Great Moments In Real Estate Advertising: Manhattan Style Living
I almost shot hot chocolate out of my nose when I saw this corker on Broadway this blustery afternoon. Granted, I have not been to Manhattan lately but this does not strike me being something one would ordinarily see there. At least not without a neighborhood association or two raising holy hell first. No sir, masterpieces of this caliber are almost exclusively an outer-borough affair.
I would also be remiss if I didn’t point out that this advertisement’s claim that this excrescence is “new construction” is somewhat disingenuous. Believe it or not this building was once a carbon copy of its neighbor to the left. Now it is “Manhattan Style Living”. Lucky us.
Miss Heather
A Very Special Request From The Editrix of New York Shitty
Filed under: 11211, 11215, Gowanus, Park Slope, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Yesterday the Mister decided to accompany me on my Sunday constitutional. All in all, he took it in good stride (no pun intended) and humored my numerous detours to get a closer of look at things I consider interesting. This of course included savoring the handiwork of north Brooklyn’s real estate juggernaut: Belvedere Bridge Realty. While he may not understand why, he knows I have a developed a fascination with these faux classical, serial numbered properties. He also knows that with such magnificent obsessions (and I have quite a few) it is best to humor yours truly.
To this end he stood by patiently as I tittered myself into a shutter-bugging frenzy at the sight of Belvedere XXXIV (which can be seen at left and is located on Withers Street) and listened (or at least appeared to be listening) to my wry commentary regarding the numerous “Open House” fliers we happened upon during our sojourn. Some even had balloons affixed to them. I can only hope the promise of free pony rides and clowns making balloon animals are next. But I digress.
It was at the intersection of Berry Street and North 9 Street we found the following. We were rendered speechless.
The Belvederization of Park Slope?!? Needless to say I had to get to the bottom of this (inasmuch as one can without G train service). We headed to the closest Belvedere without delay.
Sure enough, it is true! Replete with all the accoutrements we have grown to expect from Belvedere: commodious roof decks and balconies. Needless to say I must see this. However, I am more or less precluded from going to 125 12 Street personally. I am not only too busy with matters north Brooklyn but quite frankly doling out $2.25 in subway fare strikes me as being far too much money to outlay on such an endeavor.
This is where you come in: could some kind soul get a photograph of this property and send it to me via email at missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com? I’m dying to see Belvedere XXXVI. Especially in light of the fact this edifice is conveniently located near Lowes, the Brooklyn Queens Expressway and the aromatic Gowanus Canal. Who wouldn’t want an eyeful (or noseful) of that!
Miss Heather
LAST GASP: Homicide at Huron & Manhattan Avenue?
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
I have received two emails about this incident. L writes:
Hi Miss Heather —
fyi – just saw this on Gothamist news map — sending as your investigative reporting is the BEST —
Homicide | Manhattan Ave & Huron St Manhattan, NY | 1/24/2010 5:31 p.m.
(lest it seems i regularly read crime reports (!), was looking for info on why a helicopter was buzzing my neighborhood for an hour last nite – but no report)
T writes:
…gothamist newsmap homicide manhattan / huron?!
what’s the story?
That’s what I want to know. The story.
When I got off the B43 at 5:00 p.m.-ish today I saw an ambulance, two police cars and a handful of lookie-loos between India and Huron Street. If there was an “incident” it happened well before I came on the scene. I suspect I speak for many fellow Greenpointers when I write that I find this very disturbing. If anyone reading this has the 411 please tender them via comments or via email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com.
Your identity will remain anonymous.
Miss Heather
P.S.: L also writes;
…& while we’re on subject of crime – also on Gothamist, saw 2 reports of armed robberies at Roebling & N 9th in a week – one’s on today’s list (from last nite) — both evening, NOT middle of nite — that’s a dark & quiet corner — but seems stalled development has made things worse.
New York Shitty Day Ender: Waiting For G(odot)
1:27 p.m.
1:37 p.m.
2:02 p.m.
2:11 p.m.
2:20 p.m.
It would appear not everyone was displeased with shuttle buses replacing the G train this dreary Sunday afternoon.
2:25 p.m.
Then again, I suspect efficient mass transit was not a priority for this young couple.
Miss Heather
Credits/Props: This post is dedicated to the Metropolitan Transit Authority.
An East Williamsburg Moment of Zen: Domo Arrigato
Filed under: 11211, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
From Richardson Street.
Miss Heather
Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: Metropolitan Avenue
This has been brought to you courtesy of your friendly neighborhood.
Miss Heather
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