&_Board_Meeting_Notice_2-10-2015_Page_2 nys

Yes, gentle readers, it is yours truly’s favorite time of the month. This of course being Community Board 1’s monthly Combined Public Hearing & Board meeting! As you can see there is quite an array of liquor license applications and renewals. I have highlighted the one I found most interesting. Let’s take a closer look at this one, shall we?


It would appear an eating and drinking establishment, “Brooklyn Barge Bar, is has designs for gracing our community’s waterfront. Well, in a manner of speaking. Something about the address struck me as being odd. So today I headed over to West Street to see what gives.




Sure enough, a notice is posted.

rear of premises on barge in water

This seems clear enough— except for one minor detail.

Google map 91 West

91 West Street (AKA: 36 – 44 Greenpoint Avenue) is a fair distance from the water in question. This begs a number of questions. We’ll keep it simple:


As the previous map clearly illustrates the building in question is roughly a block away from the waterfront.


However, the westernmost remnant of Milton Street, albeit in demapped form (in other words it is private— not public— property), still exists.


It is not only accessible to the public (as illustrated above by visitors to our community enjoying a photo op), but it provides direct access to the waterfront. This would strike me as being a better means of ingress and egress from the proposed establishment— so why 91 West Street?

A few things to consider:

  1. In order to apply for a Liquor License though Community Board 1 (whose rather lengthy application can be seen here) one must provide a valid Certificate of Occupancy. 91 West Street does not have one.
  2. More importantly, the license must be filed specifically for the space wherein liquor will be served. This is ostensibly not 91 West Street. It is merely providing access to the Barge Bar.
  3. Having seen my fair share of liquor license chicanery over the years I have to wonder what would happen if the Barge Bar is issued a liquor license— will the next step be applying for a modification to said license incorporating 91 West Street? Provided of course they get the C of O business sorted out? Let’s just say I would not rule this out.
  4. Exactly how many people does this establishment intend to accommodate? I do not know. However, it if exceeds 74 people then a place of Assembly Permit (whose fire code requirements are rather stringent) come into play.


So many questions. I can only hope members of our Community Board and perhaps the public sees fit to ask them. Closing on a (somewhat) related note (our waterfront), some of you may have noticed I highlighted Noble Street in the screencap I took from Google Maps.

Noble Streett

Noble Street is indicated as terminating on the waterfront. This is, of course, because it does— and has for quite some time.


greenpoint.1949FNY nys


However, as you can clearly see, there is a gate gracing this (apparently) public street. This is hardly news. In fact our former City Councilman, David Yassky, took up the matter.


The fence on Java Kent has long since been removed— but the one on Noble still stands.

Brooklyn 1886 Plate 11 - Antique Maps, Reproduction Prints and Gifts from WardMaps nys

Perhaps it is time to resume this matter with our elected officials (NOTE: Rami Metal is presently Councilman Levin’s Chief of Staff) and Open Space advocates? I mean, if we can theoretically have a for profit enterprise on/in our waterfront, why can’t the public be granted access to public property (a street)? This only strikes me as being fair…

Image Credits: The nifty 1886 Brooklyn Map hails from The 1949 Hagstrom Map comes via Kevin Walsh’s very own Forgotten NY!

Reader Contribution Du Jour: FYI

February 2, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11211, 11249, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Those of you who may be harboring the notion of checking out the fire (at least what is left of it) today, don’t bother: security has been hired. The above fellow, apparently. NOTE: Stefano Giovannini (whose photo this is) presented his city-issued press pass to the police. They told him to leave. So there have you.

Reader Contribution Du Jour: Shots From Today’s Fire At Citistorage

January 31, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11249, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn, Wow, WTF 

An immensely talented and all-around nice guy, Stefano Giovannini, braved the cold and took some wonderful photos of our city’s Bravest fighting what is apparently now a seven alarm fire. Do take a moment to peruse his Flickr set here. They are not only lovely (if one can call such subject matter that) but are an excellent testement to the hard work and dedication of our firefighters.

Today: Community Board 1 Human Services Committee Meeting


Yes folks, it has been a while (think over four years) but Community Board 1’s Human Services Committee (which was recently merged with the Public Safety Committee) will be convening this evening at 6:30 p.m. As you can see, the agenda is an interesting one. For those of you who are wondering what the “Right To Know Act” is (from

Called the “Right to Know Act,” the legislation would require officers to identify themselves and explain why the individual is being stopped or questioned. They would also have to explain that individuals can deny consent to a search in certain instances.

Currently, police officers are not required to identify themselves or explain why they are searching individuals…

Check it out!

Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Special Feral Furniture Edition

Here’s the deal: I have not gotten out much lately. Part of this is due to the fact it has been very, SERIOUSLY cold. Thankfully I have had my snow globe project(s) to keep me busy. Today, being as it reached a downright sultry 41 degrees, merited a walk. It was the first time I have hit the “Catwalk” (READ: Bedford Avenue) since New Years Day. During the previously-mentioned sojourn I spied a charbroiled mattress on North 7th Street right outside the Bedford Avenue stop of the L. Finding this interesting I took a couple of photos. Without further ado, here they are!

Charbroiled mattress north 7 at Bedford nys

Charbroiled cushion top mattress 2 North 7 Street nys

Now let’s jump forward to January 19, 2015. Guess what? It is still there.

Mattress and china news

What’s more, I managed to capture something I honestly thought I had missed: a fellow giving himself a face/hair check courtesy of one of our shiny new(er) buildings!

face check on north 7 with detritus


Here’s looking at you, kid.

Thumbs Up

Next Week: The Williamsburg Hotel Presents

This comes from none other than the SLA and Public Safety Committee Co-Chair himself: Tom Burrows. Those of you who have had enough— or cannot get enough— hotels hereabouts take note. On Monday, January 12th at Greenpoint’s very own Mary D’s Senior Center 96 Wythe Acquisition LLC dba “The Williamsburg Hotel” (whose endeavor has been given letters of support by both Councilman Levin and Assemblyman Lentol) will be giving a presentation. Public comments and questions are encouraged. New York Shitty tip: ask them about their proposed Hotel Loading Zones and No Standing Zones and how they are going to balance public space for 642 people against a parking lot with only twenty spaces.


Williamsburg Hotel Presentation
January 12, 2015 starting at 7:00 p.m.
Mary D’s Senior Center
80 Dupont Street (NOTE: entrance is on Eagle)
Brooklyn, New York 11222

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