New York Shitty Day Starter: Tired
It would appear that the holiday hustle is catching up with Hayes (of Williamsburg’s very own Spoonbill & Sugartown Booksellers). Nonetheless he is making valiant attempt to stay awake lest someone gets a case of sticky fingers paws or decides to offer him the odd a head rub. It’s a tough job being a shop cat!
Miss Heather
Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: Courtesy of Your Friendly Neighorhood
From North 7 Street.
Miss Heather
Williamspoint Videos Du Jour: McCarren Park Mirth
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
If what I saw at McCarren Park earlier today is any indication (giant snow penis notwithstanding) there was much fun to be had by creatures, be they bipeds or otherwise, as a result of yesterday’s blizzard!
Miss Heather
Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Presenting The Snowmen of North Brooklyn
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
(with a decided emphasis on “men”)
Since the sun was out and the weather was too terribly blustery, the Mister and I went for walk. Our reasons for doing so were two-fold:
- To get out the apartment.
- To peruse the snow creations of our fellow Williamspointers.
To this end we headed to McCarren Park without delay. We were not disappointed.
This old school model can be found near the Lorimer Street entrance.
This lovely specimen can be found a little further afield. The collar is an inspired touch.
It’s a tough job being a snowman. Hence why it is nice to take a load off and sit a spell!
Although a bit primitive, I found this fella (which hails from Bedford Avenue) curiously compelling.
This gaggle of snow creatures hails from 979 Lorimer Street.
I met the trio of very creative lasses behind this assemblage of snow critters, which they entitled “The Peanut Gallery”. They were quite nice.
What is it about the mixing of Halloween and Christmas imagery this year? I don’t know— but I like it!
And last— but hardly least— a little something for the ladies.
I know what you’re thinking:
Is this (which is located a stone’s throw from the women’s “comfort station” at McCarren Park) what I think it is?
Affirmative. Although this person’s command of male anatomy is a bit inaccurate, the point definitely got across. Much to the amusement of passersby.
Here’s a close up.
And here it is after a minor refinement.
Miss Heather
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