New York Shitty Day Ender: A Stroll In Queens


As promised, here are some highlights from yesterday’s sojourn around Queens. Before we proceed I’d like to tender a few thoughts/teasers:

  1. I stumbled upon not one but two clownmobiles. Slap happy after four hours of walking I have fun with the owners of one of them.
  2. Just as in the fine borough of Kings if a patch of drying cement is left unattended in Queens someone will draw penis on it.
  3. After finding another “adult film” discarded by the railroad tracks on Skillman Avenue yours truly has decided to start a “found porn” map. Is anyone with me on this?

Without further ado, here it is. Enjoy!

You can view this slide show in larger format by clicking here.

Miss Heather

Quicklink: This Is Why We’re Angry

This item comes courtesy of my friend at Sheepshead Bites. Please give it a read as the content makes it all too clear how some neighborhoods get more diligent treatment than others. On that note I am going to crib— with credit— Sheepshead Bites work so as to illustrate the difference between my street and Bloomberg’s.

“Patience” my ass. This B62 bus (and numerous others) parked on our thoroughfares are not only inconveniences which afflict working Brooklynites but Long Island Cityites as well. But why should that matter? We do not live in Manhattan.

Well done, Bloomturd!

Care to juxtapose your block with Bloomies? Send me a 300 by 400 pixel jpeg and I’ll do the rest!

missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com.

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: The photo of Bloomberg’s block was taken by BrooklynQ, the blogger behind WhiteTrashBBQ, a NYC barbecue website.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Kosciuszko Bridge

August 13, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11378, Laurel Hill, Laurel Hill Queens, Maspeth, Maspeth Queens 

Taken by Noah Devereaux.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Slide Show Du Jour: Two Feet, Two Boroughs, Three Bridges & Four Hours

As I intimated yesterday I took a four hour photo walk with an occasional contributor to the New York Shitty photo pool and full-time Greenpointer: Noah Devereaux. He was the tour guide. Where he went, I followed. Chattering a great deal of the way. The following should give you some idea of our route.

We started at Greenpoint and Manhattan Avenue at 6:00 p.m. and, almost four hours later, ended up back there. The following slide show (including the lovely, if surreal, shots of the ecological wonder that is English Kills— which grace the beginning of this post) features everything in between. Enjoy!

As always you can (and should) view these images in large format by clicking here.

Miss Heather

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