Urban Artifact, Special April Fool’s Day Edition, Part I


From Manhattan Avenue.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Upside Down

March 27, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact 


For those of you who are keeping track, this furry fella has been hanging out at the corner of Greenpoint Avenue and Franklin Street for 132 days.

Urban Artifact: Hole In One

March 13, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact 


As with most things I see while walking around my community’s sidewalks, I wonder about the story behind them. I have no idea what this piece of feral fashion’s was (as spied today on Lorimer Street), but I bet it was a pretty good one!

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part III: Welcome To Williamsburg

March 5, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Urban Artifact, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Welcome to Williamsburg

Taken by NilsPix.

Urban Artifact: Bushwick Bear

March 5, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11237, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, Urban Artifact 


Taken March 5, 2013.

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Falling Down





I have seen my fair share of sight gags and general chicanery over the years. This one is by far one of the finest. Well played, anonymous merry hooligan!

Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Frost Street

March 3, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Urban Artifact, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 



Taken March 4, 2013.

New York Shitty Pay Phone Du Jour: 10 Days Later


Some of you might recall that yours truly documented a rather magnificent (if utterly revolting) public pay phone on the Bowery recently. Today, since I happened to be in Manhattan I decided to swing back by and see how things were shaping up.

New York Shitty Analysis

  • Glass Half Empty: It would appear the poo is still there— or an additional “patron” has paid this impromptu privy a “visit”.
  • Glass Half Full: Some attempt at cleaning has been made. In addition, the bottle of Activia would suggest that, perchance, this poopatrator is working on his (her?) irregularity issues— albeit with New Amsterdam peach-flavored Vodka as a chaser.
  • What I want to know: What would Jamie Lee Curtis do? This is one hell of a product endorsement opportunity if you ask me.

Any merry hooligans out there care to testify on this public pay phone’s behalf? Sadly (and ironically), it cannot speak for itself.

The Word On The Street, Part I: Well Fed


From Bedford Avenue.

Reader Contribution Du Jour: Spotted At Humboldt & Withers Street


A lass named Devery (who discovered this hilarious item this evening) quips:

I guess Seth Macfarlane left his “Oscar” at the corner of Withers and Humboldt.

In any case, anyone out there who has been in search of a giant and (apparently) aluminum foil-clad penis (to play ring toss???)—and you know who you are—tonight is your lucky night. Go your ass down there and get it!

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