Something Neat: Greenpoint, The Book
When I spied this behind the counter at the Garden today I simply had to have it. The asking price of $23.99 be damned! Those of you who are looking for a book outlining the basic history of Greenpoint accompanied by some very lovely photographs will probably be hard-pressed to find anything better than this tome. Even if you do not have the money, swing by and give it a look-see. It’s pretty neat!
Greenpoint: Little Poland
Jolanta Zastocka
The Garden
921 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Note: this book is in both Polish and English.
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Street Seating Du Jour: Lorimer Street
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Furniture
What really makes this specimen special is the skeletal Santa holding a gourd in the background (which I have documented previously). The people responsible for this appear to be modifying good ol’ St. Nick in accordance to whatever holiday is in season. Hence the melange of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas imagery. I can hardly wait to see what they do for Valentine’s Day.
Miss Heather
On The Waterfront: Calling Dr. Love
One of the things which fascinates me about my fellow homo sapiens is how much time and effort they spend trying to get laid. The number of web sites and matchmaking services dedicated to this endeavor bear testament to this fact. On that note, I am pleased to announce yet another tool in cupid’s quiver: the end of Java Street.
It’s refreshing to see that the removal of that illegal gate has indeed helped my fellow Greenpointers to better enjoy the waterfront! I can only hope when Chico becomes a man he will write a letter of thanks to David Yassky.
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: We Do It All!
Yesterday I really needed a laugh and thanks to the Production Lounge (where the above sign is located) I got one. We’re not talking a paltry chuckle either. We’re talking bent-over-gasping-for-air fits of maniacal cackling. There a measure of truth in advertising at play here: gun fire, noise complaints, monthly strip parties with lap dances— and now Bar Mitzvahs and Sweet Sixteen Parties! The Production Lounge really does do it all!
My advice: if you decide to have little Timmy’s b’rith at this establishment it might be best to bundle up your bundle of joy in some Kevlar. And oh yeah, toting along a bottle or two of hand sanitizer may not be such a bad idea either.
Miss Heather
Crosstown Local Photo Du Jour: Nassau Avenue
Filed under: 11222, Crosstown Local, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
I have noticed that these posters for “Blue Mountain State” have elicited a great deal of feedback from my fellow G train patrons. All negative. This one may very well be the best of the lot. Thanks for passing this along to me, Jacqueline!
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: Blip
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art
From Java Street.
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Greenpoint Coffee House To Close?
Dave writes in an email entitled “Ombudswoman of Greenpoint”:
Perhaps you’ve blogged about this, perhaps not. Rumor has it that Greenpoint Coffee House will close at end of March!
I was just chatting with barista there and I said we need to start a petition, raise some funds, or contact NewYorkShitty, or both!!! so, I’m contacting you…
This place, IMHO, has the quintessential Greenpoint charm. A faded beauty with thinning veneer of nostalgia…
It has a comfort that other places don’t…
realistically, not sure what can be done. BUT…thought it worth telling this valuable observer of all things Greenpoint….
I heard rumblings about this back in September 2008. I was told the landlord refused to renew their lease— but they still had the better part of two years left on the current one. Sounds like this was more or less spot on. If anyone reading this has more information about what’s going on at 195 Franklin Street do share. Inquiring minds (and Greenpoint caffeine addicts) want to know!
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Starter: Feministing
Filed under: 11222, Culture War, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
From Banker Street.
Miss Heather
Note: The second image hails from none other than the SWO’ed and vacated Sweater Factory Lofts.
155 Calyer Street Update
It has been some time since I have revisited this property. I have written about it rather extensively and as of the last post it has been served a Stop Work Order. A number of people have wondered what is slated to grace this property. Well, I have the answer: it is going to be a laundromat. I suspect many will agree with me that such a business is sorely needed in this part of Greenpoint.
But this post isn’t about a dearth of goods and services. That is boring. Rather, I am going to write about how I learned this space is going to be a laundromat. This is infinitely more interesting, as you will see.
After pulling some seriously brutal hours, the Mister took last Friday off. Inasmuch as I can deduce he spent it playing around on the computer. This is his usual m.o. when he has down time. In any case, whatever he was doing was interrupted by a phone call. It was our landlord. He was quite upset. Long story made short: he was the author of the work at 155 Calyer Street. After receiving a Stop Work Order his secretary did some research and discovered New York Shitty. Somehow they put it together who is the author of this site: me.
My husband informed me that our landlord seemed to be under the impression I was angry at him and raised a stink about 155 Calyer to take a dig at him. I can assure you (and him if he is reading this) this was and is not the case. Had I known he was responsible for this I probably would have approached the matter a little differently. I probably would have given him a head’s up that the work at this site has come to the attention of a number of people and the absence of any work permits was probably going to net a complaint to the Department of Buildings. But why trifle with what could have been? Here and now my landlord thinks I have it out for him.
I do not. But I (and a number of other Greenpoint residents) do have a “thing” for illegal demolition and construction work. Especially when it comes to landmarked properties. This is the result of witnessing years upon years of watching abuse being heaped upon this neighborhood and my community’s quality of life at the behest of unscrupulous speculators. And this city’s seeming unwillingness to do anything about it.
What’s more, I really like purple aluminum siding.
All in all, our landlord is a swell guy. Although I have voiced frustrations about the living conditions in our humble abode in the past, since there was a change in management— and our former Super was sent packing (that man was about as worthless as they come)— things have been quite good. When things break (and they do, this is inevitable) they are fixed in a timely manner and more importantly they are fixed properly. I would not have a signed a two year lease (sans rider— which was one of the most odious and legally questionable documents I have ever seen and it should be noted was NOT drawn up by our landlord) last month if I was unhappy. Much to the contrary: I am quite happy.
Except for the fact I probably had a hand in getting my landlord in trouble. I feel pretty bad about that.
I am certain when this laundomat is up and running it be an asset— not a detriment— to the community. Foremost and above all (and I suspect I speak for many when I write this) I am relieved that this space is not going to be another bar. We have way too many of these already.
Miss Heather
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