From The New York Shitty Inbox: Seriously Good Stuff

Noah Devereaux writes:

You’ve been running some of my photos from the flickr pool for a while and I figured I should introduce myself and let you know how much I appreciate your blogging of daily eccentricities. When I moved to New York over a year ago and trying to figure out where to live, NYShitty was one of the things that brought the Garden Spot to my attention. I was drawn by the unpretentious quirkiness that I saw in your pictures and now that I’ve been living here for a while, I don’t want to live anywhere else.

For the past few months I’ve been working on a project about our local treasure, Newtown Creek, that you’ve been running photos from. I’m a photographer professionally but have been bumming around the creek out of personal curiosity and it’s great to be able to have the work in progress seen by a local audience. I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of the pictures already but I have a selection of works so far at my website.

Give Noah’s shots a look-see. They’re amazing!

Miss Heather

Long Island City Photos Du Jour: Ouch

June 6, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11101, Long Island, Long Island City, Street Art 

From Jackson Avenue.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Cat In The Hat

March 11, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11101, Long Island, Long Island City, Street Art 

From Davis Street.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Is Belvedere XXVIII For Me?

206kentAnonymous writes:

Miss Heather,

I came across your site while do some research on Greenpoint. Thank you for offering a not-so-tongue-in-cheek perspective of the neighborhood with great photos and frequent updates.

I am considering purchasing a condo in the Belvedere property at 206 Kent Street and would greatly appreciate any advice you may have. I’m twenty-three, work in midtown, live on the south shore of Nassau County and ready to move out.

My knee-jerk reaction: if you’re 23 years old and financially enabled to buy a condo I envy you. Secondly, I harbor a hatred for these buildings. The non-sequential (and increasingly cheaply constructed) dynasty that is Belvedere epitomizes the crapification of my neighborhood. Throw ’em up quick and cheap. The previous having been written, at least the air conditioning units are not on the balconies. YET. That’s becoming a more common feature nowadays.

Here’s the deal:

  1. Belvedere/Bridge Realty has been tossing these buildings up left and right in north Brooklyn. And the supply is NOT in keeping with demand. If you go to Calyer Street you will notice Belvedere VI— or is it Belvedere VIII— I cannot keep track— is advertising “luxury” apartments for rent. These apartments have been on the market for well over a year.
  2. Belvederes VI, VIII and XXVIII have one thing in common: a close proximity to McGuinness Boulevard. Inasmuch as I find this, the Champs-Élysées of Greenpoint, charming I would not to live close to it. ESPECIALLY given there is a fire station one block away from your condo in question and the largest waste treatment plant on the East Coast will probably perfume your balcony.
  3. If you work in Midtown and have the kind of budget I suspect you have, Anonymous, why trifle with this? Go to Long Island City. It’s a buyer’s market, you will have a direct commute to midtown (via the 7 train)  and get a beautiful park to boot!* My advice: haggle. HARD.

My two cents (and then some) having been tendered, I’ll leave this matter to my readers. Thoughts/advice, anyone?

Miss Heather

*What I find endearing about Greenpoint is not for everyone. Methinks Anonymous is one of them. What’s more, I hate to see someone get ripped off.

New York Shitty Day Ender: From Greenpoint To Greenport

October 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: Long Island, Queens 

Going Home 1NYS

Today yours truly took a much-needed day of R&R outside the confines of New York Shitty. Our destination: Greenport. Aside from being located on Long Island and having “green” in its name this burgh has little in common with the place I call home. The change of scenery was— truth be told— rather nice.

Greenport is nice. This is perhaps why I got the hairy eyeball from a mother and her child in the ladies room at a restaurant there. What constitutes “Greenpoint casual” (an ensemble comprised of camouflage pants, Mao hat atop multi-hued hair, a hoodie and a tank top commemorating the 2009 Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel) was clearly a source of curiousity to them. So it goes. Follows is a mini slide show of highlights from my trip. Enjoy!

On that note, dear readers, I’m off to retire for the evening. I’ve had a LONG day.

Miss Heather

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