A Fat Rat’s Ass…

May 20, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

or Signs of Intelligent Life in the world of Curbed Comments

After last week’s insanity, I want to start this week with on a decidedly more “up” note. Not all Curbed commentors are raving lunatics. Some of these people are quite witty. People like “Mal Content” and “Lonely Guy”, for example. Their handiwork (regarding the inflatable scab-busting rats at Northside Piers) can be found here.

“Mal Content” writes:

I have this vision of the inflatables rental shop getting confused, resulting in a group of eight-year-olds at a birthday party trying to have fun with one of those rats while a group of construction workers bounce with glee in a Dora the Explorer Fun Castle across from a worksite.

To wit “Lonely Guy” writes back:

“Mal Content,” I once ordered a, well, let’s call her an inflatible companion, and got a rat instead. There wasn’t anyplace for lubricant so I shipped it back.

Miss Heather begs to differ, “Lonely Guy”…

Fat Rat’s Ass

Where there’s a will, there is always a way. That’s why we hear stories like the one about the EMS being called to dislodge some lonely dude’s dick from a vacuum cleaner attachment.

Miss Heather

What would Mike do?

May 18, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Crazy People, Greenpoint Magic 

What a week! Wanting to do nothing more than to while away the remains of this shitty day by culling some particularly obnoxious Curbed comments (to make Mad Libs), I discovered a cache of nasty directed at yours truly instead.

Like this turd posted by “Anonymous” regarding this post on Curbed:

Marion – Apparently, you don’t know how to read. If Miss Heather were forced to say something nice about Greenpoint, I think her jaw would lock up. Greenpoint has some of the most beautiful streetscapes in New York City. What does she focus her camera on?…..pictures of dog shit. Case closed! (I s’pose this person hasn’t seen my Flickr page. Case closed. —Ed. Note.)

Or this bad boy posted (once again) by “Anonymous” on The Gowanus Lounge:

Gee, what happened to all you liberal muliticulturalists!
You wanted all of the turd world to come here so they could cheaply reno your great apt deals, now you got it. SEE YA (I’m leaving). Enjoy the jungle you’ve turned NYC into.

I don’t know about you, but “Anonymous” sure seems to get around. Sort of like a bedbug. An Internet bedbug. Any person who has this much free time to pound out angry and half-baked comments on someone else’s blog (versus using his energy for a constructive purpose— like creating his own blog to spout his bullshit) probably doesn’t get out much. Though the previous may not be such a bad thing now that I think about it.

Nonetheless, given the previous slanderous statements I feel compelled to reassert my stand on things gentrified and Greenpoint:

  1. I love Greenpoint. As far as I am concerned “The Garden Spot” is the best fucking place on the planet. There is no other place in the world I would rather live. Some may argue that it is desolate, polluted, ugly, etc., but to judge a ‘hood by its looks is to overlook the quality of its character. What makes Greenpoint great are its people (save “Anonymous” perhaps). The Upper East Side might be pretty, but the inhabitants residing therein are not. I’d much rather deal with drunken bums than interface with those assholes.
  2. I have never considered myself a “liberal”. My politics are way too out there to be “liberal”, much less pro-gentrification. I think reasonable development is a good thing. And by “reasonable development” I mean building affordable rental housing, not displacing working folk/poor to build Kondos for kids.
  3. I won’t address the accusation of being a “muliticulturalist” because only a certified illiterate asshole (of Rush “Pill Popper” Limbaugh caliber) would use such a word. All I’m saying is the person who usually throws around this term (whose proper spelling is m-u-l-t-i-c-u-l-t-u-r-a-l-i-s-t, by the way) does so in order to make a (thinly) veiled racist/classist statement. And not being a so-called “liberal”, I ain’t taking the bait. Take your Xenophobic Roadshow to Wyoming asshole “Anonymous”, the peeps of New York Shitty ain’t buying it. I think you’ll really like “Big Wyoming, Equality State, Cowboy State” especially since its most famous ‘cowboy’ nowadays is a dick.

“How can I placate Anonymous so he will not blight my fine-ASS Internet presence with his pointless pontifications, projected rage and illucid bullshit?” I asked myself today. Over and over. And— after some careful consideration, a couple of beers and listening to a LOT of Black Sabbath— I finally had a breakthrough: What Would Mike Do?

House of Mike

(Click on ye above image and behold the Holy Tablet of Mike.)

I stuck out my can (of beer) and prayed:

Mike, he of Greenpoint aluminum siding infamy, I beseech you. It’s Miss Heather, you know, the she-freak who takes pictures of dog shit and talks to herself. My Greenpoint loyalty and street cred have been challenged and my spirits are low, what should I do?

And Mike spoke:

Miss Heather, you are a good Greenpointer. You make me proud. Keep spreading the turd to the non-believers. I will give you an endless supply of aluminum siding and dog shit for your quest. Go south, my dear, Williamsburg needs you!

I did, albeit virtually. And I took the very finest architecturetorture Greenpoint has to offer with me: The Freeman Street Assault Domicile, The Holy House Sheathed in Mike’s Mighty Aluminum Siding and this, The Most Sacred Mobile Home of India Street.

Without further ado, I present De-gentrification: Miss Heather style!

Northside Piers a la Mike

The eyesore of tomorrow (Northside Piers) can be yours today!*


Miss Heather

*Aluminum siding, satellite dish and scab-busting rats not included. BYOT: bring your own trailer.

A very special thanks to BARC

May 17, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Earlier this week I received an email from Lisa (of BARC). Contained within this missive was a link to a YouTube video featuring Greenpoint’s very own Haile Selassie, my former neighbor. Click on the link embedded in the below picture and behold the cuteness yourself.

That’s Mister Selassie to you!

Note how Mr. Selassie defends his turf at the end. It just goes to show that you can take the cat out of Greenpoint, but you can’t take the Greenpoint out the cat! He’s a man after my own heart.

I recently visited Mr. last Tuesday and I have to say his progress is amazing. While never overtly hostile to humans, he was never big on getting affection from them either. This has changed.

As I rubbed the back of his neck he purred away with total abandon. Having had his fill, he chirped at me and moved away. While this may seem to be a trivial milestone, it is actually a very remarkable one. This cat used to cringe when you touched him. Now he doesn’t mind it so much. Up to a point.

Mr. Selassie is a descendant of the Queen of Sheba, after all. His royal highness has many pressing matters to attend to and like any other head of state, he needs his ‘alone time’ on occasion.

Anyone interested in being hosts to his highness can check him out on BARC’s web site— or better yet, swing by personally. Haile holds court Tuesday through Sunday, Noon to 5:oo p.m.

Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition
253 Wythe Avenue (corner of North 1st Street)
Williamsburg, Brooklyn 11211

Who knows, if you prove worthy enough he might just grant you an audience.

TIP: a few rounds of ‘kitty fishin’ lightens up his mood considerably.

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: Lisa of BARC

Hear ye, hear ye!

May 17, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Those of you who live on Huron Street (and beyond):

The early morning ‘shake-up’ calls we have all grown to know and despise have been given the “go ahead”. (Read the update at the bottom of the post.)

Be advised that the court hearing scheduled for tomorrow is still in effect. Here are the deets (again):

Brooklyn Supreme Court at 360 Adams Street 9:30 a.m., Room 561
110 Green Development LLC v. 131 Huron St Assoc Inc.
Index number 12594/2007

Miss Heather

For those of you who are tired of getting banged…

May 17, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic 

by Magic’s pile driver, that is. Tomorrow is the big day.

Brooklyn Supreme Court at 360 Adams Street 9:30 a.m., Part 16
110 Green Development LLC v. 131 Huron St Assoc Inc.
Index number 12594/2007

Per Larry Schwab the goal at this hearing is to:

1. continue or strengthen the TRO now in effect and

2. force the Petitioner (110 Green) to insert piles by open caisson throughout worksite which will completely eliminate banging.

Be there or be square banged!

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 4:26 p.m.: I just received an email from Larry Schwab of 131 Huron. He writes:

Today the Judge cancelled the TRO which allows the manager of Magic’s Project, Joel Schwartz, to resume pile driving.

This is in spite of a letter signed by him back in January stating that he would not pile drive & would employ “OPEN CAISSON”.

I’m down but Im not out.

I’ll be back there again tomorrow. I’ll have all the info there if you want to see it yourself… (this) was supposed to be in Room 561 but check with the ‘concierge’!!


Potty mouth? Moi?!?

May 16, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Yesterday an anonymous commentor on The Gowanus Lounge had the gall to take issue with my colorful language, among other things:

Nice potty mouth, Miss Heather, way to go. Talk about upbringing! And you are offended by the sight of a toddler peeing? Get a life.

Is it me, or someone taking issue with profanity— much less calling me a “potty mouth”— sort of ironic given that the topic I was passionately commenting about was public urination? More specifically, I was taking issue with a 30-ish year old man who elected to hold his 3-4 year old child’s penis as he tinkled on the street. Speaking for myself, public parental penis wrangling is much more objectionable than the odd f-bomb (or two). It’s enough to make me wonder about this dude’s upbringing. Maybe Michael Jackson was his nanny?

Come to think of it, I learned just about every nasty epithet I know from my dad. Time-tested classics such as:

  1. Shit
  2. Fuck (in all its many forms and applications)
  3. Hell
  4. Jesus Christ
  5. Judas Priest
  6. Damn
  7. Goddammit
  8. Asshole
  9. Pissant
  10. Cocksucker (a big favorite of my old man)
  11. Dickhead
  12. Bitch
  13. Son of a bitch
  14. Bastard

This is why my mother never punished me for using profanity; she knew I learned all the above words from her own husband. She felt disciplining me for using words I heard 4,5,6+ times a day at home would be hypocritical. Only the word “cunt” was picked up by yours truly elsewhere. I learned that one in high school. God bless public education.

Who is this mysterious man known only as Heather’s dad? Well, to give you a clearer picture of the man (and legend) I will share my favorite fatherly anecdote…

Five years ago both my grandmother and great aunt were in failing health. My parents (unable to repeatedly drop everything and drive to Texas on a moment’s notice) brought my grandparents back to their house in New Mexico. They had plenty of room to accommodate Daisy and Bertha. In fact, they only lacked one essential item: an additional bed. Dear old dad was delegated the task of rectifying this problem.

Several hours later he came home pissed off and bedless. After five minutes of gentle coaxing, my mother learned that he has been asked to leave the store. Naturally, my mother then asked WHY he was asked to leave the store. This was when the real fun began…

In order to rent a bed, my father was asked to provide references. He (rightfully) took offense at this. The salesperson advised my dad that he need only provide the names of a couple of friends for this purpose. To wit, my father replied:

All my friends are dead.

After some more bickering, he finally caved in and filled out the reference form placed in front of him. Once the salesperson saw who my father had listed as a reference, he was asked to leave the store. He had written:

William Jefferson Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

That’s when my mother decided to take charge of this task and a bed was secured.

Miss Heather

P.S.: I recently asked my dad about something he did twenty years ago. I wrote:

Remember that time you wrote “Magic Sucks” in lipstick on the bathroom mirror? I do. What was that about? Just curious.

And here’s his reply:

I vaguely remember writing something on your mirror… but do not remember what or why! Given that I do not care for basketbell ….

I suppose “Magic” runs in the family.

District Dog

May 14, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic 

District Dog

This weekend I finally got around to checking out a new store here in Greenpoint: Brooklynski. And when I did, I made another nifty discovery: District Dog. Amused by some cool dog toys I saw in the window, I went inside to take a look.

Front Desk

The gentleman behind the counter and the young woman to the right are the co-owners of District Dog. They were still tired from pulling an all-nighter Friday. (The store had its grand opening the next day, Saturday, May, 12th.)

Poo Bags

I was pleased to see that they had a wide assortment of poo bags and stylish poo bag holders for sale.

Snazzy leashes and cool collars were in the offering as well.

I spoke briefly with the proprietress of this store and she told me that on top of being a local pet supply (they offer cat food as well) and doggie spa, District Dog was also interested in hosting a doggie adoption day every weekend. I for one think this is a wonderful idea.

Check them out:

District Dog
142 Driggs Avenue (at Russell Street)
Brooklyn, NY 11222
www.districtdog.com (FYI: this web site is not up and running yet)

Miss Heather

P.S.: Be sure to check out Brooklynski (which is located across the street) while you’re in the area!

145 Driggs Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11222
(718) 389-0901

Here are a few pictures.



Duck Booties

These booties came with a matching sweater. I wish they had them in “big kids” sizes ‘cuz I really dig these socks.

Plates and purse

Shells and toiletries

Unlike Greenpoint (especially of late), this store smells really, really good.

There but by the grace of god go I…

May 14, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Crazy People, Greenpoint Magic 

Or the final installment of the Smoke Detector Chronicles

Those of you who are concerned about the plight of “Beepy” the smoke detector (or the low-normal intelligence of the people who discarded him); I am pleased to report he has been rescued and now safely resides in the comfort of my humble domicile.

Climbing out the rear window(s) of my apartment is not as easy as it used to be. This is due to the fact that the landlord next door did some rather crappy construction without a permit. Then, when the fire department and Department of Buildings called him on it, he commenced to perform REALLY SHITTY CONSTRUCTION with a permit. Now I literally have to negotiate a urinal-esque trough to access the roof behind my apartment. Because this idiot didn’t account for rain, gravity and the abject filthiness of his own tenants, I had a pool of stagnant water and refuse to traipse whilest retrieving Beepy. It was gross.

Although I could bore you with the details, I would prefer to entertain you with a letter I am drafting to the manufacturer of “Beepy”…

Kidde Residential & Commercial Division
1016 Corporate Park Drive
Mebane, NC 27302

Dear Sir or Madam,

I want to testify to the resiliency and effectiveness of your “Nighthawk” combination smoke and carbon monoxide detector. My awareness of the aforementioned product was raised under the most serendipitous of circumstances: one of my neighbors unwilling, or more likely unable, to replace the back-up battery for your product left it outside their window. This came to pass on Thursday, May 3rd, 2007. This “Nighthawk” persisted to plead for a new battery for eight whole days despite being pelted with rainfall. Had I not intervened, “Beepy” (as I like to call him) would have chirped on. And on.

After a whole week of incessant beeping (and sleep deprivation), I finally slogged through the offal that inhabits my neighbor’s roof and dismantled ”Beepy”. Prior to him entering my life, I have had no smoke/carbon monoxide detector whatsoever. Much less one as plucky as “Beepy”. Despite a citation (or two) by the NYC Department of Buildings (against my landlord), nary a smoke and/or carbon monoxide detector is to be found in my apartment building. Until now. Please do not report my act of theft— or as I would prefer to call it—- “appliance liberation” to the NYPD. I was only acting in everyone’s best interests.

Moving forward, I will certainly make a point to purchase your product. The noise your “Nighthawk” made was very annoying. So much so, that the people who threw your product (“Beepy”) out the window wouldn’t open their windows until I dismantled him*. Had there been an actual fire and/or people of average intelligence to tend to your distressed device, precious human life would have been protected. “Beepy” now resides in my caring custody and he will persevere to protect again.


Miss Heather

*No worries, after I blared some music by Britney Spears they closed them again.

I do not know which is worse; the fact these people couldn’t turn this device off on their own or how long they were willing to wait until someone else did it. Then again, any person who sees fit to place this drawing in their window for all to enjoy probably espouses a different mindset than most. This thing looks like something the Manson Family would have scrawled on the La Bianca family’s living room wall. Shit.

Miss Heather

A few thoughts about the 2007 Brooklyn Blogfest

May 12, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

As some of you know, I attended the 2nd Annual Brooklyn Blogfest this week. Although I found it enjoyable (despite being VERY crowded) I feel compelled to write about a few thoughts I had about the experience. Although (to paraphrase something Dope on the Slope emailed me) the origins of this event are largely to blame for its distinctly South Brooklyn flavor, I felt there were some greater issues at hand. Issues I would like to share with my fellow Greenpointers (and any other Brooklynites who might be reading this). The purpose of this exercise is two-fold:

  1. to offer up some constructive criticism
  2. to initiate an amicable dialogue and/or hear what you think

The previous having been said, here we go…

I read a lot of comments on a number of different blogs yesterday about the Blogfest. The most common criticisms to be found were:

  1. lack of diversity
  2. this event was nothing more than “mutual backslapping”

More often than not, the comments I read of the above nature were worded in *a hem* a very hostile and belligerent manner. Although I disagree with the way these people chose to air their grievances, I agree with the point they were trying to make. Being someone who is friendly to what the Blogfest is trying to do (but has some very serious concerns) I feel compelled to give my two cents. Here they are.

Regarding above point #1

Although race was brought up often, I think geography and/or lifestyle are the real issue. Actively courting other ‘nabes (and the up and coming blogs to be found in them) may help address this problem. Dope in the Slope’s idea of having meet-ups in different ‘nabes is a good one as well.

As I said before, the origin of the ‘fest does predispose it to having a distinctly South Brooklyn flavor, but (and this is a big BUT) the roster of speakers could have been tweaked and/or pared down to mitigate it. Which brings me to…

Above point #2

The amount of attention given to real estate issues (READ: Atlantic Yards and Bruce Ratner) was excessive. Enough so that it even struck me (she who seethes over 110 Green) as being ‘mutual backslapping’ or clique-ish. While I believe the awareness-raising/fact-checking the Atlantic Yards Report does is both laudable and very necessary, I all too often found myself asking “But what about Coney Island, Kensington, Sunset Heights, Flatbush, Greenwood Heights, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Bushwick, Williamsburg, Greenpoint, etc., etc.?” In other words:

What about everyone else?

In particular, Norman Oder (of the Atlantic Yards Report) said something that really disquieted me. It was something to the effect that there are enough blogs that feature criticism (and/or were of a personal nature) and what was needed were more blogs featuring real news. There is a value judgment embedded in the previous statement— and it is one I vehemently disagree with. While I understand that Mr. Oder is entitled to his opinion and his interests and/or ambitions are directed towards journalism, my (and many other’s) interests and/or ambitions are not. I am entitled to my opinion too. *Whoop* here it is…

I am an artist (by education) whose favorite avocation is being a jackass. Dishing out the dirty deets and duplicity about the Atlantic Yards Project may be his cup of tea but featuring festering piles of diarrhea is mine. Neither of the previous endeavors is any better than the other; they are simply different. As are our respective purposes and (in all likelihood) readerships.

I honestly don’t care what the subject matter of a blog is. Just as I would critique any other work of art or letters, my only concern is whether or not it is GOOD. It’s a matter of craftsmanship, not content— and I have seen a lot of blogs (of a journalistic flavor or otherwise), that are downright awful.

The issue I am trying to get at this: what qualifies one as being “Brooklyn blogger”? Does earning the sinecure of being a “Brooklyn blogger” require writing about Brooklyn or is simply being a resident of Brooklyn who happens to blog sufficient creds? Speaking as someone who is both of the previous (mostly the latter), I think the answer is both. It is much better to err on the side of inclusionism than exclusionism. And there was (albeit unintentionally) much exclusivity to be had at this year’s the Blogfest.

Hopefully next year’s event will address the above issues. I understand that this being only the second time the Brooklyn Blogfest has been conducted it would be unreasonable to expect geographical or topical parity. Moving forward, (speaking as someone whose readership includes a number of very talented artists in the Greenpoint/Williamsburg area who often have their own blogs/web sites), I would strongly recommend that more effort should be directed to welcome blogs that are outside the realm of local current events.

The boro of Kings has a lion’s share of amazingly talented and interesting people— many of whom also happen to have blogs. These people usually do not identify themselves as “bloggers”. I don’t. But does that make their contributions (or my own) to the Brooklyn blogosphere* any less significant?

I have lived in Greenpoint for some time and I have a pretty good feel for the people who live here. More importantly, I have a clear idea of what interests my ‘nabes. And Ratner-bashing and waxing philosophical about the role of bloggers (as journalists) are not among them.

Miss Heather

*Apparently Clinton Hill is the ‘bloggiest’ neighborhood in Brooklyn. I beg to differ. Greenpointers, Williamsburgers and (last, but not least) Bushwickers unite! Anyone up for a starting a North Brooklyn blogger insurgency? I am! Let’s set aside our respective differences, build a web ring and kick some brownstoner ass!

This Greenpoint moment is brought to you by…

May 11, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Drunk dude on Manhattan Avenue

some drunk dude.

Every so often I find myself wondering “Perhaps I am a little hard on Greenpoint?” I mean, there’s got to be other ‘nabes that have a shitload drunks passed out in strange public places, right? Then when I see something like what I captured in the above photo (which I took while walking home from work at 1:30 p.m. today) I realize any doubts I may have been harboring are completely baseless. For fuck’s sake, a dude was tazered about 10 feet from this exact spot a couple of months ago! What is it about this intersection?

That said, one thing you do not see in this photo are the roughly twenty gawkers watching this drama unfold. In all honesty, a drunk passing out in the middle of Green Street doesn’t faze me. I have grown to accept that living in Greenpoint means I will see shit like this on occasion. As long as medical attention is called, all is hunky dory in my world.

What I do NOT like are the flocks on onlookers who (clearly having nothing better to do) stand there like a bunch of cigar store Indians savoring every last abject detail. One of the men rendering aid in the above photo (the man wearing the yellow tunic) isn’t even a resident of Greenpoint: he’s a contractor doing work for the MTA.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?


Miss Heather

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