Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
No details are given but I found these fliers along Manhattan Avenue and parts of the north side while running errands today. If you have seen this winsome little one (or know of his or her whereabouts) please contact his/her “people” at the above-listed telephone number. Thanks!
Miss Heather
Southside Street Art Du Jour: Like A Prayer
This work by one of yours truly favorite artists, Dan Witz, can be found on Broadway.
Miss Heather
Southside Photo Du Jour: Phone Home
This childhood classic with a decidedly north Brooklyn attitude can be found on Broadway.
Miss Heather
Spotted On On The Southside: Esteban Duran
When I saw the above juxtaposition I could not help but giggle. If there’s one thing politicians have to do a lot of it is smiling. So I shot a photo and kept on walking. Not even ten minutes later, lo and behold, I bumped into the man himself on South 3rd and Keap Street!
As you can see Mr. Duran has a genuine affection for sporting a smile! After talking shop and establishing:
- that my husband knows who to vote for— or more accurately: who NOT to vote for— under threat of being locked out of Chez Shitty* and
- that he was familiar with New York Shitty!
I wished him luck and continued on my peregrinations around his ‘nabe. Nice meeting you Mr. Duran— and good luck! As for the rest of you, dear readers: the polls close at 9:00 p.m.— SO GET OUT THERE AND VOTE!
Miss Heather
*This is not a threat. It is a promise. đŸ˜‰
New York Shitty Day Starter: Cry Baby
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
From Bayard Street.
Miss Heather
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