‘Tis The Season: Russell Street Part I

December 23, 2007 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic 

Russell Street

This one goes out to all the cat fanciers— and if all the clicks I have seen on the “backend” of my blog are any indication— my pal Lisacat has probably been deluged with people interested in adopting Brandy…


and her sister, Alexandra.


Both of these gals had upper respiratory infections when the above photos were taken. They have since recovered and are almost ready to be adopted.

Gitano and Horatio

Those of you who prefer tom cats, meet Gitano and Horatio. They were found in front of a bodega in Bushwick. Horatio is lost one of his rear tootsies, but I can assure you it has not stopped him from being a hooligan. In fact, I have been told he has taken to bullying his brother!

All the above cuties (save the Russell Street ones, obviously) and many, many more loving companions are awaiting homes at BARC:

Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition
253 Wythe Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Why not play Santa this year and give a “throw-away” a home to call his/her own?

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: Lisacat, save the festooned lions.

A Must Have For The Crazy Cat Person On Your X-Mas List…

November 26, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Crazy Cat Lady 

Today the Miss Heather Clan hit Manhattan. The objective of this trip was triple-fold:

  1. My mother wanted to hit Pearl River Mart.
  2. My mother wanted to go to Ricky’s to buy eye liner. (Alas, Greenpoint appears NOT to be getting one. Those of you needing funky wigs or butt plugs with have to go to Manhattan— though I suppose those who are in the market for the latter can save both time and money by hitting a produce stand and purchasing a turnip or carrot instead*)
  3. To test the limits of my father’s tolerance for shopping.

I will spare you the mundane details regarding points 2 and 3. Not only are they pretty boring, but I have a number of choice “Miss Heather’s parental” stories to relay already. Instead, I will get right to the good stuff: something I found at in the kitchenware section at Pearl River Mart.

Paw Shakers

Salt and pepper shakers shaped like cat paws. Smitten, I happily doled out the asking price of $11.50 for these bad boys. Not only is this a small price to pay for something so cool, but they are amazingly well designed: you fill the shakers by removing the pads of the “feet”. Pearl River Mart’s web site does not appear to sell these, so you will have to schlep down there in person to buy them.

Pearl River Mart
477 Broadway
New York, New York 10013
(212) 431-4770

The above pair of tuxedo paws is going to my buddy Lisacat. They also come in grey and white. Orange and white shakers were inexplicably absent (maybe they sold out???).

Miss Heather

*This is what some of my buddy Rachael’s high school classmates did when they decided to conduct a contest: who can wear a butt plug at school the longest. Participants who didn’t own the proper accoutrements used carrots instead. Teenagers are incredibly resourceful and clever people. I cannot think of a better way to ready one’s self for corporate America than to shove something up his/her ass and keep it there.

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    tires gone! someone in for a bad morning! haven't seen this since I lived in downtown Detroitchristmas tree oddly placedDissociationMalevolent and asking for donations20241031_095113Hudson Yards  EDGELooking east-Northern view.
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