LAST GASP: From The New York Shitty Inbox

(Or: A Case of Mistaken Identity)

A few thoughts:

  1. For someone who wants his/her park “back” stating he/she is a new resident to Williamsburg is rather audacious. If for no other reason because McCarren Park is technically in Greenpoint. That’s right: 11222.
  2. I am neither the head mistress of Red Gate Garden nor a hair dresser. However, my hair dresser— whom this person seems to have confused me with— is both!
  3. Not being a hair dresser is probably one of the worst career decisions I have ever made.
  4. But given the “tone” of this person’s missive it would appear that a mere hair dresser (and long time resident of Greenburg/Williamspoint) should not have a say about what is going on in her proverbial “backyard”. And that a garden that has been in existence for over 10 years should be removed because a new Williamsburg resident wants his/her “park” back.
  5. Nonetheless, I have brought “Iwantmyparkback’s” missive to the head mistress of Red Gate Garden’s (AKA: my hairdresser— the woman mistaken for being Miss Heather.) attention.

Here’s her response:

Greetings Miss Heather,

Although it was disheartening to read the email that you forwarded to me sent to NewYorkShitty about Red Gate Garden; thank you for letting me read it. I am flattered that someone might think that I am you. I think that you contribute a valuable point of view to so much of north Brooklyn, and beyond. Whether it be candid photography or frank opines on local stuff; you say it as you see it.

I, personally, don’t feel that I need to agree or disagree with your opinions. If I didn’t want to see it I wouldn’t look at it. I appreciate that you have brought something to my attention that might concern, interest, or enlighten me.

I would like to respond personally to the sender of the email, and I did email via that address. I don’t think that it will ever make it to them, since I don’t think it is a “real” address. “I want my park back” as an email address from a new resident along McCarren Park is confounding. Back from whom or what? From McCarren 10 years ago? 5? The email address and content implies that this individual wants their park back from what they perceive as a misuse of public space, and that the garden is an eyesore and trash dump. I can only defend that with photographs that show that it is not an eyesore or a trash dump.

That the garden is somehow exclusive or selective in its ability or willingness to engage a greater number of volunteers is erroneous. That Red Gate needs more volunteers is a fact. Red Gate (aka Nick’s Garden) has actively promoted and tried to solicit more volunteers. No one that has shown interest in helping has ever been discouraged or excluded. That there is only a small group that are active in the garden is a fact. That 2% of the people that come by or email and then follow through with getting involved, is also a fact. Instead of taking shame in that, we actually commend each other for hanging in there, and working hard to contribute to something as wonderful and beautiful as a community garden. An oasis in the middle of what has been our only big open public space to do so, for so many years.

Aesthetically the garden could use some improvements. The fence is ugly to many regardless of what is inside the gate. I could only hope that more people would want to get involved in helping to sustain and elevate the garden to its full potential, instead of ridiculing it. It belongs to all of us. Anyone that wants to partake in all the joy, back-breaking labor, planning, purveying, and tender care that is needed to sustain it is so very welcome to come and join us.

Lastly, I wanted to add that I am also one of those annoying tax paying citizens. I work hard. I pay my taxes. I have provided two service industry establishments to Williamsburg over the past 14 years that have paid revenue taxes on a multiple of millions in sales. I feel the pain that most of us do. I am involved in my neighborhood, and try to help better it wherever I can. I do not write a blog. I am not Miss Heather. If you have some constructive ways to improve things or wish to be a volunteer in the community garden, please contact us at Red Gate Garden via twitter. Since your email makes reference to my business at a hair salon, and some of my past contributions to NewYorkShitty’s photo posts are attributed to Miss Mousey Brown’s photo stream; I wanted to clear up any confusion.

Meredith Chesney

If there is a lesson to be learned here it is this: before you send a nasty missive to someone from a bogus email address (which I am tracing, by the way) at the very least do enough fact-checking to ensure your insults are (somewhat) salient/relevant. Nice try, troll. Or as Nelson put it best.

Miss Heather

Spotted Waiting For The B62: (Priceless)

Contrary to what some might think yours truly exercises some semblance of ethics when photographing people on the street. It is neither my purpose nor my desire to laugh at people. Which brings me to this.

I cannot tell a lie: I had a lot of trouble suppressing a chuckle.

But given the rather, um, copious notices I spied when exiting the Crosstown Local at India Street this afternoon can you blame a man (or woman) for being dazed and confused— or dare I say: possibly a wee bit pissed off— by our mass transit system? This is the real Greenpoint, folks— and don’t you forget it!

Fortunately there are intrepid souls who see fit— quite literally—  to cut the crap.

CASE IN POINT: the Spring Street station in SoHo.*

Miss Heather

*Yes, that is a pile of human feces peeking out from under this flier-cum-asswipe.

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Live From 201 Varick Street

November 29, 2010 ·
Filed under: 10014, Culture War, Manhattan, New York City 

When I arrived at Immigration Court this morning there was quite the Garden Spot presence in effect. Kathleen and Christina, two of the lovely ladies spearheading Pablo Airaldi’s cause, were present. As were many other Greenpoint notables including (but not limited to) the inimitable Ziiggy (as seen above in the black leather jacket)…

…and his guitar! In fact, the turn-out was such that only a handful of individuals were allowed into the court room. The judge presiding over Pablo’s case opined (while thumbing a rather thick stack of letters advocating that Mr. Airaldi be allowed to stay in our fair community/country) that he was happy that everyone who sent in letters did not show up. If I had to hazard to guess:

  • He was impressed!
  • 201 Varick Street, Room 1140 was probably host to more tattoos and piercings this morning than the previous 364 mornings combined!

As I was waiting outside with Juliet Linderman (and talking Garden Spot shop) a late-comer arrived. He stated that instead of possibly encountering trouble with security he buried his tools in the planter out front. Guess what?

He wasn’t kidding.

Otherwise Pablo’s case has been adjourned until January 6, 20101. Until next year!

Miss Heather

P.S.: Special props go out to the men working security who let Ziiggy bring in his guitar! Too bad he didn’t play it for our/the court-goers edification.

P.S. #2: This post goes out to my buddy Mieszko at Beata Delicatessen who not only serves up a good cup of coffee before damned near anyone else in this ‘nabe, but commented to yours truly (after I requested a large cup of black coffee):

Thanksgiving can be kind of hard.

To wit I replied:

That’s not the problem. I am headed to a deportation hearing.

Mieszko (wide-eyed): For you?
Me: Unfortunately I was born in Waco, Texas. They cannot get rid of my kind so easily. No worries, I am certain they are working on it.

He found this quite amusing.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Greenpoint USA

November 13, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Culture War, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 

Taken November 13, 2010.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Destructoporn

November 9, 2010 ·
Filed under: Coney Island, Coney Island Brooklyn, Culture War 

Destruction of the Bank Building in Coney Island

Taken by Single Linds Reflex.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Before & After

November 6, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Culture War, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Taken November 5, 2010.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: MANIFEST Ur DESTINY

November 4, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Culture War, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Although I have featured this item before I am doing so again with this great shot by njeyn. Why you ask? Very simple: as luck (or would that be destiny) would have it I recently met the mastermind behind this polemic— and today yours truly had lunch with him! Nice guy.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: West Street

Taken November 4, 2010.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Curiosity Killed The Cat

November 1, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Culture War, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

From North 7 Street.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Bored & Youthful

October 25, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Culture War, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Taken October 24, 2010.

Miss Heather

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