Spotted On Knickerbocker Avenue: Help Wanted


From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Jose

May 23, 2012 ·
Filed under: Bronx, New York City, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy 

Jose again: Hunts Point Bronx

Taken by Chris Arnade.

Bushwick Photo Du Jour: Hue Friendly

Taken May 22, 2012.

East Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Pandamonium!

From Thames Street.

Reader Comment Du Jour: Lose Something?

Yesterday I featured an automatic teller machine from the East Village whose contents were not only absconded, but a citizen (and presumably a witness to this act of theft) took  the added trouble of noting the make and model of the perp’s motor vehicle (as seen at left). Today a new development in this curious case has been brought to my attention. Panasonicyouth writes:

I took the same picture a few days ago, only there was a pair of underwear sitting there.

I for can only hope this pair of rather substantial (and torn) pair of manties is the thief’s (the BVD Bandit’s???) calling card. You can view this very special urban artifact with your own eyes by clicking here. Seeing is truly believing!

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Dupont Street

Taken May 17, 2012.

New York Shitty Photo du Jour: From The Pulaski Bridge With Love

Marriage proposal starting with the word “Yo” + the Pulaski Bridge/McGuinness Boulevard + The Shit Tits = pure, unadulterated Greenpoint glory. It is my sincerest hope that whoever to whom this missive was directed to said yes!


New York Shitty Day Ender: Grand Ferry Park

Wrapping up the day early (Have you all looked outside, gentle readers?) I leave you with these sights from my very favorite park!

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Titania

Mia as Titania: Hunts Point Bronx

Chris Arnade (who took the above photograph) writes:

Every year a group of children from HPAC perform a Shakespeare play, this year its A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The two performances will be this Saturday and Sunday. I spend lots of time in Hunts Point documenting the struggles of the neighborhood, so seeing these children and the hope they represent is especially satisfying. It is a true thing of beauty.

Mia, here dressed as Titania, wants to grow up to be a fashion designer. I asked Mia what she learned from spending the year preparing and she said “Everybody has a charchater inside of them, a character that can express many things.” When I asked her about Hunts Point she said “Its good and bad. Lots of people litter, curse, and do drugs. Thats bad. There are so many different cultures you can explore. I like that.” When I asked how she wanted to be described, she said “Unique.”

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part IV: From New York City With Love

May 17, 2012 ·
Filed under: New York City, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy 


Taken by Steven R. Hazlett.

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