Press Conference At Newtown Creek

It got off to a late start but the press conference conducted by Nydia Velazquez, Anthony Weiner* and Joseph Lentol came to pass without a hitch. For those of you who were unable to attend this event, the following footage should give you some idea of its purpose: goading the Federal government to declare the area around Newtown Creek a Superfund site.

Here is the second half where Craig Michaels, legal counsel from Riverkeeper, and Assemblyman Joseph Lentol speak.

It looks like Ms. Velazquez and I agree on two things: the 2008 FISA Amendment Act sucks** and our community has waited long enough for a thorough clean-up of many a score of environmental abuse. 2026 is not good enough. We deserve better.

Miss Heather

P.S.: The new park where this press conference was held (and is still not open to the public) has already been given a hearty Greenpoint welcome!

Doggie dumplings.

*Who laughed when I waved at a passing Watertaxi and exclaimed:

Welcome to one of the most polluted waterways in the United States!

**I originally stated in this post she voted in favor of this act. This is not true. Ms. Velazquez voted against it. It was passed anyway.

Models Galavanting In Our Misery

July 11, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bed-Stuy, Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic, Long Island City, Queens, Williamsburg 

I will not disclose who I received this (forwarded) email from because I like— and much more importantly respect— said person. Regardless, as a citizen who lives in a neighborhood teeming with environmental fuck-ups I do not appreciate the tone of said message. Hence why I am posting it here on New York Shitty:

Thanks for getting back to me… (insert name, lol). I’ve shot at DUMBO already and so has everyone else, it’s considered overdone! The more grittier locations are what’s good for high fashion. Aggregate is like a sand and coal mixture, I think it’s used for paving… anyway, they store this stuff in huge piles so it forms pyramids or mountains and it looks really cool (I attached a few images). The only thing is that I can’t seem to find out where the compounds are…

The cement plant at the Morgan Avenue Stop of the L immediately comes to mind. But if any of you, dear readers, can think of abject sites in Brooklyn (Queens, Staten Island or the Bronx) which complement sinuous models clad in glamorous apparel email me at missheather (at) newyorkshitty (dot) com. I’ll forward them.

Miss Heather

A Compelling Reason For Not Sitting On Your Stoop

July 6, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Williamsburg 

Mangy_cur writes:

The cops thought it might be faster to drive on the sidewalk while persuing a perp. Something went wrong and they took out our iron fence. I came home to this last Friday night.

You can see how much force would have been necessary to do this.

Wouldn’t you like to come home to this? Lest any of you are wondering Brooklyn’s very own 90th Precinct is the author of this ad hoc demolition*. I do not want to sound preachy but I want each and every one of you to think about what could have happened if someone happened to be sitting on this stoop or was exiting the building.

This is inexcusable.

Miss Heather

*On Montrose Avenue just steps away from a SCHOOL.

East Williamsburg Photo du Jour: WMD

June 20, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Williamsburg 

From the intersection of Maujer and Leonard Street.

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: Rebecca11211’s buddy Pam.

Would You Buy A Condo From This Man?

June 18, 2008 ·
Filed under: Asshole, Bushwick, Williamsburg 

This is 68 Meserole Street. It was once the site of an enormous bottle recycling facility. Now it has been razed. Surprised and a little disappointed (I found the stench of stale beer that used to hang over this intersection strangely endearing) I took the above photograph.

Shortly after doing so I was confronted by a worker at this site. Not liking where his line of questioning was going, e.g.; Is there a problem here… (If I want to take pictures of a street corner it isn’t anyone’s damned business but my own) I took the liberty of filming our little interaction. Hilarity ensued. (WARNING: Contains “language”. In other words, NSFW!)

After shooting the above film the gentlemen of “MAJ Construction Services” heckled and took pictures of me on their cell phones. One even bothered to drive by and scream at me as I was walking down the street fifty feet away.

Take my advice: unless you want some goon to shove your camera where the sun don’t shine (and I have lived in this city long enough to know there are people here who will pay serious money for this kind of experience, lest any of you are reading, consider this a tip), avoid the corner of Meserole and Leonard Street like the plague. These chaps are real professionals.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Be sure to check out the recent complaints on the Department of Buildings online database. “MAJ Construction” was issued demolition permits June 5, 2008. But that didn’t stop them from getting a head start!

Four complaints called in over a mere 48 hours. That has to be a record! Here’s my personal favorite:


Apparently the Building Inspector tried twice to get access to 68 Meserole to no avail. May I recommend he (or she) pull out a camera and pretend to take photographs? As we have seen, this is quite effective in getting their attention.

Bushwick Photo du Jour: It’s Alive

May 30, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Williamsburg 

From Waterbury Street.

Miss Heather

The Trailer Spot

May 30, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic 

Earlier this week I wrote about meeting the man who lives in the Pla-Mor trailer on India Street. Well, it would appear he is not the only mobile home dweller in the Garden Spot. margotanyweather writes:

There’s actually a man who lives in an RV on Van Dam Street, too!

Wishing to see this for myself, I headed down to Van Dam.

Margot was right.

I didn’t see anyone about, but signs of habitation were present: a generator, welcome mat and lawn furniture.

A house is simply not a home without a decapitated head gracing the premises. In north Brooklyn it isn’t, anyway.

Miss Heather

Salvation on Varet Street

May 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Williamsburg 

As I walk around North Brooklyn I often find myself pondering the human condition. These are troubled times we live in, after all. There is more to life than documenting Fedders Specials. I was reminded of this fact on Varet Street recently.

My ass is toast, I thought to myself. There’s no way I will escape. I ride the G train.

Hmm. Maybe that’s what they want me to think. If the son of man wants to come in a manner one would never expect, the Crosstown Local would be suit his designs perfectly.

I don’t know about you dear readers, but I have a plan! When the apocalyptic shit hits the proverbial fan I am hauling my ass down to the corner of Varet Street and Graham Avenue. Not unlike the ark that brought Moses to safety, my ride employs the use of wood.

Albeit with a distinctively nuanced 20th century twist.

I sure hope this baby is an automatic. There’s no way in (or in this case, getting out of) hell I’m letting Mr. Heather behind the wheel.

Miss Heather

Bushwick Photo du Jour: Added Value

May 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bushwick 

Okay, I see the foliage but where are the boogers? Wait —don’t tell me —I don’t want to know.

Miss Heather

Bushwick Photo du Jour: Broadway

May 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bed-Stuy, Bushwick 

I am totally bummed out I missed out on this event. The handwritten text at the bottom of this flier reads as follows:

Seminar of monkey brilliance feat(uring) over 12 monkeys @ anytime.

Who the hell can argue with that? Screw cable and digital television, what this country needs is more monkeys!

Miss Heather

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