I like to bust Brooklyn11211‘s chops. A lot. It’s nothing personal. It is simply something I have to do. As the ombudswoman of the Garden Spot I feel it is my responsibility to remind Halden—and the world at large— that the Eastern District does, in fact, include Greenpoint. Halden’s sense of humor is pithy. As is mine. It’s a game we play. We’re friends and it’s in good humor.
But on occasion we disagree— or get flippant. This is one such case. Halden writes in regards to this post:
As bad as these are, they all look like fencing failures around empty lots. Not to belittle the danger of that, it was a bit scarier further south. Curbed has a picture of a wall collapse at the building going up on North 4th and Wythe (a project that always looked a bit tenuous, structurally). And on Kent between North 1st and Grand, a construction fence went down exposing a 15? deep foundation pit. It was a pretty crazy wind for well over 24 hours, so I’m sure there was more and worse elsewhere.
To wit I replied:
Better, worse, it doesn’t change the fact this unacceptable. If you want to see something downright scary go to 94 Bedford Avenue. It is all too obvious a great deal of the sidewalk is not adequately supported. It is buckling. This is especially true of the area around the B62 bus stop. I envision in my mind’s eye 10-12 people getting swallowed into that cess pit some day. As if public transportation patrons do not suffer enough indignities already.
Not content to let this pissing match be, I asked one of my Williamsburg moles to get shots of the fence in question. Here they are.
I like the sand (?) propping up (tipping over?) the fence while the sidewalk is sinking. This is one class operation.
Lest the sporadic postage of late has not been an indication, yours truly has been sick. REALLY SICK. First it was a cold. Then it was lingering congestion in my nose. This affliction lasted until I ate some enchiladas from San Loco in Williamsburg. Those bad boys made yours truly vomit with such gale force it made Hurricane Katrina look (or at least feel) quaint.
This came to pass not just once, but TWICE. After the second time the Mister asked me what I thought about the new bathmat/rug arrangement he had created in the bathroom. He prides himself on being handy that way. Believe it or not, I did notice his handiwork (and for the record it is quite nice: white flowers on a pretty carnation pink background), it’s kind of hard not to when you are hunched over a toilet holding onto a towel rack for dear life. A white knuckle ride through a sunshine smile.
I assured the Mister that I thought his creation was quite nice (and thanked him) I shuffled off to bed. I slept for four hours. When I later awakened I noticed something quite remarkable: my congestion was GONE! Apparently rancid, half-digested enchiladas expelled from my proboscis were able to do what Tylenol PM and a lot of bed rest couldn’t: allow me to breathe in an unobstructed manner. If the National Institute of Health didn’t have more pressing matters to attend to I would strongly recommend they look into this.
But I digress.
If there is a lesson to be learned here it is this: there’s an upshot to almost anything— or at least it can always be worse. Which brings me to the following from the Williamsburg Greenpoint News + Arts, a paper I would like to mention that yours truly usually enjoys reading. In addition, Genia Gould is a very nice lady. In other words, I do not relish what I am about to write— but I am going to write it anyway.
I do not know if any of you, dear readers, have read this tome— but you should. Not because this piece is particularly informative (for the most part it isn’t— although the Friends of Barge Park, AKA: Greenpoint Playground and Dupont Street Playground, were interested to learn their park is being “under-utilized”— but I’ll go into that later). Rather, it is a textbook example of the kind of “puff piece” which invariably seems to follow the Parks Department— especially in North Brooklyn— getting negative press. And negative press they did indeed receive.
As you probably imagine this article was the source of some discussion on the (unofficial) CB1 Yahoo Group. Yours truly even said her piece:
Speaking as someone who lives pretty close to the Greenpoint/Dupont Street Playground I can personally attest that I have never seen Ms. Thayer there. I have, however, seen a fair number of families with children patronizing it. Perhaps by “under-utilized” she means not garnering her sufficient column space in the local papers or catering to the newer, more affluent influx which is obviously her bread and butter?
Let’s face facts: this park has been waiting for bathrooms, a basic human necessity, for years. I do not see this changing in the foreseeable future either. Toilets do not net hagiographic articles in the WGNA or make for nice photo opportunities (they should). Concerts, artists’ performances and the like do.
What’s more, what does event planning have to do with improving our community’s parks?
Anyone one with an iota of common sense would know that before you throw concerts, open skate parks and all that fun stuff you get down to basics. e.g.; repairing/upgrading the existing infrastructure and performing basic maintenance. This is something she seemingly does not grasp or simply does not care about. When you (for example) have events at McCarren Park or open a skate park (and in so doing increase its usership) you will have more people using its lavatories (which are deplorable), garbage cans, etc. What we have in place currently is inadequate. Why else would I find urine-filled bottles every time I walk by this “public” space? This is not only disgusting, it is easily preventable. Yet nothing is being done? Why?
I also feel compelled to point out that a great many of the concerts Ms. Thayer is so proud of organizing draw patrons who reside outside of north Brooklyn. While this is not in and of itself a bad thing, the fact of the matter is a number of these people do not have the sense of attachment/commitment to the community (or basic common courtesy) a resident does. They drink, they break, they leave. We, the residents, are the ones who are left to cope with the noise, trash, vomitus, etc. This not only makes one feel like he or she is a mere bystander/stranger in his or her own community (one which has been seemingly rendered into a tourist attraction), but it begs the question as to whom our parks belong? If the incident at Red Gate is any indication, the answer would be “not us”.
Laura writes: Is that payback for disagreeing with your eviction of the Red Gate Garden?
Yes, it is. Did you know that Ms Thayer was kind enough to insinuate herself into the process of getting Nick’s/the Red Gate Garden’s paperwork up-to-date? This was initially promised to be an easy process process per the initial point person at Green Thumb. Not anymore. Now we have to bargain with the very person who tried to shut down this LEGITIMATE community garden in order to keep it. This is ridiculous.
Lastly, suggesting in any way that Ms. Thayer is an expert on Newtown Creek is an insult to the many dedicated people who have made cleaning up this body water their mission for DECADES.
I have read this WGNA tome. I have reread twice over. I felt compelled to do so because quite frankly I could not believe what I was reading. This is not an article. No attempt has been made whatsoever at a fair and balanced recitation of the facts. It is propaganda and the sad fact is someone will read this and believe it. This is most assuredly why it was published.
This article, just like the concerts, ribbon cuttings and so forth are window dressing. The conditions at our parks in the meantime have not improved. If anything their increased “utilization” have placed a greater burden on their already tenuous infrastructure. No amount column space is going to change this.
We need to get back to basics. While concerts and the like are nice, they should not receive attention at the expense of the very basic and in some cases urgent maintenance concerns our parks have. If this is something Ms. Thayer is unable and/or unwilling to acknowledge then we need to get a new Parks person. One who will spend less time mugging for the camera and more time fixing our community’s parks. It really is that simple.
Not surprisingly, I have yet to receive a rebuttal. I doubt I will: what I have stated is true. In other words, there is nothing to rebut. However, I would like to make it known that two people thanked me for writing this tome. Another Parks Department/OSA dissident who aired his/her views on this public forum was not so lucky. He/she received a phone call at 7:00 a.m. this morning from our parks poobah herself. Anonymous writes:
Seven am phone call from stephanie t(hayer— Ed Note). Feel free to post that she apparently has free time to harass citizens for expressing their opinion in an open forum! (W/o my name)…
Ms. Thayer is quoted in the above-mentioned WGNA piece as saying:
…As a resident of the community I push that much harder to green North Brooklyn for my friends and neighbors.
I for one would like to take a moment to applaud Ms. Thayer’s dedication to her “friends and neighbors”. It takes an incredibly committed individual to call someone at 7:00 a.m. on a Monday morning— or in the wee hours of the night (READ:12:30 – 1:00 a.m.). Yes, Ms. Thayer has done just this on at least one occasion. Probably more.
If any of you, dear readers, have been reached out and touched by our Parks person/OSA Executive Director off-hours and/or have any other interesting interactions with this individual I would very much like to hear from you. Please post your anecdotes/tips via comments or send them via email to:
missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com
All emails/tips will remain anonymous unless you indicate otherwise. Don’t let Ms. Thayer (or her backers) intimidate you: SPEAK UP!
In closing, I regret to inform everyone that my anonymous tipster did not answer the phone this fateful morning: Ms. Thayer’s missive went to voice mail and was summarily deleted. I can only imagine what was so important so as to motivate Ms. Thayer to call this person, who she presumed to be her friend and neighbor, at such an ungodly hour. Had the shoe been placed on the other proverbial foot, I doubt Ms. Thayer would have been as charitable. In some circles phone calls in the wee hours of the morning (save in the case of emergencies, e.g.: someone dying or going to the hospital) are considered to be harassment.
Miss Heather
*For those of you who are wondering, the much-talked about trees the Boy Scouts of America planted are not faring very well. They appear to be dying due to lack of proper watering and being inundated with dog urine. In addition, the Parks Department’s removal of the fence at Red Gate managed to kill a number of plants in said garden. You can see a handful of pictures by clicking here.
This item comes from the folks over at St. Nick’s. Laura McLelland writes:
My name is Laura McLelland and I am working with St. Nicks Alliance to open a new community arts space over by Cooper Park in Williamsburg. St. Nicks has bees working with the low and moderate income residents of North Brooklyn for the last 35 years, and we are starting to reach out to the new creatives with services for artists. Our goal for the community arts piece is to create a space that brings together the artist community of North Brooklyn with the wider community to engage in creative advocacy, to make a better North Brooklyn for everyone.
First, I would love to invite you to come out to the space at 2 Kingsland Ave at Maspeth Ave and have a tour. The building is the old outpatient building for the Greenpoint Hospital, and we are retaining a lot of the character of the old space, so it is pretty funky.
Second, we are planning to open the space with a big exhibition highlighting the depth and breadth of creativity in NorthBrooklyn on June 18th. The show is open to any artists currently living in our service area of Williamsburg/Greenpoint/Bushwick. I have attached the call for artists and wonder if you would be able to distribute it to any artists you are in touch with. I want to get this out far and wide as quickly as possible, to get the broadest range of artists represented.
Please let me know if you have any questions, and if you would be interested in seeing the space.
As you can imagine I am very interested in checking out this space— and I am currently in the process of making arrangements with Laura to see it! In the meantime here’s the their press release which give the full rundown as to how you can submit your work!
St. Nicks Alliance, a community organization serving Williamsburg, Greenpoint, and Bushwick, is seeking submissions for NorthBrooklyn, the inaugural show for its new community arts center.
NorthBrooklyn will celebrate the incredible diversity and richness of the creative community of North Brooklyn. The exhibition will open at 2 Kingsland Ave in East Williamsburg on June 18th and will be on display until August 15th, 2010. The new community arts space is housed in the old outpatient clinic of the Greenpoint Hospital (now named the Greenpoint Renaissance Center), with approximately 3,000 sq. ft. of open space for exhibition.
All artists/mediums are welcome, as long as you reside in Williamsburg, Greenpoint, or Bushwick at the time of application. Artists who are selected will be asked to verify their residency at that time.
A panel of local arts and community leaders will select a group of around 30 artists. The new arts space, located in the old outpatient clinic building on the Greenpoint Hospital campus, will be dedicated to using the arts and creative problem solving to find innovative solutions to local problems, using the arts as a vehicle for advocacy and community engagement. The North Brooklyn exhibition will kick off a summer full of activities and events dedicated to investigating issues of the North Brooklyn community through the arts.
Interested artists should submit the following no later than Sunday, May 23, 2010:
Up to 5 images (jpg, 72 dpi) of previous work
Include image list with title, date, size, and medium of work
Or up to 5 minutes of video (provide link to website with video, no files)
An image or description of the work you would like to exhibit/perform (if not included with work sample above)
Include image list with title, date, size, and medium of work
Resume and Artist Statement
Title file LASTNAME_FIRSTNAMEResume.doc or .rtf
Short paragraph describing how North Brooklyn has impacted/influenced your life as an artist.
Submissions should be sent to arts (at) stnicksalliance (dot) org with the subject line Art Show Submission. Please make sure to include your address and a contact phone number in your email. Artists will be notified of selection by Friday, May 28th and will need to be available to drop off artwork between June 4-11th, 2010.
Questions can be directed to Laura McLelland @ lmclelland (at) stnicksalliance (dot) org.
To be continued!
Miss Heather
UPDATE, 9:40 p.m.: I will be checking out St. Nick’s new and very much still in process art space this Wednesday. I can hardly wait!
Hannah (who sent me the above photographs) writes:
I saw it around 8:00 AM when I went to get coffee and I live two blocks away so I got my camera and took these photos. It’s kind of big. Four or five feet by five or six feet or something? …I think it’s cool and weird though so thought I’d email it.
I am not now a mother nor do I ever care to become one. Whatever genetic predilection towards child-bearing I was to receive at birth I never got. While some women fret over their under-sized breasts and see fit to “augment” them, I rejoice having AA cups because they do not interfere with my use of power tools. I was supposed to be a woman. Instead I became a cat lady.
Which brings me to today’s Mother’s Day post. It is about a kitten named Rozza.
Rozza was rescued in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. A woman was walking a friend’s dog and noticed the dog was carrying something in his mouth. She thought it was a rat, but it turned out to be a tiny kitten less than a week old. His eyes were still closed and he was listless and filthy. The woman rushed him to the vet who told her to get a bottle and formula and try to feed him. When she went to Muddy Paws for supplies, Robin referred her to me. I took him in and have cleaned him up, removing the fly eggs from two wounds that could be bites, but more likely some other kind of injury. Note that the vet did nothing to clean him or even notice the open wounds! Rozza is in bad shape, not nursing and very weak. He is taking formula a drop at a time. I’m flushing the holes and giving him fluids and antibiotics.
Yesterday Rozza was nursing with gusto!
With a little encouragement from Ma Gandolf— the dog!
Drunk on formula and love.
Mothers come in all stripes. Occasionally they come with whiskers and tails.
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