Dog Doo Sign Du Jour: For The Love Of Big Brother
This Orwellian (if unsullied by spell check) missive hails from the intersection of Jefferson Street and Wyckoff Avenue.
Where, as it would happen, a rather nifty mural is located…
and goldfish roam the mean streets.
C’est Le Bushwique, baby!
Miss Heather
Bushwick Photo Du Jour: 24 Karat
Filed under: Bushwick
From Jefferson Street.
Miss Heather
The East Williamsburg Economic Stimulus Plan
Those of you who have the pleasure of whiling away your time reading my blog probably have jobs (or at least good severance packages and Internet access). Regardless of your employment status, dear readers, chances are your 401K (if you even have one) is shot to shit. My shit got shot a long time ago. I operate under the presumption that I’ll be working until the day I die. Or rendered into Soylent Green. Whichever comes first.
That is until this tree from Seigel Street entered my life.
A group of gentleman found my interest in this tree (and the numerous tags attached to it) interesting. I, in turn, found them interesting so I asked:
What’s up with this tree?
They replied in unison:
It’s the money tree.
Not caring to futz around with economic esotericism and abstract rhetoric (that’s the stuff that got us— U.S.—in this bind in the first place ) I asked:
If you get a lot of money from this tree can I have some?
The Seigel Street Cadre:
Maybe money really does grow on trees? In any case I’ll be walking around Seigel Street more often.
Miss Heather
Greenwick Photos Du Jour: More Pre-Valentine’s Day Goodness
Here’s another installment of north Brooklyn love to get your heart pumpin’ this upcoming Valentine’s Day weekend!
A Bedford Avenue recession special.
Laid off? No worries, Just For Fun on Manhattan Avenue has your severance package!*
Someone on McKibben Street hearts J.R.
A very Greenpoint (Avenue) Valentine.
And last— but not least— ladies, beware of the Seigel Street hymen hunter!
Miss Heather
*They also have an assortment of anatomically correct (in all the right or wrong places— one’s sense of taboo and/or religious upbringing notwithstanding) inflatable lady dolls behind the counter for all you single guys out there. Hey, at least you won’t need Plan B the morning after!
Tell ’em Miss Heather sent you.
Bushwick Photo Du Jour: T.V. Set
How I could have overlooked this in the light of Lux Interior’s untimely passing is beyond me. The previous having been said, this soon-to-be antiquated set of bunny ears hails from Boerum Street.
Miss Heather
Bushwick Photo Du Jour: The Best
If you’re looking for “the best” look no further: I have found him. Sort of.
His name is “Sam” and I’m guessing he either lives or works near this stop of the B60 bus. There is no indication whatsoever of what Sam is “the best” at (I’ll leave that to your imagination), but whatever it is he must be pretty damned good: his praises are not written on this piece of public property once, but twice.
Is this is a bus driver romance in the making? I certainly hope so. MTA employees need lovin’ too!
Miss Heather
Bushwick Photo Du Jour: Buddies On Bogart
This post is dedicated to a good friend of mine who lost her best friend yesterday. Sir Galahad might be gone but he will not be forgotten. May he rest in peace.
Miss Heather
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