New York Shitty Day Starter: Heart

This item (which hails from Montrose Avenue) goes out to not one, not two, but THREE friends of mine who have birthdays this weekend. Happy birthday Mike, Christine and Irene; may you have many more!

Miss Heather

East Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: 333

From Ten Eyck Street.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Shadowplay

This evening I will conclude today’s truncated postage with the following three lovelies. Enjoy!

Now, if you don’t mind I am off for an evening of birthday merrymaking and hanging out with good friends. I have not done jackshit all day— and you know what? It was damned nice!

See you tomorrow.

Miss Heather

East Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Critters

Taken January 6, 2010.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: The 11th Commandment

From Montrose Avenue.

Miss Heather

An East Willie PSA: No Mops Down The Toilet, Please!

This takes me back to the first apartment I ever inhabited. One evening, far longer ago than I care to recall, some friends I were celebrating a birthday. My kitchen sink inexplicably backed-up. A bunch of black gooey stuff came up. We panicked. While they did the best they could to stave off deluge of murk I called the landlord.

He arrived and suction-pumped the sink. Up came a couple of popsicle sticks and the remnants of a dead snake. Methinks it was a rattler, but its state of decomposition rendered it too difficult to determine with any certainty. Mine is(and was) an educated guess. The landlord glared at me and admonished me NOT to place such items in his plumbing. Despite my protestations that I was (and still am) a vegetarian and therefore would have no reason to have a snake in my sink— much less a dismembered one at that— he remained unconvinced.

The previous anecdote having been shared— and the horrific grammar and spelling of this missive taken into account— here’s what I want to know:

  1. What the hell are “whipes”?
  2. How does one flush a mop down a toilet?
  3. Why would someone see fit to flush a mop down a toilet?

I guess there’s a first time for everything.

Miss Heather

East Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Rosie’s Best

From Morgan Avenue.

Miss Heather

A Williamspoint PSA: The Cooper Bark Calendars Are In!


Needless to say when I received word from the head honcho of the Cooper Park Dog Run that the 2010 Dogs of Cooper Bark calendars are in I simply had to pass it along here. The purchasers of this delightful and very affordable product (they’re priced at a measly $15.00 a pop!) will not only have the some of Williamspoint’s most comely canines grace their wall for an entire year, they will also be supporting a wonderful cause: a portion of the proceeds will go towards the upkeep of the Cooper Park Dog Run! In years past these calendars have provided funding for such improvements as new fencing and furniture. Why not lend ’em a hand (or would that be paw?) this year and purchase one of these calendars? They make great gifts!

Interested parties can purchase the Dogs of Cooper Bark calendar at Muddy Paws:

447 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

or online via paypal at:

Be sure to include your name, contact information and an additional $5.00 (making the grand total $20.00) for shipping and handling.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Don’t Tread on Me


From Meserole Street.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Questions About My Photos


Eryana writes:

I am a fan of your website and your photography.  I won’t be able to make it to the opening at t.b.d. tonight as we have our office holiday party. I was wondering if your photography would be for sale online at any point?  Otherwise I can wait for January.

I have given this matter some thought. Here’s my “plan”—- inasmuch as I trifle with such matters. Life has a funny way of rendering human endeavors void and useless at its caprice. Therefore, I endeavor to be flexible.

  • I realize a number of folks are harried this time of year…
  • and for this reason may or may not have the time to swing by t.b.d. to see my show.
  • Therefore, I have posted a “virtual exhibition” online!
  • Although I would highly recommend that you see these images in person (they’re much more engaging and bereft of obnoxious text claiming them as my creative property), I am amenable to selling “online”. Anyone who is interested in purchasing any of these prints should shoot me an email at missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Which brings me to a question my buddy Rowan asked last night:

Will these be a limited series?

The answer is yes! Here’s the deal:

  • Lest the delightful situation arises that more than one person wants the same photograph, I will gladly oblige. And thus a series will be born! I will gladly sign and number each and every print. But here’s the catch:
  • After January 7, 2010 (which is when I will be having a “proper” closing reception) I will NOT be making any more reproductions of these photographs. No “ifs”, “ands”, or “buts”. That’s it. Finito! No mas!

Miss Heather

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