From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Coney Island Babies

August 28, 2010 ·
Filed under: BAD ASS, Brooklyn, Coney Island 

This wonderful photograph hails from the Boardwalk and comes courtesy of the inimitable and insanely talented Steven. R. Hazlett. Love it!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Friday Night

June 12, 2010 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Coney Island 

This image hails from Surf Avenue in Coney Island and comes courtesy of algul siento. Lovely capture!

Miss Heather

Last Gasp: Remember to Vote Tomorrow!

Did you know Mike Bloomberg is running for mayor? If the numerous fliers and callers/hipster hitters of buzzers didn’t remind you of this fact maybe my answering machine (and inbox) will!

Just 24 more hours, dear readers, and it will be over.

Miss Heather

LAST GASP: Meet The Coney Island Post-Impressionists

September 9, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Coney Island, Crazy Cat Lady 

Today’s New York Shitty “Day Ender” has come to pass. But after stumbling upon the following Coney Island cuties via my friend’s Amusing The Zillion’s flickr page I simply had to post them. STAT.


I have named this lovely lass “Madame Matisse” due to the lovely orange line down her nose.


Methinks I’ll keep the Post-Impressionism ball rolling with this cutie. Just like her sister and brothers she was born in the Luna Park Houses, and given her intense(ly cute) and pensive demeanor I name her Suzanne. As in Suzanne Valadon. Ms. Valadon clearly loved tri-colors. What’s not to love? It’s like getting three cats in one!


Gauguin doesn’t hail from Tahiti. She comes from Coney Island Brooklyn, USA!


I cannot ascertain if this one is female or male (I’m guessing the latter). In any case he (or she) doesn’t like the exposure, if you will. For this reason I have decided to name him (or her) Cezanne:

The world doesn’t understand me and I don’t understand the world, that’s why I’ve withdrawn from it.


Due to the numerous spots on this tabby’s belly I have named him (or her) Seurat. For obvious reasons.

Anyone interested in learning more about these Coney Island cuties should contact their stepmother at:

hello (at) triciavita (dot) com


Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Coney Island Babies!

June 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Coney Island, Crazy Cat Lady 




The Editrix of Amazing The Zillion writes:

Hi Heather

I’m trying to find a home for 7 kittens from Coney a la The Gowanus Lounge’s “Adoptable Cutie of the Week.”

How could I possibly refuse to lend a hand? These bona fide Coney Island babies are the cutest damned things I have seen in a VERY long time! What’s more, can you blame them for going to Coney? They were probably hoping to catch a mermaid or two(‘s heart)!

If any of these fetching felines has caught yours— hook, line and tummy spots— you should contact Tricia at amusingthezillion (at) gmail (dot) com.

Miss Heather

Image Credits: me-myself-i

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Wonder Wheel

May 21, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Coney Island 


Although hardly north Brooklyn in nature I am hard-pressed to find a better way to get psyched for this upcoming holiday weekend than this lovely photograph taken by Victoria Belanger of Coney Island’s very own Wonder Wheel. Great shot!

Miss Heather

New & Noteworthy: A New Blog In Coney

May 17, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Coney Island 

Robert Guskind’s death left a big hole in both our hearts and Brooklyn journalism. Bob told me how he got started: by taking pictures of north Brooklyn’s waterfront. That’s how I got started. And as a close friend of Bob’s I know his heart would be filled with joy to know that someone has “stepped up to the plate” to advocate one of his favorite places: Coney Island. The blog in question is called Amusing The Zillion and although only four posts strong…


when I find the above image accompanied with the following commentary:

Tourists stand in sunshine and snap photos of Thor’s Festival by the Sea “Closed Due to Threat of Bad Weather” Sign

I cannot help but chuckle. Good luck, my former carny comrade— may your blog live long and prosper!

Miss “Carny At Heart” Heather

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