Lost In North Brooklyn: Oscar, Sparkles & Rambo

Oscar: flier found on Graham Avenue at Richardson Street, 11222

Sparkles: flier found on Morgan Avenue & Maspeth Avenue, 11211

Rambo: flier found on Montrose Avenue at Graham Avenue, 11206

If you have seen any of these wayward cuties or know of their whereabouts please contact their respective “people” at the above-listed telephone numbers.


Miss Heather

Urban Fur: Special Forgotten-NY Edition

June 6, 2010 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Queens, Urban Fur 

This most unexpected (and very sweet) highlight from today’s Forgotten New York tour of Woodside hails from Universal Deli & Convenience. You can look forward to more pics from my sojourn in a bit… so stay tuned!

Miss Heather

Spotted On Manhattan Avenue: Got Hair?

Cut it for a cause!

My day started with a pair of soiled manties at McCarren Park and later progressed to door-to-door pussy solicitations, so I guess it is only logical a hair drive would follow. The above flier (which hails from Pets On The Run) reads:

My Two Dogs will be donating as much fur as possible to a non-profit organization called Matter of Trust, which has createda fur collection drive. Both dog and human hair is adsorbent (sic), meaning oil will cling to it. The hair is stuffed into tubes (booms) made out of pantyhose. Then the booms are tied together to contain the oil spill.

So there have you. No mention of cat hair is made so I’m guessing it is not absorbent. Too bad.

Got Fur?
June 18, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. & June 22, 2010 from 4:00 – 7:30 p.m.
My Two Dogs
434 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

One Of Those Days…

(Or, Meet Mimi)

I have often made mention on this web site that when I am left alone at the junk shop interesting things happen. Well, today was no exception. My boss and co-worker left me in charge so they could get a snack.

That’s when I made the acquaintance of Mimi, the cat you see above. Her two soon-to-be former owners wheeled her into the junk shop on a dolly in a cat box  and asked me if I needed a cat.

I have had a number of people enter the junk shop trying to sell me one thing or another over the years— electronics usually— and I refuse to purchase them. This is store policy because more often than not these items are, how should we say— hot? The same could be said for Mimi: after being carted down Manhattan Avenue door to door in a cat box sans air conditioning this pussy was rather warm. When I asked why they were getting rid of her I was told her owner was pregnant and couldn’t be around cat boxes. Uh-huh.

Stupefied, appalled and suspecting there is probably not a black market for tabbies I made some phone calls. I am pleased to announce that the guys at Dog Habitat have stepped up to the plate! Mimi now resides in air-conditioned comfort in one of their delightfully appointed kitty condos. It goes without saying that this is a temporary situation. Mimi is a very friendly (and furry) eight month old Maine Coon mix who would make a great companion for that purrfect person. Maybe you? If you would like to make the acquaintance of Miss Mimi and give her the loving home she so richly deserves please contact the folks at Dog Habitat via email or telephone at:

  • rescue (at) doghabitat (dot) org
  • (347) 689 – 4000

You can also make a donation to Dog Habitat to help pay for Mimi’s medical expenses/upkeep by clicking here. In closing I want to thank Jay Lombard (again) for taking this lovely lass in on a dime. It is greatly appreciated.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Other niceties from my day (and it ain’t over yet) include (but are not limited to):

  1. Being given a one cent “tip” from a particularly annoying customer (who tried to talk me down to 49 cents on a 50 cent postcard) and
  2. a 50-60 something chap informing me that the blue umbrella he was carrying on his shoulder was a M-14 which he picked up in Vietnam. I apologize that I have no photograph of this gent to share with you, dear readers. Not being an expert in fire arms I couldn’t tell if it was loaded.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Jerzy Dresses Up For Your Love!

Yesterday I found a cache of doll-making goodies at the junk shop. Among them a tie that I deduced to be around Jerzy’s size. Well…

while not a proper double Windsor knot (the Mister cares about such stuff— a lot), I think I did a decent job. Jerzy has gloves, spats and lots of love to share! If you want to adopt this adorable gentleman email me at missheather(at)thatgreenpointblog(dot)com.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Videos Du Jour: Cute Overload

As you can see in the above photographs Jerzy’s eyes are clearing up and he looks a bit tired. I can assure you this is not his normal waking state. This afternoon Jerzy was quite busy chasing the other cats around the apartment, chasing himself and of course waging war with a hair scrunchie. Follows are some highlights from his afternoon “play session”. Enjoy!

CAVEAT: the following video is mind-numbingly cute. Seriously.

I cannot for the life of me understand why someone threw this little fella away like so much trash. Jerzy is quite an amazing little man. I have no doubt he will make someone’s household a lot more lively with his antics. Maybe yours?

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Missing On McKibben Street

This missive hails from 248 McKibben Street. If you have seen this kitty or know of his (or her) whereabouts please call his/her people at the above telephone number. Thanks!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Movin’ On Up!

To Greenpoint, that is.

After some thought the Mister and I have decided to foster Jerzy, the surviving Huron Street kitten until he gets the loving home he so richly deserves. As you can see in the above photograph he was none too happy about having to wait for the B43 bus (neither was I for that matter— but at this time and in our current financial state limousines are simply not a plausible means of transportation for the Mister and I). I assured Jerzy it could be worse: we could be waiting for the G train shuttle instead. Believe it or not, I think he understood me. He IS a Greenpointer after all.

He was a trouper. I have no doubt all the Polish ladies cooing at him adoringly didn’t hurt either. Jerzy’s a big hit with the ladies.

Right now this little guy is residing in our bathroom— much to the curiousity of our little pride. Tomorrow he will meet our “crew” in earnest. This ought to be interesting. In any case, Lisa and I learned today from a fellow cat lady named Eva that our pronunciation of Polish names could use some, um, refinement. Instead of saying “yerzy”— which is the correct way of saying this little guy’s name— we have employed a hard “J”. In other words, he answers to a moniker which sounds like the latter half of the Garden State. Although we feel pretty bad about this he doesn’t seem to mind one bit. As you will see!

After the Mister and I got Jerzy settled in we decided to go to dinner. We opted to go to a favorite restaurant of ours in Long Island City. Our reasoning was it would give us a reprieve from drunken hipster bullshit. It did: instead we were entertained by a raucous— but not in the least obnoxious— birthday party which was presided over by what can be best described as a 40-something lesbian version of Rodney Dangerfield. With a strong Queens accent. I cannot do this woman justice. She was awesome. After rolling out a series of one liners* she stopped and exclaimed:

Where the fuck is my girlfriend?

It was just the kind of levity the Mister and I needed after a grueling week. Suffice it to say they had fun, we had fun and so, apparently, did Jerzy. When we arrived home we discovered he had managed to “Keith Moon” his domicile— inasmuch as a wee little kitten is capable, anyway. So the Mister cleaned it up. Jerzy explored. And I filmed it.

Jerzy makes it clear that carrier life is not for him!

And last, but not least: Jerzy plays some more!

You can anticipate more footage of Jerzy in days and probably weeks to come. If anyone is interested in giving this very special little man the loving home he so richly deserves please contact me at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. I’ll give you the 411 about the application process.

Miss Heather

P.S.: For those of you who are wondering, the reason Jerzy’s eyes look watery is because they are being treated with medication. Otherwise, he has tested negative for FIV and Feline Leukemia and just underwent his first battery of shots!

*About the people she had previously dated and how much grief it gave her mother. Very funny. Someone should give this woman her own television show.

Name These Kittens: The Bed-Stuy Quartet

Yesterday I had the blues so I went for a walk. I’m glad I did. It was on Wythe Avenue in Williamsburg that I learned things could always be worse. For example, I could be this guy— or worse yet, his ex-girlfriend. So it goes. Today I met some little ones who had an even rougher life… and they’re only six weeks old!

When Jay of Dog Habitat told me last weekend that they just got in a litter of kittens rescued from Bed-Stuy naturally I had to make their acquaintance.

Here they are!

These two are definitely the more outgoing of the bunch. The “crouching tiger” is the solitary boy of the litter. I nicknamed him “Biggie Smalls” because he is the biggest of the “smalls”. His more defiant companion (who Jay has nicknamed “Smudgy”) appears to be the leader of this crew, as you will see.

These two are much more shy. Especially the one on the left.  The one on the right is the runt of the litter. Given she is little…

VERY LITTLE and hails from Bed-Stuy I nicknamed her L’il Kim. Not that these kittens have names per se: they don’t. But more about that later. Here’s Jay telling us how these Bed-Stuy beauties came to be (albeit temporarily) Greenpointers.

Then Jay left me alone to get acquainted with them. We started with an ice breaker I like to call “watch the hand”.

Then we upgraded to a cat toy.

Then we had a little lunch.

But back to the purpose of this post: these kittens do not have names! For this reason Jay and I decided a contest is in order. Do you have names for this winsome quartet of cuties? If so, please tender them via comments or email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Otherwise, you can see more pix and videos of these cuties by clicking here.

In closing, here a little something for the dog lovers out there. The above lovely lass, Abby, was recently found wandering around Jackie Robinson Parkway in Queens. Luckily a good Samaritan picked her up. And by the previous I mean lucky for her and us: she’s a sweet gentle thing!

As I have (often) written before: anyone who is interested in providing a loving home to any of these lovely (and loving) furkids should contact Dog Habitat via telephone at (347) 601-8678 or via email at: rescue (at) doghabitat (dot) org. Tell ’em I sent you.


Miss Heather

Urban Fur: Manhattan Avenue

Shop cats Larry and C.C. enjoy balmy Monday afternoon in Greenpoint.

Miss Heather

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