A Review Of Public Pay Phones

The previous content undoubtedly makes it clear that today I whiled away my time outside the Garden Spot. We have a friend visiting from out of town so we’re pulling out all the stops. Or more accurately: we’re stopping constantly. So as to feed my public pay phone fixation. The way I see it, these fixtures— or more accurately: what is to be found in them— are a reflection of the communities into which they are placed. These “urban artifacts”, however revolting they may be— and they frequently are— tickle my inner anthropologist’s fancy. Without further ado, here we go!

Sixth Avenue & 28 Street, Chelsea


This is located around the corner from Jeff Boss’s manifold number of missives (which I featured previously). There is a lot going on here, so let’s go in for a closer look!


One pair of neon yellow pants.




Rose petals grace the concrete.


Which brings me to the right-hand stall. We have what once was a bouquet and this.

You are an asshole

No argument here. Upon closer inspection I discerned that both “stalls” bore this missive.

980 Sixth Avenue, “Fashion District”


This one is gold— in ways I could not begin to fathom.


Initially, I thought the above-depicted flyer was related to this incitement. Nope.


I have taken the liberty of highlighting my favorite passages.


I suppose it is not surprising he has not gotten any “takers”. Has not this fellow ever heard of Craigslist? It would save him a lot of money on fliers (which, in turn could be used to pay for entertaining). So it goes…


Here’s what I found placed deftly atop of the receiver. NEEEXT!

40th Street, Bryant Park


Not much to see here save a misshapen spoon. Now let’s proceed to the Upper East Side…

Second Avenue & East 68 Street


Public pay phones in New York City are often pressed into service as privies. This is hardly news. However, the elegance of what happened here is truly noteworthy. So much so I outlined it to my travelling companions like the tour guide I most assuredly am.

  1. This individual— a man— despite probably being in an inebriated state utilized the features of this phone in a rather clever way. He first placed the cup between the rails. 
  2. He peed into the cup. That will make it easier for whoever is charged with removing it.


For the most part. Still this gets an “E” for effort. Closing on a poignant  note…

59th Street & Third Avenue, “Midtown”


You can learn what Elizabeth Gardner did by clicking here. She was a lot more than a pretty face…

The Word On The Street, Part III: L Train


Admit it, it made you chuckle. I certainly did. (Taken June 9, 2013.)

Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Lorimer Street


Taken June 9, 2013.

Spotted On 6th Avenue: “Quitler”




Wailing Wall 1

Wailing Wall 2


This Jeff Boss fellow has a lot on his mind. Exactly what this stuff is, I cannot say I comprehend. However, he may be onto something— however hyperbolic— regarding Christine Quinn and “stop and Frisk”. Hey, even a broken clock tell the correct time twice a day…

The Word On The Street, Part II: Broadway


Taken June 9, 2013.

The Word On The Street, Part I: All Apologies


As spotted this evening on the premises of the Franklin Corner Store. A couple observations:

  1. This is one very polite— or at least apologetic— thief.
  2. Where did he/she get the post-it note and sharpie marker? Were these purloined as well or does he/she keep ’em handy for just these occasions? Anyone?

The Word On The Street: Williamsburg Bridge


Taken June 5, 2013.

The Word On The Street, Part II: Allen Street


Taken June 5, 2013.

Urban Fur: The Word On The Street


Taken June 4, 2013.

The Word On The Street: From NYC With Love

Williamsburg Bridge


Crosby Street


1st Avenue & 6th Street


Crosstown Local, Nassau Avenue


Rivington Street


Taken June 5, 2013.

Credits/Props: Go out to Goggla for the heads-up/locale of the pay phone. Thanks!

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