Another Franklin Corner Store Bombshell?
First it was the news they sold the store and Andre would be leaving us. Next they remodeled and ceased (for all intensive purposes) carrying groceries —although to be fair the quality of the sandwiches has not suffered much if at all. Now I have yet another controversial development to pass along: no more Oreo! I met her charming temp (replacement? protege?) “Tiger” (as seen on the left) yesterday. Concerned, I asked what happened. Here’s the scoop:
Oreo is alive and well and living with a lady named Irene. For those of you who are not in the know this is the woman who gave her to the store in the first place; her cat had a little of kittens and one of which happened to be Oreo. What’s more, the word is Oreo is pregnant… again! Will she get paid maternity leave? Will she come back? Most importantly will Tiger be able to shoulder her many onerous responsibilities?
I suppose only time will tell.
In the meantime let’s make this little fella feel at home. Little Tiger has a huge some mighty big paw prints to fill!
Miss Heather
The Loneliest Stooge: Curly
This week when I swung by Empty Cages Collective I was both pleased and disappointed to learn that Curly’s partners in crime, Moe and Larry, have been adopted to good homes. I could tell he was lonely so I removed him from solitary confinement and gave him some much-needed t.l.c. He was all purrs until I tried to put him back. That’s when he decided to pay his upstairs neighbors a little visit…
and ends up getting a little more than he bargained for!
Anyone interested in giving this handsome (and quite mischievous) little fella or any of his fellow (and equally adorable) feline friends a home should contact Empty Cages Collective at emptycagescollective (at) gmail (dot) com.
Miss Heather
TODAY: Adoption Event At P.S. 9
Although this is incredibly last minute I want to pass along this adoption event Empty Cages Collective will be throwing today, November 8, 2008 starting at 1:00 p.m. Why not drop by P.S. 9 and make a new friend or two (like Hodgepodge, the lovely lady who graces the above flier)?
Kitten & Cat Adoption Day
November 8, 2008 ,1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
P.S. 9
169 North 9 Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Mousetraps
The details are scant regarding this great photograph but then again it pretty much speaks for itself. It was taken by Victoria Belanger in one of Greenpoint’s numerous 99 Cent stores sometime this fall. Great shot!
Miss Heather
Has Anyone Seen Chunkles Or Cyclops?
It always breaks my heart when I see as many fliers for lost cats as I have seen of late. Follows are two I found yesterday.
No details are given on this flier. However I have seen them on Franklin, Calyer and Oak Street so if you live in this area keep your eyes peeled!
If any of you have seen Chunkles or Cyclops please contact their repsective “people” at the above telephone numbers. Thanks!
Miss Heather
This Week: No Kill Brooklyn & Bingo For BARC
This Friday, November 7, 2008 the guys at Alphabeta will be hosting a benefit for Waggy Tail Rescue starting at 7:30 p.m. Here are the deets per their press release:
The show kicks off at 7:30 and will run right up to AB’s midnight curfew (yeah, Greenpoint). Regular Alpha Beta rules apply.
$6 to get in, all proceeds from the night go to Waggytail Rescue. Save the pooches!
Waggytail and Showpaper will both be on hand all night, doin’ their things. Also Doggie Jewelry by Dana.
Le RUG, Asa Ransom, Michael Jordan, Hidden People and Taigaa! are in the line-up with D.J. Maxwell 57 spinning records before, during and possibly afterward. For more details check out Hidden People’s web site.
70 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
The same evening BARC will be throwing an evening of bingo with special prizes at My Two Dogs pet supply. Admission will set you back $20.00 and puppies of all ages are encouraged to attend.
Bingo For Barc
My Two Dogs
November 7, 2008, 7:00 p.m.
434 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
And that’s all she wrote!
Miss Heather
Meet Castro
This comes courtesy of Rob Maher of District Dog.* Maggie and James write:
He is about 2 years old, rescued off the streets of Havana, Cuba. He is now full grown at 25 lbs with a unique puppy-like look.
He has been a wonderful and loyal pet and it breaks our hearts to let him go, but we have recently given birth to twins and can not give him the attention and stable environment he needs.
Early on he had a lot of anxiety and nervousness that with time we help him work out. He has a lot of energy that needs to be burned off daily or, as we have found, the anxiety returns.
He had been a perfect house dog until we became pregnant when the problems started reoccurring. He has begun to show occasional guarding aggression and unpredictable skittishness around other dogs and some strangers. We are hoping that in a stable home and with some love he can again become the great dog that we know he is.
He is crate trained, but is not dependent on the crate if you dont have room for it, but he is trained to quietly “go home” if you tell him to.
He does not bark excessively, nor does he chew or tear up anything. He is house trained and is not allowed on furniture he is not given permission to use. He also knows his basic commands including a recall to come.
He needs someone who has the time and energy to work with him both with daily exercise and with the aggression/ anxiety issues. We imagine that almost all of the issues could quickly be worked out with the right patience and guidance to get there.
Though he requires a little work, he has amazing potential that we have seen in the past. Because of his nervousness, however, he is probably not for novice or first time dog owners.
Anyone interested in meeting Castro (and ascertaining whether he is Raul or Fidel) should contact Maggie and James at:
jamescasestudio (at) gmail (dot) com
or Rob at: rob (at) doghabitat (dot) com
Miss Heather
*Who will be hosting a Halloween Dog Parade this Sunday at McGolrick Park!
Puppies of all ages on parade —I can’t wait!
The Littlest Greenpointers Of All!
Last weekend I swung by Empty Cages Collective to see what’s shaking. I’m glad I did as I had the pleasure of meeting a few of our newest fellow Garden Spotters.
This little fella, his mother and two brothers hail from Broome Street and McGuiness Boulevard. Sort of. The following video of his brother, Jethro, should clarify things a bit. Enjoy! (WARNING: the following footage is heart-wrenchingly cute!)
You can’t say I didn’t warn you— these little guy is off-the-hook adorable! Speaking of critters cute and furry, some of Jethro’s older, adoptable buddies will be back at Muddy Paws for another event this Saturday, October 25, 2008.
Why not swing by and say “Hi”?
Muddy Paws
447 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
If you are not in a position to adopt a cat but want to help, Empty Cages can always use volunteers and donations. You can also lend a hand by checking our their Amazon wishlist!
Miss Heather
Has Anyone Seen Lily?
Suzy O writes:
My 16 year old cat has gone missing as of Tuesday. There is construction going on directly next door; perhaps that spooked her. I live on Monitor between Nassau and Norman. I would be so grateful if you could post this on your site; I’m worried sick. Her name is Lily, and she is very gentle and friendly. She is also perfectly healthy, no diseases.
If you have seen Lily please contact Suzy via email at suzyo (at) nyc (dot) rr (dot) com. You can see the ad she has posted on Craigslist by clicking here.
Miss Heather
Happy Feral Cat Day!
It’s been awhile since I have featured the lovely, loving, UBER-adorable and eminently ADOPTABLE kittens at Empty Cages Collective. Since today is indeed “Feral Cat Day”* I thought I’d share this hilarious video of Giselle (a feral momma) and her “Tiny Dancers” by Lisacat. Enjoy!
Mikhail (the grey cat) is quite the ham but I assure you Twyla and Margot are equally charming (if a little more subdued). If you’re looking for a roommate of the four-legged variety why not make an appointment to meet the tiny dancers? They’ll steal your heart!
Empty Cages Collective
emptycagescollective (at) gmail (dot) com
Miss Heather
*It’s also National Bosses Day. Coincidence? I think not.
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