New York Shitty Day Starter: To Whom It May Concern

Why is this gate open? Why hasn’t anyone seemed to notice this gate is open? I am hardly a criminally inclined person but when I see something like this I cannot help but think of bad things. Anyone seeking access to the Long Island Railroad need only simply waltz through this gate and lo, he (or she) can play Thomas The Tank Engine. Perhaps I am overreacting here— but I find this rather disturbing. It is a matter of no one noticing— or simply not caring?

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Friday Night On Huron Street

Taken at 10:30 p.m.

Miss Heather

Comment Of The Week: What Goes Around Comes Around

I have been receiving a lot of emails the last 24 hours. Most of them, not surprisingly, have to do with Brooklyn’s good friend: Robert Scarano. It all started last night when my buddy Crappy forwarded me a piece of email spam he had received via an outdated email address earlier this week.

The real corker is what follows the above bit of propaganda. It is an invite for a “networking event” in Williamsburg:

This Thursday (That’s today, kids! — Ed. Note.), please join Robert Scarano at beautiful 90 North 5th Street in Williamsburg for  RED Nite, a networking and cocktail event from 5:30 to 7:30 pm

As you can imagine I had certain feelings about this. Foremost among them was:

Why don’t I get anything from Bobby Scarano?

Truth be told this sort of hurt my feelings. I mean, I have to look at the hulking testament to the ethically-challenged that is 158 Freeman Street EVERY DAY. Then I spied the email address from which the previous missive originated. It looked strangely familiar.

So Mr. Scarano has seen fit to reach out and touch yours truly! *Whew* I feel a lot better!

Now jump forward to to this morning. Hard Hat Hannah showed up at my bedside in a highly agitated state. She had something she wanted to show me. I roused myself out of bed and followed her into the living room.

This post is for you, Robert Scarano.

Miss Heather & Hard Hat Hannah

UPDATE: Apparently Mr. Scarano spends a considerable amount of time posting comments on the Interwebs (including expounding upon the provenance of Legos and calling a fellow blogger a “dumbass”— I am not making this shit up). Check out these corkers which were brought to my attention courtesy of Queens Crap and see for yourself. Reading is believing!

New York Shitty Day Ender: BUSTED!!

February 28, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Thought For The Day

February 21, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11206, Criminal Activity, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Since a significant number of today’s posts have featured criminal activity of one stripe or another I will leave you this evening with this item from East Williamsburg— and a thought.

If you are going to purloin a piece of public property it might be a good idea not to showcase it in the front window of your apartment. The only thing that cries out “arrest me” more would be wearing this bad boy around your neck a la Flava Flav. Preferably with a Viking helmet.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Goodbye Kitty

February 21, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Criminal Activity, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

From Roebling Street.

Miss Heather

East Williamsburg Recession Watch Part II: Graham Avenue

While I do not condone criminal activity I have to confess the trucker bomb is a very nice coup de grace. A final “fuck you” to “the man”, if you know what I mean.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: A Simple Assault

February 14, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Remember the melee in front of Club Exit I made mention of last November?

If not, no worries. This should bring you up to speed:

This was first brought to my attention by someone whose son is a friend of a someone involved, e.g.; via the Greenpoint grapevine. By that I mean the friend (of the son of my tipster) in question was allegedly beaten up by the police and went to the hospital. Per my tipster the fight started over a woman being harassed. Her son’s friend tried to intervene and police officers were knocking cameras out of the hands of bystanders. And busting heads.

This was brought to the attention of D. I. Fulton at the 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting on November 21. A Greenpoint citizen called it a brawl.

Mr. Fulton begged to differ.

It took awhile but a video documenting this incident has finally surfaced. Here it is.

And here is a description of what you have just seen per my tipster:

This video isn’t clear, but I’m familiar with some of the voices, since they are friends of my son. The video starts with my son’s friend K—- laying on the ground, handcuffed & unconscious. His friend A——, who is handcuffed, is yelling in the background to tell the police that his friend isn’t moving and in need of an ambulance. One of their friends D—– begins to video the scene. An officer pushes D—– with the video phone but the girl quickly regains control of the video phone and keeps running the video. Another girl M——, is screaming in the background and trying to get to K—- to see if he’s ok. (K—- is the kid that had his teeth knocked out by guys at Club Exit who were bothering one of the girls.) As you can see, the officers grab the unconscious K—- by the arms and drag him to a police car, not an ambulance. You can hear his friends calling out to the officers about getting an ambulance… None of the white Club Exit patrons were arrested, even though one of them knocked out K—–‘s teeth.

Kind of makes you happy Club Exit’s (ostensible) swan song was last night, yes?

Miss Heather

UPDATE: February 17, 2010; Here’s another video.

Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: No Problem

February 7, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Criminal Activity, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

The James Farley Post Office in our fair city proclaims just this! Contrary to popular belief, this is not the motto of the United States Postal Service. It is derived from Herodotus‘s account of the couriers of the Persian Empire. The above (which hails from Richardson Street) is, conversely, 100% Brooklyn.

Speaking as someone who has had her mail stolen*, I want to see THIS carved in stone.

Miss Heather

P.S.: I don’t know who this mailman is but I want him (or her) on my route.

*An unemployment check no less. Endorsed in shaky handwriting and presented at a local check cashing establishment. It was seized. In a nutshell: someone who is clearly NOT Polish should not try to cash checks issued to someone with a clearly Slavic name in Greenpoint. AKA: Little Poland. This isn’t racism. This is common sense.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Presenting The Williamsburg Stroller Patrol

D (who I presume to the founder of this, north Brooklyn’s newest blog) writes:

Hi Heather,

A fellow mom had sent me your post on tips from the NYPD. I re-posted it. Hope that is okay with you. There has been so many problems with the car services and crimes in the last few weeks that I started the blog in hopes of keeping our moms safe. A nanny was hit by the dog run over by McCarren recently and that was (one) of the last straws. If you could suggest to your readers who live in Brooklyn to email us with any complaints/tips I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

I am neither a mother nor a nanny but this blog does touch upon something I take very seriously: pedestrian safety. I suspect we all, parental units or otherwise, can agree the increased traffic in north Brooklyn can be a nuisance at best, downright deadly at worst. It has been my observation that car services and cabs tend to be the most problematic. In any case, here’s the mission statement of the Williamsburg Stroller Patrol for those who are interested— or simply curious:

We are part of a Brooklyn Mom group who have started this blog in order to be informed on a daily basis if necessary on how to keep our families safe. A number of us have had huge problems with cars not stopping as we have been walking with our babies or young children. After calling the car services and having our concerns treated with rudeness we decided to start this blog. We will report on everything concerning neighborhood safety. What car services are great for us moms, which car services are not and even the car number.They will not receive our service or patronage. Also, we’ll share what streets have had problems with violence. This is a community blog. Please feel free to email us with your post and it will be posted as soon as we receive it. Our goal is for this blog to be about a daily (if necessary) watchdog communication for us mothers.

Any and all tips and/or complaints for the Williamsburg Stroller Patrol should be sent via email to: wbstrollerpatrol (at) gmail (dot) com.

God speed and good luck, Williamsburg mothers. This crazy cat lady in Greenpoint has your back!

Miss Heather

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