New York Shitty Day Starter: In Tow
Filed under: 11206, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Street Art
From Grattan Street.
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Ender: Bushwick Place
Filed under: 11206, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Street Art
Taken May 12, 2010.
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Slide Show Du Jour: Underneath The Greenpoint Hospital
Filed under: 11211, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
(Or more accurately: its Outpatient Annex.)
As I mentioned in this post the folks at St. Nick’s are having an open call for artists. Well, as promised today I took a tour of the space they are converting into an art and performance space. All things said it is very much a work in progress. Having just completed asbestos abatement, they can now move forward finishing the space. This is not to suggest that one cannot see the potential: you can. The main area would be perfect as a performance or installation space, to cite just one example. In addition, it was really neat to poke around the labyrinth of rooms, closets and antechambers in their pre-rehabilitated state. If you are into urban decay you are going to love this photo set. Enjoy!
Anyone interested in proposing an on-site installation or performance, wants to submit work for their open call or simply has questions about this space should contact Laura McLelland @ lmclelland (at) stnicksalliance (dot) org. Oh yeah, be sure to read the submission specs and requirements first!
Miss Heather
East Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: $howta
Filed under: 11206, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn
Taken May 12, 2010.
Miss Heather
The Shittiest Car In North Brooklyn, Revisited
Filed under: 11206, Bloomblight, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, Criminal Activity, Dung of the Day, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Other Shit
I honestly do not know what to say about this, the latest state of the East Willie Guanomobile, other than whoever is responsible for this act of theft must have really wanted that car stereo. BADLY.
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Call For Art!
Filed under: 11206, 11211, 11222, 11237, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
This item comes from the folks over at St. Nick’s. Laura McLelland writes:
My name is Laura McLelland and I am working with St. Nicks Alliance to open a new community arts space over by Cooper Park in Williamsburg. St. Nicks has bees working with the low and moderate income residents of North Brooklyn for the last 35 years, and we are starting to reach out to the new creatives with services for artists. Our goal for the community arts piece is to create a space that brings together the artist community of North Brooklyn with the wider community to engage in creative advocacy, to make a better North Brooklyn for everyone.
First, I would love to invite you to come out to the space at 2 Kingsland Ave at Maspeth Ave and have a tour. The building is the old outpatient building for the Greenpoint Hospital, and we are retaining a lot of the character of the old space, so it is pretty funky.
Second, we are planning to open the space with a big exhibition highlighting the depth and breadth of creativity in NorthBrooklyn on June 18th. The show is open to any artists currently living in our service area of Williamsburg/Greenpoint/Bushwick. I have attached the call for artists and wonder if you would be able to distribute it to any artists you are in touch with. I want to get this out far and wide as quickly as possible, to get the broadest range of artists represented.
Please let me know if you have any questions, and if you would be interested in seeing the space.
As you can imagine I am very interested in checking out this space— and I am currently in the process of making arrangements with Laura to see it! In the meantime here’s the their press release which give the full rundown as to how you can submit your work!
St. Nicks Alliance, a community organization serving Williamsburg, Greenpoint, and Bushwick, is seeking submissions for NorthBrooklyn, the inaugural show for its new community arts center.
NorthBrooklyn will celebrate the incredible diversity and richness of the creative community of North Brooklyn. The exhibition will open at 2 Kingsland Ave in East Williamsburg on June 18th and will be on display until August 15th, 2010. The new community arts space is housed in the old outpatient clinic of the Greenpoint Hospital (now named the Greenpoint Renaissance Center), with approximately 3,000 sq. ft. of open space for exhibition.
All artists/mediums are welcome, as long as you reside in Williamsburg, Greenpoint, or Bushwick at the time of application. Artists who are selected will be asked to verify their residency at that time.
A panel of local arts and community leaders will select a group of around 30 artists. The new arts space, located in the old outpatient clinic building on the Greenpoint Hospital campus, will be dedicated to using the arts and creative problem solving to find innovative solutions to local problems, using the arts as a vehicle for advocacy and community engagement. The North Brooklyn exhibition will kick off a summer full of activities and events dedicated to investigating issues of the North Brooklyn community through the arts.
Interested artists should submit the following no later than Sunday, May 23, 2010:
- Up to 5 images (jpg, 72 dpi) of previous work
- Include image list with title, date, size, and medium of work
- Or up to 5 minutes of video (provide link to website with video, no files)
- An image or description of the work you would like to exhibit/perform (if not included with work sample above)
- Include image list with title, date, size, and medium of work
- Resume and Artist Statement
- Title file LASTNAME_FIRSTNAMEResume.doc or .rtf
- Short paragraph describing how North Brooklyn has impacted/influenced your life as an artist.
Submissions should be sent to arts (at) stnicksalliance (dot) org with the subject line Art Show Submission. Please make sure to include your address and a contact phone number in your email. Artists will be notified of selection by Friday, May 28th and will need to be available to drop off artwork between June 4-11th, 2010.
Questions can be directed to Laura McLelland @ lmclelland (at) stnicksalliance (dot) org.
To be continued!
Miss Heather
UPDATE, 9:40 p.m.: I will be checking out St. Nick’s new and very much still in process art space this Wednesday. I can hardly wait!
New York Shitty Day Ender: Love On Meeker Avenue
Filed under: 11211, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
By Meredith Chesney.
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: East Williamsburg Gothic
Filed under: 11211, Bloomblight, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Recession, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Yesterday, despite my better judgment (90+ degree weather and the aftermath of a cold do not mix), I took a walk. I went to the no-man’s land some call Greenpoint and others call East Williamsburg. Over the years I have developed a cynical disdain neighborhood taxonomy. This is due in large part to the real estate industry.
What I saw was the past, present and future of north Brooklyn. Do we, as a community, want to be the same or enjoy being different? Should we accept derelict testaments to speculation and greed such as 64 Maspeth Avenue as being a fact of life?
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Ender: Hell, No!
Filed under: 11211, 11222, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
Some of you might recall that my buddy (and cat woman extraordinaire), Lisa, tipped me off to the Hell, No! show at St. Cecilia’s Convent. Today I swung by to check it out. I honestly do not know what to say.
Well, actually I do. But speaking as someone who has five figures of student loan debt for a MFA in Sculpture— and in all fairness I did receive an excellent education, albeit whilst bearing witness to some of the best worst Sophistry bullshit I have ever had the misfortune to encounter— I’ll spare you the in-depth academic analysis. Or to put it more accurately: I want to be paid for it. Handsomely. In the meantime the following bullet points and slide show will have to suffice:
- Was it worth my time? ABSOLUTELY.
- Would I recommend this to my friends? Hell, Yes!
- Should people who espouse more traditional religious and/or gender roles see this show? Hell, No!
- What I particularly liked was how the art work dovetailed with its surroundings. I will readily admit I like neither galleries nor museums. Most of the previous have the feel of the New York City Museum of Natural History: a mausoleum filled with taxidermy and artifacts for delectation by the living.
- Hell, No! has to be experienced firsthand to be appreciated. The interactive nature of the exhibit is, in my opinion, one of its strongest points. I thoroughly enjoyed being left at my own leisure to explore each nook and cranny for new discoveries. This is what art— especially public art— should be about!
- The odd references/homages to historic works of art were charming, not cloying. This is especially true of the shopping basket homage to Constantin Brancusi by Christian Dietkus.
- I lay the odds of this being picked up by the mainstream media as a source of outrage (e.g.; an affront to traditional family values and/or blasphemy) at 9:1 in favor. Not that the “objectionable content” of this show bothered me in any way. It didn’t. I rather enjoyed it.
Without further ado here is a slide show (with video clips!) of highlights from my visit to Hell. Enjoy!
April 30 – May 9, 2010
HOURS: Friday, April 30, 2010, 7-11 p.m.; May 1, 12-8 p.m., May 2, 12-6 p.m., Friday, May 7, 2010 7-11 p.m., May 8, 12-8 p.m., May 9, 12-6 p.m.
The Convent of Saint Cecilia
21 Monitor Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222
I have been told they will be having an evening of performances next Friday, May 7 starting at 7:00 p.m. Among the offerings are:
- Michael Mahalchick, fresh off his sold out run at the kitchen!
- RJ Supa – ongoing – “The Ironman”
- Fetchin’ Gretchen – performance installation on the third floor, 7:30-9:30
- Victoria Keddie, in an epic battle of Life and Death with Mikael Tarkela
- Hank Shedd on the third floor
- Jaeeun Lee in the basement
- Jeremiah Lockwood in the chapel at 10PM
and some “surprises”
Check out David Louis Fierman’s web site for more details. Otherwise you can read the press release for Hell, No! by clicking here.
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Dog Doo Sign Du Jour: Calling All Pigs!
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Advanced Life Forms, Dog Shit Signage, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
From Monitor Street.
Miss Heather
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