Urban Artifact: Special Woodhull Hospital Edition

February 28, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11206, Bed-Stuy, Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, Urban Artifact 

Sink and Woodhull nys

Woodhull and bathroom sink nys

Thumbs Up nys

Taken February 27, 2015.

The Word On The Street, Part II: Myrtle Avenue

February 28, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11221, Bed-Stuy, Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, The Word On The Street 

Myrtle Avenue nys

Taken February 27, 2015.

New York Shitty Pay Phone Du Jour: Monologue Machine

Pay Phone Lewis Avenue nys

Monologue Machine nys

From Lewis Avenue.

The Word On The Street: Frozen

February 28, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11206, Bed-Stuy, Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, The Word On The Street, Urban Artifact 

Frozen nys

From Ellery Street.

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: And Now A Word From 387 Classon Avenue…

387 Classon

We’ve all seen and traversed them: endless flyers and cards soliciting one kind of service or another gracing our sidewalks, foyers, doorways and even intercom systems. Speaking for myself, car services and real estate agents seem to be the worst offenders— but there’s plenty more blame to go around. Thus we, as citizens, post flyers stating we do not want these tree-killers gracing our property. After all, if we wanted or required these services we would undoubtedly find them of our own accord. This is why god created the Internet.

Most of the “no flyer” signs I see on any given day are the standard boiler plate variety. I need not explore them here because quite frankly they’re not very interesting. The manner in which the above residence has approached this problem, however, is another matter altogether. Behold the genius for yourselves, gentle readers.


Free Pizza Only nys

You can always leave it to our friends in Bedford Stuyvesant to do something with style. Well done, 387 Classon! Let this be an inspiration to us all…

Bed Stuy Photo Du Jour: Sphynx

July 11, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11216, Bed-Stuy, Bed-Stuy Brooklyn 

Sphynx NYS

Taken July 11, 2014.

The Word On The Street: Spencer Court

July 11, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11205, Bed-Stuy, Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, The Word On The Street 

Spencer Court Polemic NYS

Taken July 11, 2014.

New York Shitty Feral Citibike Watch: Bedford Stuyvesant Edition

July 11, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11205, Bed-Stuy, Bed-Stuy Brooklyn 


If anyone out there is in need of a feral Citibike, head over to Spencer Court just north of Kosciuszko Street. There a ride awaits you!

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: The Word On The Street

July 11, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11216, Bed-Stuy, Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, The Word On The Street 

Nostrand Avenue NYS

From Nostrand Avenue.

Bed Stuy Photo Du Jour: Bricolage

The color coordinated curtains are what puts this house (one of yours truly’s personal favorites) over the top!

(Taken March 11, 2014.)

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