Found On Huron Street: A Kitty

April 13, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

G (who sent me the above photograph) writes:

We found this guy wondering around our back yard here at 149 Huron. We thought he might be a neighborhood cat, but, he was there for two days (we fed him of course). Anyway, one of our neighbors took finally talked the guys at Brooklyn Unleashed into keeping him. He is really really sweet, not an ounce of aggression. If we didn’t have two already we would have adopted him. Anyway, if anyone is missing this little guy, that is where he is or if you want to give him a good home!

If you know who this fella belongs to or if you would like give him the loving home he deserves please contact Dog Habitat via email at:

rescue (at) doghabitat (dot) org


Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Peter

April 12, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From 998 Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

Quicklink: We’re #5!

April 12, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item was brought to my attention by my buddy Kevin Walsh of Forgotten- NY. He writes:

“Brooklyn’s Boerum Hill and Greenpoint take the 4th and 5th spots on the list.”

Nathan Silver has likely never heard of Little Neck, Maspeth, Ridgewood or Tottenville. He seems to equate bars and nightlife as most desirable elements.

Article not yet online.

As you can see, Kevin is not a man of many words. No worries, I have plenty:

A. I want to read this article.
B. Among the criteria used to determine what constitutes a “good” neighborhood are:

  1. cost of living
  2. access to bars
  3. safety

New York Shitty analysis:

Regarding Point #1: I would imagine one of the factors for “cost of living” is rental prices. Exactly what does Mr. Silver consider affordable? I ask because:

A. The rents in our fair burgh are (still) ridiculous high.
B. Though promised, we have yet to get so much as one unit of affordable housing.

Regarding Point #2: Bars are not a sure-fire indicator of an elevated quality of life. Quite to the contrary, can have a very negative impact on the community.

Regarding Point #3: I’m guessing the 94th Precinct’s crime statistics/COMPSTAT were used to calculate safety. Anyone who was lived in Greenpoint can and will attest that these numbers are deceptive because:

A. Many crimes are not reported
B. Many of the crimes reported are downgraded in severity, e.g.; grand larceny is becomes “lost property”.

The previous is not to suggest that Greenpoint isn’t a nifty place to live. It is. All the essentials, e.g.; grocery stores, laundromats, house ware stores, etc., are here. We also have the Shit Tits. This is a BIG plus in my book. But arguably Greenpoint’s greatest asset is its people: there is a sense of community here that is downright endearing. In essence, what The Garden Spot of the Universe has going for it is not the stuff of statistics. It is found by pounding the pavement.

On that note, Mr. Silver’s findings has yet to be published can be found here. But I would like to take a moment to point out something he failed to factor in his analysis.*

Meet Jessica.

Not only is she purported to be “hotter than 98 degrees” (among other things) but she can be yours at our very own Just For Fun!**

After I shot the above photograph a gent exiting this establishment said:

She’s all yours.

I sort of think Jessica belongs to everybody, if you know what I mean.

I replied.

Man: Not me.
Me: You’re a smart man.

Take that Park Slope!

Miss Heather

*Though he gets points for rating Greenpoint 38 of 50 for park space. Anyone who has seen the sorry excuse for a “park” that graces the end of Greenpoint Avenue will attest this lowly stature is well-deserved. I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention that the excellence of Greenpoint’s Public Schools is well known. At least in Williamsburg. This is why they put up fliers offering money for the use of a Greenpoint address.

**I failed to get the price for Jessica’s company. My bad. Then again, if you are in the market for such an item (and you know who you are) price isn’t really an issue now is it?

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Driggs Avenue

April 12, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This reminder that the age-old problem of homelessness is very much alive and well in the “new” Greenpoint comes courtesy of autovac.

Miss Heather

Reader Contribution Du Jour: No Poopie

Cat (who forwarded the above bit of dog doo polemic) writes:

Found this on Oak Street today and thought I’d share.  Looks like the kids of the garden spot of the universe are joining the crusade against dog shit.


Miss Heather

Spotted On Manhattan Avenue: TNR Workshop

Anyone who has read this site for any appreciable period of time knows that I have a fondness for cats. Conversely, a significant amount of my readership are animal lovers of one stripe or another. One question I am often asked about the stray cat problem in Greenpoint (and beyond) is:

How can I help?

The following is a start.

On Saturday, May 8, starting at noon Greenpoint’s own Word Books will be hosting a Trap Neuter and Return Workshop. Among the numerous topics to be covered are:

  • How to handle and trap feral cats
  • Arranging veterinary care
  • How to set up and maintain a feral cat colony
  • Raising awareness about the various resources available to you in creating and maintaining a feral cat colony

Upon completing this workshop attendees will be TNR certified and as such will have access to low cost spay and neutering services, traps and equipment. If you are concerned about feline overpopulation in your community and to do something about it I strongly advise you attend this work shop. You can register for this via email at: lois (at) nycferalcat (dot) org (be sure to indicate Brooklyn TNR Workshop in the subject line) or telephone at (212) 662 – 5761.

TNR Workshop
May 8, 2010 12:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Cost: FREE!
Word Books
126 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222

For more information about TNR click here to be directed to Neighborhood Catss web site.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Pay Phone Du Jour: There Will Be Blood

April 12, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

LAST GASP: Greenpoint Fashion Watch

April 11, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Turn Out The Lights

(Or, 239 Banker Street Revisited)

Today on a lark I decided to swing by 239 Banker Street (formerly known as the Sweater Factory Lofts) to see what’s shaking. I was not disappointed.

After I shot the above photograph a gaggle of hipsters took notice and stopped. One of them (who I would presume to be their leader) initiated contact:

I’m guessing you broke that glass because the landlord ripped you off?

I turned around, pointed to the plywood gracing the entrance and replied:

Like I would live in a place like this? I don’t think so.

There was a pregnant pause and then my new friend told me about how the former tenants of this building were ordered out of the building, screwed out of their security deposits and so on and so forth. Although I know of all of this already I listened attentively as he gave me the whole run-down. After he concluded his speech out rolled the corker: he was one of the tenants vacated from this building! There is undoubtedly a life lesson to be had here, dear readers. I will leave it to you to ascertain what it is. But I digress.

When this gent finished his tale of woe I brought it to his attention that he and his neighbors were not the only people Max and his funky bunch owe money to:

(Insert punchline here.)

Miss Heather

P.S.: In (somewhat) related news it would appear that someone has egged the entrance to the Pencil Factory Lofts.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Booty

April 11, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

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