New York Shitty Day Starter: Roses

May 24, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Calyer Street.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Gaia

May 23, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 

From India Street.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Movin’ On Up!

To Greenpoint, that is.

After some thought the Mister and I have decided to foster Jerzy, the surviving Huron Street kitten until he gets the loving home he so richly deserves. As you can see in the above photograph he was none too happy about having to wait for the B43 bus (neither was I for that matter— but at this time and in our current financial state limousines are simply not a plausible means of transportation for the Mister and I). I assured Jerzy it could be worse: we could be waiting for the G train shuttle instead. Believe it or not, I think he understood me. He IS a Greenpointer after all.

He was a trouper. I have no doubt all the Polish ladies cooing at him adoringly didn’t hurt either. Jerzy’s a big hit with the ladies.

Right now this little guy is residing in our bathroom— much to the curiousity of our little pride. Tomorrow he will meet our “crew” in earnest. This ought to be interesting. In any case, Lisa and I learned today from a fellow cat lady named Eva that our pronunciation of Polish names could use some, um, refinement. Instead of saying “yerzy”— which is the correct way of saying this little guy’s name— we have employed a hard “J”. In other words, he answers to a moniker which sounds like the latter half of the Garden State. Although we feel pretty bad about this he doesn’t seem to mind one bit. As you will see!

After the Mister and I got Jerzy settled in we decided to go to dinner. We opted to go to a favorite restaurant of ours in Long Island City. Our reasoning was it would give us a reprieve from drunken hipster bullshit. It did: instead we were entertained by a raucous— but not in the least obnoxious— birthday party which was presided over by what can be best described as a 40-something lesbian version of Rodney Dangerfield. With a strong Queens accent. I cannot do this woman justice. She was awesome. After rolling out a series of one liners* she stopped and exclaimed:

Where the fuck is my girlfriend?

It was just the kind of levity the Mister and I needed after a grueling week. Suffice it to say they had fun, we had fun and so, apparently, did Jerzy. When we arrived home we discovered he had managed to “Keith Moon” his domicile— inasmuch as a wee little kitten is capable, anyway. So the Mister cleaned it up. Jerzy explored. And I filmed it.

Jerzy makes it clear that carrier life is not for him!

And last, but not least: Jerzy plays some more!

You can anticipate more footage of Jerzy in days and probably weeks to come. If anyone is interested in giving this very special little man the loving home he so richly deserves please contact me at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. I’ll give you the 411 about the application process.

Miss Heather

P.S.: For those of you who are wondering, the reason Jerzy’s eyes look watery is because they are being treated with medication. Otherwise, he has tested negative for FIV and Feline Leukemia and just underwent his first battery of shots!

*About the people she had previously dated and how much grief it gave her mother. Very funny. Someone should give this woman her own television show.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Michelberger Hotel

May 22, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Dobbin Street.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Out Cold

This photograph comes courtesy of Steven R. Hazlett and is dedicated to the numerous outages this site has recently experienced. Methinks we’re at 7. Or was it 8? I have lost count.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Made in The Shade

May 21, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From McGolrick Park.

Miss Heather

TOMORROW: Duelling Fundraisers?

Both come courtesy of the New York Shitty inbox. I’ll start with the first one I recieved, well, first. It comes from a lady named Jeanette. She writes:

Hi Miss Heather,

We are having our second annual Book Drive Social this Saturday, 5/22, 2 PM to 6 PM at Matchless. You were so great about helping spread the word last year and we were hoping you could help again!

We are collecting donations to combat the shortage of quality literary materials in many Brooklyn public schools.  Guests can bring either a Young Adult book (new or good condition used) to get in, or make a donation of $5. We’re going to have a great time, with a DJ and readings from some local writers. We will also be raffling off a Dell Netbook and Zune touch screen MP3 player, $1 per raffle ticket. It’s a great way to spend a post-brunch afternoon!

Thanks for the kind words, Jeanette. Lest I have not made it clear (by the content on this web site) already, I am a bookworm. My parents inculcated in me the value of reading at an early age. In the absence of a conveniently located library they were able to and did purchase me a lot of books. A lot of Brooklyn youths are not so lucky. Inasmuch as their parents would like to provide them reading material (like I got), the money is simply not there. Fortunately we have public libraries. They were founded for just this purpose (by Andrew Carnegie, among others) but seem to be getting the short-shrift in our fair city’s budget crunch. Our city’s children deserve better. Please give and give generously.

Book Drive Social 2.0
Saturday, May 22, 2010 starting at 2:00 p.m.
Suggested donation: $5.00 or a book “young adults”
Bar Matchless
557 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Next up is this item: a “Books Behind Bars” fundraiser which will be conducted across the street at Enid’s. Duncan writes:

Books Through Bars moved, and we’re having a party to get us back on our feet!  It features awesome librarians and excellent music, so
you’d best be there.

The Desk Set (a group of young librarians who throw dope parties to raise money for organizations promoting literacy) are hosting a party at Enid’s in Williamsburg to pay for the postage we need to get back to sending books to people incarcerated all across America.

After our old space was damaged by fire, Books Through Bars moved to our new home in Freebird Bookstore, and we’ve built up a big backlog of packages that need sending and letters that need replies.  100% of contributions go to either postage or packing supplies, but we’re a bit behind and need plenty of help.

So, now you know what your Saturday holds: dancing, drinks and librarians.

Speaking as someone who has a substantial number of librarians in her family (as well as Certified Public Accountants and artists) this could be interesting. It has been my observation that artists are rank amateurs compared to the utter mayhem librarians and CPAs are capable of. Artists are only interested in snubbing you (with effete snobbery, jargon and name-dropping) on one hand while filching your Southern Comfort with the other. This is why I bring a bottle of opened red wine corked with a tampon (saturated with said wine) to any and all art openings/parties. It prevents this kind of thing.* Accountants and librarians, on the other hand, seem to be more interested in having a good time.

Books Behind Bars
Saturday, May 22, 2010 starting at 10:00 p.m.
Suggested Donation: none given
560 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

*On a related note, tampons make good stoppers for champagne as well.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Oh Sh*t!

May 20, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 

From the Sweater Factory Lofts.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Keramos

May 20, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

These photos do not do this nifty bit of old Greenpoint justice. Go to 861 Manhattan Avenue and see it for yourself!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: What’s Up At North 15 & Berry Street?

I asked this very question here on New York Shitty a few days ago. Today I am pleased to announce that I have an answer thanks to Jay of Dog Habitat! He writes:

I took Abby out for a late night stroll to McCarren park and walked by that food cart/wagon on that triangle at Berry, Banker and N15. There was a gentleman there with a shovel digging along the sidewalk. He greeted me with a hearty “how do you do?” and I walked over to investigate. I was glad I had a big dog at my side because he was, after all, armed with a shovel and who knows what else. Turns out this guy was very friendly and told me he’s planting flowers! [cue REM’s Gardening at Night]. I didn’t catch the guys name, but he said he was fixing up the spot for his buddy who was opening a hot dog stand. He was working late because he’s a driver for a car service and was shoveling/planting in-between passenger pick-ups. I’ll keep an eye on the wagon and will let you know when they start servin’ up dogs and who knows what else.

And here are the fruits of his labor.

So there have you. Thanks Jay for getting to the bottom of this Greenpoint mystery!

Miss Heather

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