Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Bloom!

April 18, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Crosstown Local, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

From Metropolitan Avenue.

Miss Heather

Crosstown Local Photo Du Jour: No Lie

It would appear that like the Garden Spot’s rating as the 5th most livable neighborhood in New York City by New York Magazine has gone to one G train patron’s head. You can (and should) see the above piece of Greenpoint glory in larger format by clicking here. Priceless.

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: Mister Heather

Miss Heather Gets A Gift

Today has been pretty much everything I wanted it to be. I slept in late, kept off the computer and had myself some much-needed “me” time. I will not lie to you: it was nice, if a little boring. This was in fact the purpose of the exercise. Then I went to work— and my day took a very interesting turn.

When I arrived Johnny and Frantz slid this package over the counter. As you can see it is addressed to yours truly. It is from Glasgow, Scotland. I know no one in Glasglow, Scotland— but apparently someone there knows me. After Johnny made a crack about not wanting to catch my anthrax I opened the parcel. What was inside, well, left us all dumbstruck.

My new friend writes:

…Awhile ago you had a photo of the shop IMac (iBoob as Fritz called it) and more importantly the keyboard. You will have found enclosed all the keys from a dead one I had lying around the flat …So have fun replacing dirty keys with clean ones and keep up the good work. All the best,


P.S.: I used to live in Dublin, Ireland. The trains were horrible and unreliable so I feel your pain re. the G & 7.

Thank you for your generosity, Chromeburger. It is greatly appreciated. As it would happen we have since replaced our Mac with a new(er) model.

As you can see it has all its keys. However, like anything else in the junk shop, I am certain it will get jacked-up eventually and your thoughtful gift will come in handy. It is only a matter of time.

Other than that I honestly don’t know else what to say other than perhaps I am both pleased and a bit disturbed that the Crosstown Local’s dubious reputation is, in fact, well known abroad.

Miss Heather

Quicklink: The L Train Rat

Those of you who are looking for a little lite entertainment and happen to be on Twitter may want to give this, the musings of a L train rat,  a look-see. If you do, here’s a sampling of what you’ll find:

i get so self conscious when everyone watches me look for food on the track

every once in awhile people at the 1st ave stop smell like delicious fried dough and i just want to kill myself

people seem to hate me 100x more when i’m rained on.

too fat to fit inside bottle 🙁 should probably go on a run to 8th ave.

Special thanks go out to Lisacat for bringing this to my attention. Check it out!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Fashion Watch: Pirates Of The Crosstown Local

Never seen a pair of gold leather pantaloons before? Well, now you have.

Miss Heather

P.S.: The front of this get-up was quite impressive. Unfortunately I was too preoccupied with WTF factor to have the presence of mind to shoot it. Let’s just say I was not prepared to see this at 1:30 on a drizzly, dreary Monday afternoon. Next time I’ll be ready.

Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour: Metropolitan Avenue

March 22, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Crosstown Local, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Taken March 21, 2010.

Miss Heather

Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour: Nassau Avenue

Won’t help. You gonna die unhappy Face up.

OMG! This sounds interesting! How’d they know Greenpoint peeps would into (indecipherable) and pretentious theater?

Those of you who are wondering what the above item is referencing should click here.

Miss Heather

Crosstown Local Photo Du Jour: Spellbound

March 17, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11206, 11211, Crosstown Local, Subway, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This moment of excellence has been brought to you courtesy of the Queens-bound platform of the G train at Broadway. Given that the Metropolitan Transit Authority cannot master simple bookkeeping, I suppose it should come as no surprise they cannot spell either.*

Miss Heather

*To clarify/reiterate; this tile work is new. Or is it? Apparently this is a source of considerable debate.  Richard writes:

Forgotten-NY.com claims this has been there since 1937: But there’s some debate about it:


Apparently the MTA made a makeshift taped-on correction that has disappeared.

Only the best for the Crosstown Local.

Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour: For The Love Of Robert Pattinson

March 14, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Crosstown Local, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This Robert Pattinson guy must really be something. There’s no way, nowhere, NO HOW I’d ever affix my kisser to anything located in the New York City subway system, much less the G train.*

Miss Heather

*Save perhaps Benecio Del Toro. In person only. Even then I’d insist upon precautionary disinfectant baby wipes.

New York Shitty Day Starter: Crosstown Local Selections

Rock out with style!

From 21st Street in Long Island City and Greenpoint Avenue in the Garden Spot of the Universe.

Miss Heather

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