New York Shitty Day Ender: Gaia

April 10, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11205, Bed-Stuy, Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, Clinton Hill, Street Art 

From Skillman Street.

Miss Heather

Bed-Stuy Photo Du Jour: Spring

April 10, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11205, Bed-Stuy, Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, Clinton Hill, Culture War 

Taken April 10, 2010.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: The Other Bedford Avenue

March 18, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11206, 11216, Bed-Stuy, Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Clinton Hill, Street Art 

Taken March 17, 2010.

Miss Heather

LAST GASP: Not Fade Away

March 3, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11205, Brooklyn, Clinton Hill 

Okay, this event is not in north Brooklyn— but it DOES feature the work of a fellow north Brooklynite: a very talented lady named Geralyn Shukwit. Not Fade Away will feature (and I quote):

…Color photographs of a slowly disappearing Detroit, lost areas of NYC,
and a little nostalgia found within Re*Pop itself.

Those of you who are pondering options as to what to do this upcoming Friday night should give this show consideration. I have seen Ms. Shukwit’s work in person. It’s absolutely stunning. What’s more, wine and refreshments are promised. Check it out!

Not Fade Away
March 5, 2010
Opening Reception: 7:30 -10:00 p.m.
68 Washington Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11205

You can get a sneak peek of what awaits you by clicking here.

Miss Heather

Now On The Blog Roll Of Gowanus Lounge Dot Com: IDT Energy

In regards to Bob Guskind (to whom they have dedicated a page) they write:

Bob Guskind was a unique man, and his writing will forever stand as a testament to the person that he was.

While we’ve bought the site Gowanus Lounge, we are not trying to replicate or replace his work or his spirit.  We intend to continue to explore issues that are important to the people of New York, while also addressing topics of concern to other markets and communities.

Bob Guskind’s work has been moved to another location where fans can continue to read his prose and benefit from the wisdom that he provided.

Speaking as someone who has had the benefit of Bob’s wisdom I found Gowanus Lounge 2.0’s linkage to “Energy Savings” and “IDT Energy” of particular interest. The Mister and I pointed and clicked. Here’s what we found:

Energy Savings

The IDT Energy Store (You can see the registration info by clicking here). When you click on “Company” here’s what you’ll find:

Yup, the same people who saw fit to plague my community with people hitting our buzzers— REPEATEDLY— stating they were from Con Ed and that they wanted to review our energy bills. Time and time again. This is not purely Greenpoint phenomenon either. You can read other accounts/musings/ranting regarding IDT’s chicanery by clicking on any of the following links:

But I do not want to suggest IDT has plied its dubious trade solely in the county of Kings. No sir, their nefarious reach goes much further. Which brings me to this delightful video submitted from a reader in Harlem.

Needless to say after the aforementioned barrage of negative publicity IDT has seen fit to retool its image. In the 20th century the last refuge for a scoundrel was religion. In the 21st Century miscreants and ne’er do wells go “green”…

and operate blogs:

In closing, I leave you with this choice morsel from Gowanus Lounge 1.0 dating from January 28, 2009. Note the comments (and all caps abuse). Here’s my favorite segment from someone who calls himself IDT EMPLOYEE:


Can a leopard change its spots? I’ll leave it up to you, dear readers, to make the call All I ask is please be an informed consumer and do not take this businesses promises at face value. Exercise due diligence!

Miss Heather

Miss G Train…

it could be you!


Or not. The City Reliquary (who is hosting this contest) writes:

Come watch the crowning of our “Miss G Train” LIVE at the City Reliquary backyard, with refreshments and entertainment on Nov. 19th 7-10PM

Thanks for your interest in entering the “Miss G Train Pageant”.

In this contest, you can make up your own rules! Be creative in presenting yourself as the best candidate for “Miss G Train”! Tell us what you think being “Miss G Train” is all about, and why you fit that description to a “G”.

Please email your description along with a PHOTO to: missgtrain (at) cityreliquary (dot) org by Monday Nov. 16th for consideration.

Include a phone number we can reach you at prior to the competition. There is no minimum or maximum word count for your descriptive entry. Your descriptive entry will be read to the audience and judges during the pageant. Use your written statement to tell everyone why you should be wearing the sash on stage that night! (Portions of your submission may be used for media requests, but all personal information will remain private.)

Costume choice is up to you at the big event, and will be considered as part of your presentation. Ballroom Gown, Hipster Vogue, Commuter Chic, its up to YOU! Also, consider submitting some choice music to accompany your runway walk (you can bring an iPod cued to your music or send a request to our DJ in advance). You are in charge of your overall presentation, and the right soundtrack may just convince our celebrity judges that YOU make the best candidate!

FINALISTS will be informed of their status by 12:00 noon on Thursday Nov 19th.

Email in advance for any additional questions and GOOD LUCK, competition is RUNNING ON or close to ON SCHEDULE!*

Given the City Reliquary’s choice of “cover girl” for their solicitation I have to wonder what demographic they’re appealing to: nubile, newbie hotties/slummers or hardcore Crosstowners? I think Miss G train should sport the qualities of the subway line she will represent:

  • Highly erratic
  • Dysfunctional
  • Capricious
  • Weird
  • Four cars short of  a load
  • And, on occasion, downright GROSS

Get busy fellow G trainers— and you know who you are!

Miss Heather

*Does this mean if I submit my entry a day late it will count?

P.S.: What about about a Mr. Crosstown Local? I can think of a number of candidates offhand— none of whom you would want to see naked. Methinks I’ll have to make this happen!

Last Gasp: Remember to Vote Tomorrow!

Did you know Mike Bloomberg is running for mayor? If the numerous fliers and callers/hipster hitters of buzzers didn’t remind you of this fact maybe my answering machine (and inbox) will!

Just 24 more hours, dear readers, and it will be over.

Miss Heather


RRlogoYesterday upon learning the horrible news about the rape which came to pass at Nassau Avenue and Diamond Street earlier this week I posted it here on New York Shitty to make you, dear readers, aware. Later in the day I was reminded (by buddy d of pointgreen) of a service unescorted women (and many more— as I learned) out late at night can and should use. It is called RightRides and I am going to dedicate this post to giving you the 411 about this organization.

To get the ball rolling, here’s an excerpt from their “About” page to give you a general idea of their mission:

The mission of RightRides For Women’s Safety, Inc. is to build safer communities by ending gender-based harassment and sexual assault. We work towards this by community organizing and offering direct service, safety education and advocacy programs.

In our RightRides program, we offer women, LGBTQ and gender nonconforming individuals a free, late-night ride home to ensure their safe commute to or through high-risk areas.

In our Safe Walk program, we offer walking escorts for any one who doesn’t want to walk alone.

We are also a founding member of New Yorkers for Safe Transit, which will pursue coalition building and policy change work to increase safety in mass transit…


Very simple: if you are out and about Friday and/or Saturday night (11:59 p.m. – 3:00 a.m.) and am in need of a safe ride (or escort) home you call either of these two telephone numbers

  • (718) 964-7781
  • (888) 215-7233 (SAFE)

and they will dispatch a driver to pick you up. CAVEAT/POSSIBLE CATCH: your person and destination must be within their “service area”. Follow are their service maps for Friday and Saturday.




As you can see I have not included the key for this map. This is because it is too extensive for me to screencap and publish here. You can view this map (along with the key) by clicking on the above image or clicking here.


RightRides welcomes donations, fund raising events and volunteers. You can learn more about how you can help this wonderful organization by clicking here. On that note, the peeps at RightRides will be hosting a series of fund raisers at the Parkside Lounge starting this evening at 8:00 p.m.


Professor Von Awesome’s Traveling Caravan of Cautionary Warnings
October 23, 24, 30, and 31, 2009 starting at 8:00 p.m.
Cost of admission: $15.00 (a portion of the proceeds go to Rightrides)
Parkside Lounge
317 East Houston Street
New York, New York 10002

In closing (and for those who are interested) you can receive a quarterly e-newsletter from RightRides by clicking here.

Stay safe!

Miss Heather


June 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Clinton Hill, Greenpoint Magic 

239 Myrtle

Well, it did fall.

The previous slide show beautifully illustrates the ineptitude of the Department of Buildings (lest I have not made it clear already*) comes courtesy of Lesterhead. With public servants like this, who needs enemies?

You can peruse complaints leading up to this incident including these gems dating from May 1, 2009



by clicking here and here. And do check out Clinton Hill Blog for the full scoop.

Miss Heather

*And of course there is my personal favorite: 156 India Street. You were (and are) really on top of that one, Department of Buildings! Hence why the Red Cross was brought in.

P.S.: For those of you who are curious (or homeless as a consequence of this) 493 Myrtle Avenue LLC can be reached here.

New York Shitty Day Starter: Flushing Avenue Carbecue

April 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Clinton Hill 


We used to Launch Ships. Now We Launch Businesses

Miss Heather:

And give harbor to burned out sport utility vehicles.

The date on the above vehicle is 4/20/09. The above photograph was taken 4/26/09.


As was this one.


And this one. Note the presence of designer water. An attempt at fire fighting or mere hipster irony? I’ll let you make the call.


Up in smoke.


Navigator. Interrupted.

Miss Heather

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