From The New York Shitty Inbox: More Huron Street Kittens

If my inbox is any indication it is raining. KITTENS that is.

T (who sent the above photographs) writes:

Heather…I’m sorry this is taking me so long to get to you – this situation is probably gone by now, either good or bad.  I was walking my dog this morning when I heard a heck of a lot of high pitched mewling coming from the corner of green and franklin.  I looked down the street and there were about four kittens, no more than a week old, on the sidewalk next to some garbage cans, crying.  There was no mother in sight, which to me was highly strange so I’m guessing they may have been dumped.  Pics of one attached and the others to follow.  My dog was going crazy so I wanted to get out of there and then I had a four hour call with clients at 8:30 so..I am the worst person in the world cuz I didn’t have time to do anything.  Maybe you can swing by on your walks?

Needless to say I made some phones calls, tossed on a jacket and headed to Franklin Street without delay. The kittens were nowhere to be found. That’s when I decided to swing by Unleash Brooklyn— and got some VERY GOOD NEWS!

Jay Lombard told me that a woman had contacted him regarding a litter of kittens she found (and had taken home) from Huron Street. We quickly deduced that these were the same young ‘uns T had contacted me about. Jay, in turn, gave her the contact information for Empty Cages Collective and I am pleased to report she has reached out to them! As I understand it, P.J. (one of the founders of Empty Cages) is going to swing by, assess their health, give them fluids and find them a foster home. This is community action at its very best, dear readers! Now if only I could have a few “words” with the person(s) who dumped these cuties like so much trash. But I digress.

This incident has a happy ending because someone took action. If you find a litter of abandoned kittens in north Brooklyn there are a number of rescue organizations who are ready, willing and able to help. Among them:

Dog Habitat: (347) 689 – 4000
Empty Cages Collective: (800) 880 – 2684
Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition: (718) 486 – 7489

Make the call. Their lives depend on you! In closing, if this tail (yes a bad pun, but I am going to make it anyway) made you smile why not make a donation to the dedicated folks at Dog Habitat or Empty Cages Collective who gave these little ones a future? You can do so by clicking here or here.

Miss Heather

UPDATE 6:16 p.m.: As I suspected one didn’t make it— but the others appear to be okay (all things considered). Here they are!

Anyone who would like to help these little ones get a leg up on life can and should make a contribution Lisa’s (the woman taking care of these kittens) Amazon Wish List. She has made it known to me that she is in particular need of KMR (kitty formula).


12 Comments on From The New York Shitty Inbox: More Huron Street Kittens

  1. d on Tue, 13th Apr 2010 11:55 am
  2. Thank god someone got them help. I really hate seeing things like this. Why don’t people get their pets fixed??? They think it’s not humane but then they allow their pets to breed and toss out the babies like trash…nice.

  3. eaglestreeter on Tue, 13th Apr 2010 11:56 am
  4. Oh man thank god. There was one who I thought might be in deep trouble because he/she wasn’t really moving all that much. Were they all there? If you look at the second picture he/she is the one by the little green bush against the fence.

  5. missheather on Tue, 13th Apr 2010 11:56 am
  6. Too bad the mother of whoever did this didn’t toss him/her out in a similar such manner.

  7. missheather on Tue, 13th Apr 2010 11:58 am
  8. Per the woman who took them in one or two of them were in bad shape. Hopefully P.J. and the peeps at Empty Cages can give them the medical attention they need— and it is not too late!

  9. rowan on Tue, 13th Apr 2010 12:06 pm
  10. Thank you for posting the numbers at the end. I have put them in my phone. And crossing all fingers that these little ones will be OK.

  11. lisacat on Tue, 13th Apr 2010 5:06 pm
  12. They’re with me now. Well three of them are. One of the teeny orange ones didn’t make it. They are only a few days old. The other two are older and besides nasty eye infections look good. The little guy also has infection in his eyes but I can’t medicate them because the eyes aren’t open yet. All will get some oral antibiotics and some lysine in their formula to boost their immune systems. The older ones should be able to eat solid food or gruel. They’re fighting the bottle, but thanks to their savior today who persisted in getting something in them drop by drop, I think they’ll be ok. She kept them alive until I got home and could take them in! I posted some photos on flickr here:

  13. rowan on Tue, 13th Apr 2010 5:51 pm
  14. so sorry to hear about the one that didn’t make it, but three have a fighting chance thanks to you.

  15. missheather on Tue, 13th Apr 2010 6:05 pm
  16. The key players in this were the anonymous woman who took them in, Jay (of Dog Habitat) and PJ (of Empty Cages) and Lisacat— not me. However, I am going to work on helping Lisa get supplies and raising money for these little one’s food, medication, etc.

  17. d on Tue, 13th Apr 2010 6:55 pm
  18. I just donated one KMR from her wishlist. 🙂

  19. ms nomer on Tue, 13th Apr 2010 7:34 pm
  20. I get paid on Friday, and will gladly make a donation then. Thank you Lisa for taking in these little ones. And a POX on the crumbum who dumped them.

  21. Rebecca11222 on Tue, 13th Apr 2010 9:11 pm
  22. Lisa: From your Amazon list, I’ve sent you a penicillin, a Nutri-Cal, and a Snuggle Safe Heating Pad. All were sent ASAP. Arrival is estimated between the 15th and the 20th for all. Thinking of you and the little ones. Thank you on behalf of me and my little ones.

  23. rowan on Wed, 14th Apr 2010 3:33 pm
  24. i was not sure who did what, so my “you” was a generalized “you”. regardless, i get paid tomorrow and will make a donation via the amazon list.

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