New York Shitty Street Seating Du Jour: On The Waterfront

January 3, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Furniture 


Taken January 2, 2013.

Live From The 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting




It was all smiles at last night’s first Community Council meeting of the New Year. This is not to suggest that there were not serious topics discussed, however. There most certainly were! Among them:

  1. A general synopsis of crime statistics for 2012 (NOTE: a more detailed presentation will be given next month, so mark your calendars!). Yours truly found the rape statistics particularly sobering (12 versus 3 in 2011).
  2. A discussion of the homeless situation in Greenpoint. The good news: the ten bed respite center for our local homeless is up and running at the Greenpoint Reformed Church. The bad news: neighbors of this facility have already commenced complaining.
  3. The graffiti yours truly happened upon recently at Java Street Pop-Up Park. I’ll go into more detail on that in bit. Without further ado, here we go!

General Introduction/Preliminary Business

D.I. Hurson Gives The Rundown

  • Mr. Hurson recognizes two “Cops of The Month” who caught a sexual assault in progress.
  • Overall crime was up 14% over 2011. Foremost among them: burglary. D.I. Hurson cites new development as attracting burglars. There were 12 rapes versus three in 2011. There were three shootings.
  • A presentation of 2012 statistics will come to pass at next month’s meeting.
  • New Year’s Eve was lively. The foremost complaint, unsurprisingly, was noise.

Detective Komar Gives The Traffic Report/Question & Answer Session Commences

  • Pedestrian accidents were down: 55 in 2012 versus 75 in 2011.
  • Bicyclist accidents were up: 78 in 2012 versus 67 in 2011.
  • Truck accidents are down: 385 in 2012 versus 441 in 2011.
  • A concern about confusion arising as a result of the Nassau Avenue construction is raised by a member of the Community Council. Lincoln Restler promises to follow up with the MTA.
  • Public Safety Chair Tom Burrows queries D.I. Hurson about all-night party permits (there were 8 issued New Year’s Eve in the 94th) and advocated that the Community Board be notified moving forward.

On The Subject Of The “Swastika” Graffiti

  • It is posited by the 94th that the graffiti might be the handiwork of youths who frequented the waterfront a couple of years ago and therefore may be old.
  • Nonetheless, they have brought it to the attention of the Hate Crimes Unit and are attempting to contact the owner of the property so as to get all the graffiti removed.

POST-SCRIPT: While I readily conceded to Mr. Komar (and in fact, HOPED) they were correct that in their assessment this graffiti was a few years old and I simply missed it on previous forays this is not the case. After the meeting I remembered that I had documented the conditions at the India Street Pier and the surrounding environs back on August 29th, 2012. While I did not have any photographs of the section of wall in question, I did capture it on video. Follows is what I found:


As of August 29, 2012 it was not there.


Thus this graffiti is, at the very most, just shy of four months old. But don’t take my word for it: watch the footage for yourself.

I have since brought this to the 94th’s attention.

  • A question is raised about 400 McGuinness. More specifically: does it address Greenpoint’s homeless population.

Elizabeth Hulson, Community Council Headmistress Extraordinaire, Gets Well Deserved Props!

Councilman Levin Speaks

  • Mr. Levin gives a rundown about the new ten bed respite center for our local homeless. This is located at the Greenpoint Reformed Church and administered by Common Ground.
  • He clarifies 400 McGuinness is an assessment center. Upon entering an intake center men are sent to this facility, assessed and then sent to more permanent housing.
  • A question is raised by a citizen about panhandling. Mr. Levin posits that the men of which this lady speaks may be residents of either the Greenpoint Hotel (which is located at 1109 Manhattan Avenue, not 1155 as Mr. Levin states) or the 3/4 house located around the corner: 66-68 Clay Street. He outlines the history and deplorable conditions of these facilities. Those of you who have wondered what is going on thereabouts, please give this a listen.
  • Anyone in the Greenpoint community who experienced flooding as a result of Sandy is encouraged to apply for grants via FEMA.

And that’s all she wrote!

New York Shitty Day Starter: The Word On The Street


Taken January 2, 2012.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Request From Reverend Merz

January 2, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This missive comes from the Pastor-in-charge of Greenpoint’s very own Church of the Ascension (and all-around nice guy): John Merz:

From the Rev John Merz, Episcopal Priest at the Church of the Ascension at 127 Kent Street. Greenpoint’s oldest church:

Feb 13th is Ash Wednesday which is the beginning of the season of Lent. One of the ancient practices in Lent is for people to walk the stations of the cross (walking meditation…an ancient practice) At Ascension we have the traditional 14 stations around the church space.
The 14 portray these themes (click here). I would like to propose that people take one or two and interpret or rework them. There are no boundaries at all in this, save one, no irony. It has been my experience that ironic detachment is a cover for a certain kind of intellectual or creative impotence (i.e. Serrano’s Piss Christ or Chris Ofili’s work would not fall under something disrespectful or ironic if that gives a bit more nuance of where I am coming from).  So with that one ground rule I would love to open the opportunity for those interested in working on a station.

The stations are archetypal and display are icons of some of the basic processes of being human: letting go, facing fear and fate, finding help along the way, the utilitarian worlds knack for punishing the creative loving spirit (maybe some artists can relate to  that).  Finally there is the brooding and hard reality of death’s opacity. I am not sure if it would be possible to pull something together for the week of Ash Wednesday but if there are artists that want to jump on this email me at let me know what you think and if you have friends that would be down send it along to them and have them get back to me. Maybe we can do an opening sometime in Lent…anyway, if you like the idea let me know, if you have a station you want to do let me know too. If you want to come and see the stations stop by on a Sunday or schedule an appointment with me

Yours, John

I for one think this is a wonderful idea. Let’s get cracking north Brooklynites— and spread the word!

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Still There



For those of you who are keeping count, the above missives (if they can be called that) have graced Java Street Pop-Up Park for just over two weeks now. I find one this rather fascinating given the the furor over swastika earrings which were for sale hereabouts almost a year ago. Perhaps someone should heirmark a donation to our local Parks Conservancy group (which ostensibly oversees this piece of public space) for a gallon of primer to cover this crap up?

In any case, I would like to give a big New York Shitty shout-out of gratitude to the folks at the 94th Precinct, Deputy Inspector Hurson and Detective Komar foremost among them, for taking this rather ugly matter quite seriously. Thanks guys!

UPDATE, 3:31 p.m.:



TODAY: 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting


Kicking off this new year, the 94th Precinct Community Council will be conducting its first meeting of 2013 this evening at 7:00 p.m.!

94th Precinct Community Council Meeting
January 2, 2012 starting at 7:00 p.m.
Church of the Ascension
122 Java Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Open

January 2, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Eagle Trading Co.

Per Your Secret Admiral (who took the above photograph) Eagle Trading Company (which is located at Eagle and Franklin Streets) is open of business as of December 28th. From what I have seen they have done a lovely job on the space, but let’s get down to the important stuff: how are the sandwiches? Anyone?

Eagle Trading Company
Status: Open
75 Eagle Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222


Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: New Years Eve


If this fellow (who wished yours truly a Happy New Year) on Huron Street is any indication, the merrymaking has begun in the Garden Spot…

Spotted At India Street & Manhattan Avenue: An Accidental Time Capsule


TO PREFACE: As you have undoubtedly noticed, gentle readers, the bloggage has been incredibly light of late. There are a number of reasons for this. Without further ado, here they are:

  1. I have been sick.
  2. I have been working on my new digs (which I have given the incredibly UNimaginative moniker of Chez Shitty 2.0. NOTE: Chez Shitty 2.0 is not the least but shitty. It’s actually very nice.)
  3. I have company (the inlaws “Heather” arrived on the 27th).
  4. Quite frankly I have enjoyed a break— and a break I plan to continue having until January 2nd.

However, when something as fucking awesome as the above-depicted catches my eye (as it did today), well, that’s when “break time” stops and my inner nerd kicks in. I mean, how can yours truly resist anything which involves:

  1. the enforcement of our fine city’s laws— even if seemingly arbitrarily enforced? (I have grown to accept that the latter is the north Brooklyn way.)
  2. a cache of seriously old and curious stuff? (I like weird old things. The fact I married the Mister bears testament to this.*)
  3. an excuse to go down the rabbit hole of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle archives and find all manner and variety of fun stuff?
  4. (yet another) opportunity to make fun of my district’s Democratic Party Male Leader?

The previous may not be everyone’s idea of a good time. But as any reader of this site for any significant period of time can attest: I am not everyone. I am colossal geek. The previous having been written/established let’s have some fun, shall we?


Those of you who live in north ‘Point might have noticed the bodega at the southwestern corner of India Street (right above the Church Avenue bound entrance to the Crosstown Local) has been divested of its billboard.  I was told by the proprietors of this establishment that the sign was in fact illegal and the city fined the owner of the building for it. Given that sign has been at said location at least as long as I have resided in the Garden Spot (13 years) I found this rather fascinating. Better late than never, I suppose.

I explained to the chap behind the counter that I found the contents of the window that had been concealed by this most egregious piece of illegal signage absolutely wonderful. He told me the signs were from the 1970’s. Perhaps they are, perhaps they are not. The following most certainly is NOT.


While not in the best of condition (Hey, if you were brought into this world 98 years ago you would not look so shiny and new either!) some details can be ascertained. If not outright, by powers of deduction and consulting a calendar for 1914:

  1. An association whose benefactor’s surname was Connolly had an event featuring the musical stylings of “Ragtime King Dan McDonald”.
  2. This event came to pass Sunday, December 20, 1914 at the New (!) Eckford Hall located at Calyer and Eckford Street.
  3. Tickets cost 25 cents for the gents (which includes “wardrobe”)
  4. “Lady’s tickets” cost 15 cents and included souvenirs. This sounds like my kind of party! But I digress.

Naturally my curiosity was piqued. Knowing all too well the Brooklyn Daily Eagle online archives only go up to 1902 (and there was NO WAY IN HELL I was going to the main branch of the Brooklyn Public Library in this weather. Sorry folks. That will have to wait for a fair weather day.), I asked myself the following:

If there was a “new” Eckford Hall in 1914, surely there was an “old” Eckford Hall— and what exactly what came to pass there?

Sure enough, I did a search and there was an Eckford Hall 1.0. By all appearances it was a class establishment.



A number of social clubs (the above two being a mere sample) whose monikers I found charming had receptions there.


The Shipwrights’ Mutual Protection and Benevolent Association held its second annual concert and ball there on February 22, 1882.


In 1891 an evening of Christmas entertainment courtesy of the Beethoven Liederkrantz came to pass.


On a slightly more provocative note, the Seventeenth Ward Liquor Dealers’ Protective Association (which I would presume to be the 19th Century precursor to BABAR) convened on April 4th, 1890 to discuss business.

And last, but hardly least, some honest-to-god shit went down at the “Old’ Eckford Hall. How did this shit happen, you ask? Very simple: the Rabbi who was officiating over the 25th wedding anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Henschel (and I quote):

…took the opportunity to expatiate upon the blessings of domestic harmony…

The result? A full on melee with a broken arm, someone’s mother being “assaulted” and the “disturber (being) unmercifully hammered” and yet getting away. You can’t make this stuff up folks.


Think this was bad? Hold onto your seats, Greenpointers it gets worse.


As many of my friends in the 50th Assembly District are undoubtedly aware, Lincoln Restler lost his re-election bid by 19 votes. This just goes to show every vote does indeed count. The victor is a fellow named Christopher Olechowski. Suffice it to say (for the purposes of this post) I have mentioned this individual on this site on a number of occasions. Rather, what yours truly (and a number of other people for that matter) found interesting was Mr. Olechowski’s post-race wrap-up “speech”.  I have elected to place the word “speech” in quotations because it is an online diatribe. One which employed the worst aspects of Academy Award acceptance speeches with a dash of Caesar thrown in for good measure.  CASE IN POINT:

...And always, in the back of my mind, there was the eagerness to galvanize a new Polish voting block that could establish a foothold in the community and open the doors to a new leadership that would finally begin to challenge some of the post-communist operatives that over many years have infiltrated and inhibited any organizational progress achieved in prior years among members of the Polish émigré community…

Exactly constitutes a “post-communist operative”?

This is a question the Mister and I have been bandying about for sometime. We have yet to come up with a satisfactory answer. However, today I learned that on September 25, 1886 the “old” Eckford Hall was host to some honest-to-god(less) Pre-Communist Operatives! Yes, I am talking about Socialists. Follows is a teaser:


Those who care to do so can (and should) read this tome in its entirety by clicking here.


In closing, do take a moment to check out the photos I took of this accidental (but most wonderful and strangely touching) slice of Greenpoint life in larger format. You can also knock around a collection of news stories about Eckford Hall I found while whiling away this dreary Saturday by clicking here. Enjoy!

Photo Credits/Disambiguation: The fellow depicted in the Bolshevik flyer is not Christopher Olechowski. The poster in question (which graces Chez Shitty 2.0) was issued by Scot Paper in the 1930’s.

*Just kidding. I wrote this to see if the Mister is paying attention. Shh!

Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour: Everyone’s A Critic

December 29, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crosstown Local, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


From the Church Avenue bound platform at Greenpoint Avenue.

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