North Brooklyn Lost & Found
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Manhattan Avenue, 11222
Driggs Avenue, 11211
North 7 Street
The two previous photographs represent only a fraction of fliers I found in Williamsburg today regarding the disappearance of little Lou-Lou. Although I do not want to come off as blaming the victim the sad reality is dog theft (for reward money/resale) is a serious problem in north Brooklyn: always keep a watchful on eye on your canine companions. And please, please, please, collar and microchip your pets. It’s the responsible thing to do.
This having been written, if you know anything about Diamond Street’s found ferret or Lou-Lou please contact the folks at the above-listed phone numbers.
Miss Heather
THIS WEEK: Meet “The Bountys”
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
This upcoming Saturday, August 15, starting at 1:00 p.m. Muddy Paws will be hosting an adoption event featuring some very special felines from none other that the Garden Spot of the Universe!
The name for this adorable quintet of kitty cuteness is “The Bountys”. I’ll let their founder/stepmom, Orange Genius, tell you their story.
The Bounty Hunter kittens were living in this big, long cast iron pipe in an industrial lot in Greenpoint. They were playing at the end when I spotted them while I was running. Since I have encountered most of the kittens I’ve rescued while running, it has been suggested to me that I take up running in a gym. On a treadmill. Nobody finds kittens on treadmills.
That’s Piper, who got her name because she would NOT come out of the pipe, peering out her front door at me when I first saw these kittens. One of her brothers cavorts on the family roof.
Four of the five Bounty Hunter kittens that were living in a cast iron pipe in an industrial lot in Greenpoint. The lot is used by film crews and members of the crew of the upcoming move “The Bounty Hunter” helped me and Lisacat get the last two holdouts out of the pipe.
It’s hot in the room where I’m keeping them, and Casidy, named after the Aniston character in the movie, is all stretched out. She’s a very pretty torbie with a patch of orange on her head.
Still dirty from the lot, Hunter experiments with a life of luxury….
Milo, top, and Bounty, bottom, were only two ounces apart in weight. But two ounces is a lot when you only weigh a little over a pound.
Cat & Kitten Garden Party
August 15, 2009 starting at 1:00 p.m.
Muddy Paws
447 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211
If the previous photographs (which come courtesy of Orange Genius) are not enough to motivate you to swing by and say “Hi” to these Greenpointers with whiskers* I do not know what will. Too. Cute. For. Words.
Miss Heather
*Or better yet: adopt one!
Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Urban Fur
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Dog Shit Signage, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Java Street
Kent Street
Oak Street
Manhattan Avenue
Grand Street
West Street
Miss Heather
Meet Petal
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
This lovely lass not only needs a loving home, but has seen a lot in her 1-2 years. I will let her foster “mom” Rebecca, tell her story:
Petal, the small dog that I have been fostering & rehabilitating in my home for almost 6 weeks, is ready for adoption. She was one of 53 dogs living in a basement in Texas. Here’s the story about the mill raid at the end of May that yielded her.
She would do best in a quieter environment with sensitive and thoughtful people who will be patient and help her continue to work through her shyness and fear issues. When she first arrived, she reminded me of Emily Dickinson in a 10-pound dog’s body. But Petal has come a great distance in 5 weeks (there is a scamp in her that is slowly emerging!) and is going to make a wonderful, loving companion.
- She has had all of her shots, has been de-wormed, has tested negative for heart-worm, and has been spayed.
- Good with cats and non-pushy dogs. Tends to be more fearful of men than women. She would not do well in a home with small children.
- Loves to give kisses, to cuddle in your lap, and to sleep in the “big bed” with the rest of my menagerie. She is VERY excited when I come home.
- Petal uses wee-pads consistently and is learning to go to the bathroom outside.
I am also building her leash-walking skills (she had never been outside of that house in San Angelo – imagine how overwhelming the stimuli of Greenpoint sounds & sights & smells must be). Three weeks ago, “outside” was overwhelming for her, even with high value treats and my own dog as an example. She would freeze and shake uncontrollably or try to hide under parked cars. So I began taking her out with us in a travel bag slung over my chest – she could feel my warmth & breath, and heart, and she could hide in the bag if she wanted. When she stopped shaking, I’d put her on the ground, and we’d get as far as we could that day. One day at a time. Last week she was able to walk to & from McCarren Park on leash & without bag time!! That is 40 minutes!
Anyone interested in learning more about this beautiful lass— or better yet: wants to give her the loving home she so richly deserves— should contact Rebecca at:
rebecca11222 (at) hotmail (dot) com.
Prospective “parents”should be advised that there is an application process in order to adopt Petal. You can learn more about what this entails by clicking here. Otherwise you can see more lovely photographs of Petal here.
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Loses One Of Its Own
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
Many of you are undoubtedly familiar with delightfully old school storefront at 155 Greenpoint Avenue: H. Temkin Carpets & Linoleum.
If so, you will undoubtedly recognize this lovely lass: she frequented the windows of this establishment.*
Her name was Noel and after “14-15” years of gracing the Garden Spot with her stately presence, I am sad to report she is no longer with us. Per Noel’s “person”, Allan**, she had cancer and went into a steep decline the last two weeks of her life. He did assure me, however, that he did everything in his power to make sure her last days were as painless and comfortable as possible.
Goodbye, Noel. You will be missed.
Miss Heather
*Who, Allen attests, “knew” when a funeral was going to happen next door. How, you ask? Very simple: on the day of any given funeral Noel could be found in the window, laying on her back “playing dead”.
**Who is an amazingly nice and very interesting guy. As you can see.
Has Anyone Seen Moose?
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Speaking as a pet owner my heart sinks when I find fliers like this (which is located at the intersection of Herbert Street and Graham Avenue in Greenpoint). The previous having been written who cannot help but love a cat named Moose! If you have seen this cute fella or know of his whereabouts please contact his “people” at the above telephone number. Thanks!
Miss Heather
P.S.: Also MIA in the Garden Spot is a cat named Lester. Here’s the flier I found about him from the intersection of Norman Avenue and Newel Street.
New York Shitty PSA: Cat Killer On The Loose?
…Too many cats keep getting shot in this neighborhood. It is punishable by law.
This is not the first time I have such fliers in this area (Greenpoint Avenue between Eckford and McGuinness Boulevard) and I doubt it will be the last. If anyone reading this has a feline companion please keep him or her indoors! To everyone else: if you see anyone mistreating an animal— ANY ANIMAL— please report them to the ASPCA and/or the police department STAT.
American Society for The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals New York City Hotline: 212 876-7700, ext. 4450*
94th Precinct, N.Y.P.D.: 718 383-3879
Miss Heather
*You can also contact the ASPCA via email at: humanel (at) aspca (dot) org
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Coney Island Babies!
The Editrix of Amazing The Zillion writes:
Hi Heather
I’m trying to find a home for 7 kittens from Coney a la The Gowanus Lounge’s “Adoptable Cutie of the Week.”
How could I possibly refuse to lend a hand? These bona fide Coney Island babies are the cutest damned things I have seen in a VERY long time! What’s more, can you blame them for going to Coney? They were probably hoping to catch a mermaid or two(‘s heart)!
If any of these fetching felines has caught yours— hook, line and tummy spots— you should contact Tricia at amusingthezillion (at) gmail (dot) com.
Miss Heather
Image Credits: me-myself-i
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