A New York Shitty Public Service Announcement: VOTE!
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Yours truly has received a lot of emails (and Twitter followers) of late. Yes, dear readers, the Democratic primary is upon us. The proprietress of Teddy’s, Felice Kirby, writes:
Tuesday, Sept. 14, is a big day in the neighborhood. There is a real Primary election where your vote for various Democratic party candidates make a difference. I will heartily vote for incumbent, Joe Lentol, Assemblyman, and the only sitting Northside/Greenpoint Williamsburg local elected who has consistently been accessible, interested and active in our local issues; he has commited $150,000. in State funds for the Northside Town hall Community and Cultural Center at the former Engine Co. 212. And I will enthusiastically vote for two upstart young people running for female and male District Leader, Lincoln Restler and Sarah (Kate — Ed. Note) Zidar. They have been working on our local environmental and affordable housing issues, and are effective and smart. This is an unusual election, GO VOTE! This year, this day, it matters.
AFTER the polls close on Tuesday, come over to Teddy’s to enjoy live Cuban music, frozen Mojitos, and Brooklyn brews. other live music Wednesday, Thursday and now, Friday. Sorry, we’re having too much fun!!!
- A real democracy would entail at least two viable political parties so as to provide a “check and balance” to each other.
- These primaries should be “open”.
Inasmuch as people decry corruption in the Democratic party the above two points are the best way I can think of to root it out. Not that I see this happening anytime soon. This is why I am (and remain) in my obstinacy an Independent.*
Tomorrow you, New York Shitty Democrats, can and should make your voice heard! Greenpoint’s voter turn-out is deplorable. If you want to see change in this neighborhood (and I suspect many of the people reading this do): VOTE. The mojitos can wait.
Miss Heather
*If Democrats are represented by a donkey and Republicans by an elephant what is the Independent totem in Brooklyn? A unicorn, perhaps? In any case one of the perks of being an Indy is no one cares about your opinion. This frees up my (increasingly) precious free time to field calls on the Mister’s (who is a registered Democrat) behalf from the various and sundry phone banks/pollsters who call our humble abode. And I can assure there have been plenty. Tee. Hee.
Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: Billyburg Raccoon
This one goes out to my buddy Aaron.
Miss Heather
P.S.: My fellow (T)expatriot has pointed out to me there is a bill pending regarding the compassionate removal (READ: relocation) of these critters that some Greenpointers — myself included— might find of interest. You can read about it here.
New York Shitty Day Ender: Theatre In A Van
Filed under: 11211, Bum Shit, Culture War, Dog Shit, Dung of the Day, Other Shit, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Taken September 10, 2010.
Miss Heather
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