Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Nature’s Revenge
My hat goes off to the peeps at Red Rose & Lavender (and Nature’s Revenge) for tickling yours truly pink with their ongoing and incredibly delightful re-purposing of this derelict construction site. Bravo!
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: Manhattan Avenue
I featured a piece not unlike this one not too long ago. In my post I asserted the woman in question was Veronica Lake. A number of readers disagreed with my assessment and in light of more, um, information I agree with them. My educated guess is this is Janet Leigh. Thoughts, anyone?
Miss Heather
UPDATE, June 13, 2010: My mom nailed it. She is Anita Ekberg. So there have you!
Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: Subtexture*
Taken June 8, 2010.
Miss Heather
*This is not by Subtexture. Rather, it is by someone else. See comments.
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