Greenpoint Video du Jour: Daily Dose of Shadenfreude
648 Humboldt Street* is looking pretty good nowadays…
and by good I mean bad! Little refinements over last year’s opus (such as the inspired addition of a very 11222 stroller mom, as seen above) are not only literally stopping traffic, but as you will see it made one little girl run away shrieking. Enjoy!
I will be uploading more Halloween goodness a little later so stay tuned!
Miss Heather
*You can view a larger image of this masterpiece by clicking on the image gracing the beginning of this post or by clicking here.
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Expelled From The Garden?
STORE, that is. R writes:
we don’t patronize the deli on the corner anymore (the one with the window above the train staircase at nassau and manhattan). the garden store, it’s called, right? i went in to get some juice and was followed in by a guy with a lit cigarette dangling from his filthy mouth. the clerk was talking on the phone and the smoker asked for a pack of cigarettes. the clerk wordlessly went to get the requested pack.
a third customer: “you shouldn’t be smoking in here.”
clerk (momentarily leaving his telephone conversation): “hey! why you asking the customer like that? [sic]”at this point, i pipe up, thankful that the third customer relieved me of my burning obligation to raise the issue with the shopkeep.
me: “because it’s against the law, that’s why.”
clerk: “you don’t talk to my customers in this way!”
me: “you are abetting a violation of the law and could be fined. heavily.”
third guy: “yeah, it’s against the law, that’s why.”
offending patron (to the third guy, puzzlingly): “i’ll remember you.”he buys his smokes and exits. the clerk then begins to berate the third customer, finger wagging and all. above the tumult, i announce that my deli needs will henceforth be met elsewhere. as i leave, i hear the clerk tell the third guy to get the hell out of his store and never come back.
truly bizarre.
I have a confession to make: I have only been in this bodega maybe twice in all the years I’ve lived here. I got a creepy “vibe” from the place and haven’t been back. Is R’s experience (and my gut instincts) par for the course for this establishment? Thoughts, anyone?
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Photo du Jour: 404
This moment of zen has been brought to you courtesy of McGuinness Boulevard.
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Recession Watch: F**king Up
Filed under: 11222, Crosstown Local, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Recession
This flier (which, appropriately enough, was located outside the India Street entrance to the G train) has since been removed but I feel compelled to pass it along anyway. As you have probably noticed it has quite a few takers.
Miss Heather
Williamspoint Photo du Jour: Bayard Street
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Taken October 22, 2009.
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Fingers
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Tony writes:
I’m not sure if you’ve seen this at the corner of Frost & Kingsland, but it’s well-executed. I think it’s air brush on aluminum.
No Tony, I have not seen this. However, I do know who the artist is. His name is Dan Witz and you can see more of his work (which I love) by clicking here. Thanks for passing along this great find!
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Ender: Mickey D’s After Dark
This photograph of Greenpoint’s very own McDonald’s comes courtesy of mugsniffer. Great shot!
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Photos du Jour: For The Love of Aimee
(Aimee Look <—– )
(This speaks for itself.)
Manhattan Avenue between Java Street & Greenpoint Avenue.
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: St. Celilia’s In Flames!
Filed under: 11211, 11222, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
No, not really! It’s a film shoot for Rescue Me. Lisacat (who took the above footage and photograph) notes:
Filming RESCUE ME with stage smoke and flames in the St. Cecilia’s Rectory building. Nice to learn series creator and actor, Dennis Leary is also an animal person.
Closing on a related note, Rescue Me will be setting the Greenpoint Terminal Market on fire for our collective post-May 2, 2006 dark delectation this evening. Fortunately this time the Fire Department will be on hand before anything goes up in flames. You can learn more about tonight’s fire works by pointing and clicking your way over to Gothamist.
Miss Heather
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