The Word On The Street: Metropolitan Avenue

December 2, 2019 ·
Filed under: 11211, The Word On The Street, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 
Taken December 1st, 2019.

NOTE: I am (re)adapting to this life/work/art/blog routine so I’ll try to get caught up with some more (if postdated) north Brooklyn goodness. Try. So much going on right now. Cheers!

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: The Word On The Street

Taken October 20, 2019.

Coming to Assembly District 50: Emily Gallagher

Ms. Gallagher writes:

Dear friends and family,

It’s official!

I’m really doing it.  After 13 years of learning from the best activists and advocates in our community, I’m running for New York State Assembly

When I came to New York City in 2006, I worked three jobs and slept on the floor of a shared 5 person apartment, thanks to my very generous friend, Sarah.  Since then, I worked my way through– and I’ve learned through action and experience. I am a regular person and I’ve struggled in the average New York City way, and together alongside my community, I’ve been able to find my bearings time and again. It’s now time for me to take what I’ve learned from this community and use it to our greater benefit. I believe that New York should be a beacon of progressive action, with North Brooklyn leading the charge.  I want to see more mobilization on environmental justice, climate resilence, gender & racial equity, safe streets, housing and healthcare for all.  I want to push us towards meaningful reforms at school, at work and at the polls. I’ve lived in this state nearly my entire life, and I love it deeply.  I believe we can be better, and I am willing to work for it. To do this I am going to need your support.  We have always been a team, and this year will be no exception.  I’d love for you become a stakeholder in my campaign, and on September 23rd, when we launch, I want you beside me.  Please bring a friend, join our team and attend! You can RSVP by donating HERE! No one will be turned away for lack of funds, but I guarantee you in this race we will need every penny you can spare. This email is a sneak peak– our campaign goes LIVE on the 23rd. You’re the first to know! When we get to launch day, I’ll share with you our new social channels so you can follow along! We have a great, educational campaign planned.

Much love to you,

Emily PS– If you can’t attend, please consider making a donation to help get us started!   You can even set up a recurring contribution! 

So there have you.

Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Clock In

September 9, 2019 ·
Filed under: 11249, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 
Taken September 8, 2019

Dokebi Dog Needs Your Help

Yesterday it came to my attention a dog was abandoned in front of BARC shelter. They apparently did not have room for her, but someone stepped up to the plate. I’ll her hero, Dakkarie, take it from there. From his GoFundMe page:

Any/all interested in helping this gal get a leash/lease on life can make a donation to the GoFundMe set up for her much-needed medical care by clicking here.

Rape Crisis Advocate Training

This was kicked to by my pal Deborah who was the woman/brains behind the Safe Ride Home Act. For those who may be interested, next month there will be training sessions for being a Rape Crisis Advocate at Wyckoff Heights Medical Center. Spread the word!

Urban Fur: Cat In A Hat

Taken April 17, 2017.

The Word On The Street: Season’s Greetings From Second Avenue

Second Avenue at East 5 Street nys

As spotted today just around the corner from the premises of the 9th Precinct. Closing on a related note…

  • Free Williamsburg has seen fit to publish a handy map of the establishments in Williamsburg which will be participating in this year’s SantaCon event. One establishment offers mechanical bull rides. Drunk Santa Testosteronathon + mechanical bull rides = culling the herd.
  • E.V. Grieve has excellent coverage regarding the “back and forth” between a number of elected officials and Norman Seigel, SantaCon’s hired attorney. I encourage any/all north Brooklyn residents to give it a read as I for one found the coalition of elected officials who saw fit to sign this letter almost as interesting as the ones who did not. Inasmuch as I can tell (and by all means correct me if I am wrong), the only signee who represents north Brooklyn (READ: Greenpoint/Williamsburg) is Daniel Squadron. This of course begs a number of questions. It should be noted the Brooklyn Borough President’s name is not to be found either. Not that I find this surprising, mind you. I don’t.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Lorimer Street

Lorimer Street nys

Taken November 21, 2015.

Urban Artifact: North 14 Street

November 9, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11249, Urban Artifact, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

North 14 Street nys

Dirty Girl nys

Taken November 9, 2015.

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