Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: Black Rabbit

July 21, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Street Art 



From Eagle Street.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Speaking of Black Rabbits, I’ve been meaning to pass along an amusing tale of petty larceny that came to pass at our local watering hole by the same name.


I am certain a number of you who have patronized this establishment have noticed the above card holder. It was a “housewarming” gift to the proprietor, Kent, from his wife. What you might not have noticed was around this time last year it went MIA. Well, one day this spring when Kent was opening shop he spied something in the mailbox. Whoever had filched this item experienced remorse (or found this item not to jibe with his— or her— home decor) and saw fit to return it. If this humble card holder could talk I bet it would have a very interesting story to tell about its nine month hiatus!

Missing In Greenpoint: Row Boat


Exactly how someone can make off with a row boat is beyond me. Such an item would strike me as being rather difficult to purloin discreetly like, say, a pair of socks— but someone did! If anyone reading this saw someone in or around 132 Noble Street brandishing a boat fitting the above description last Friday night please contact the police at the above telephone number.


Miss Heather

P.S. Special thanks goes out to my buddy Bed-Stuy Banana (who happened to be in the 11222 zip) for tipping me off to this.

Fun With Bloomblight

Earlier today my good friend Crappy forwarded me this story from NY1 about how over-development has left many buildings in Brooklyn vacant and/or half-finished. As if this was not depressing enough this tome goes on to say that despite this glut of over-priced King’s crap, the building continues. It is projected 5,200 more luxury apartments will find their way onto the market in 2010. Clearly the cardinal rule of how to get out of a hole (stop digging) has been lost on these people.

But developer-induced blight need not be such a downer. Just take what someone anonymous person(s) has done at the vacant lot at 689 Leonard Street, for example.


Yes sir, with a little imagination (construction detritus and some wildflower seeds) you can put the “bloom” back in “bloomblight”!


And why not throw in a little ornamental brick stacking while you’re at it? It’s not like they’re going anywhere anytime soon.


I do not know what this yellow flower (located at far left) is, but I really like it.


Behold, Greenpoint’s newest high rise! I wonder if it’s a Karl Fischer?

Miss Heather

Greenpoint’s Newest Hostel!

July 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Anonymous writes:

Hi Heather

My Dad and his partner live around the corner from me. on Clay St, a few doors down from 66 Clay St (the former methadone clinic) which somehow overnight has turned into a $20 a night hostel .

Dad tells me that in the past week, there has been anywhere from 10-20; what appear to be teenagers milling around the front of the building and on a picnic bench in the parking lot, smoking cigarettes, drinking beer, playing techno music dancing, having a general good time. Which no one should have a problem with, except the party doesn’t start until after 1AM and goes until sunrise

I’m going to try and spend a nice relaxing evening at Dad’s tonight in a bit of a stakeout to see if his complaints are valid

Ill keep you posted

What/if anything do you know about Marzili Hostel at 66 Clay St???

Hope you’re feeling better.

I’m operating at 90%, Anonymous (I’ll spare you the details about the other ten). Let’s start with what you have given me.


A web site purporting the “Marzilli” Hostel. (Click on the above image to enjoy the true hilarity).

C of O 6668 Clay street

Here’s the only Certificate of Occupancy on file. A residence for the mentally ill (a nice way of saying it was a methadone clinic). Which was , most assuredly, what it was.

Here’s what I saw today.


Some dude hanging out under a tent.

As to who owns this property. That’s where it gets fun! Per ACRIS:


The log-tossing goes on and on. My money is on Max Stark.

The person who gave the Garden Spot the gift that keeps on giving: the Greenpoint Hotel— a flophouse pretending to be a bed and breakfast. (Click on the previous link, it’s a pisser!)

The person who gives us 239 Banker Street: a hotel being utilized as luxury apartments, e.g.; The Sweater Lofts. STOP WORK ORDERS BE DAMNED! Since when have, and I quote:

New kitchens and bathrooms

Stainless steel appliances

HUGE awesome roof with views


the previous amenities had anything to do with a “hotel”?


Your eyes are not deceiving you: this property has 46 “DOB” violations, 36 open, 42 “ECB” violations 34 of which are still open and a STOP WORK ORDER. Unpaid penalties and non-compliance. And yet they advertise.


Why not call the person responsible for this advertisement, Liz, and ask her? It’s pretty clear the Department of Buildings is unwilling or unable to do anything.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: They’re BAAACK!

July 6, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Tony (who took the following photographs) writes:

I saw those IDT energy scammers in my hood again. It’s because I heard a lady screaming that got my attention, telling these two guys to get the hell out of her building. I took some pictures as they left 66 Driggs today at 2pm. Watch out!





To read a true tale of woe about this organization’s tactics click here.

Miss Heather


May 1, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


IDT Energy is canvassing Greenpoint today in search of more victims clients. I caught the above gentleman attempting to swindle a woman at 12:21 p.m. on Green Street. Those of you who are approached by these people take note: they are NOT employees of Con Edison. They will NOT save you money. They want to rip you off and will use deceptive sales practices to do it. To learn more about what IDT and other so-called “energy providers” are up to click here.

Miss Heather

To Whom It May Concern On Green Street


If you are the owner of this Honda.


And are wondering why your roof is crushed in.


It’s because the following two fucked-up hipsters decided to make out on your motor vehicle. It must have been a magical moment (or they simply hate imported cars) because our love birds also elected to jump up and down on it as well.


At 4:00 this morning.

Miss Heather

The Kent Street Cat

February 28, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

kentstcatThis cat (which graces the north-facing wall of The Garden) has been around as long as I can remember. I have noticed all other graffiti that has found its way to this edifice has been removed— but not this kitty. I have long intended to get the story behind this fetching feline. Last night I finally did.

Faced with the prospect of having to eat a jarring combination of (questionably edible) foodstuffs for dinner the Mister and I patronized The Garden. As luck would have it, I recognized one of the owners of this establishment. He was engaged in a conversation with another gentleman but having at long last the opportunity to shed light on this mystery I politely interrupted.

Miss Heather: Pardon me for butting in but aren’t you the owner of this establishment?

Owner: Yes, I am one of them.

Miss Heather: I have a very strange question for you. I took it up with Magda (an employee of The Garden, wonderful woman) as I know she has been working here for some time but she didn’t know…

Owner: (getting curious)

Miss Heather: What’s the deal with the cat on your building? The black cat.

After some thought (and some more Q & A) I got an answer. Here it is, albeit in highly simplified form:

  1. Approximately 8-9 years ago someone spray-painted this piece of graffiti onto The Garden.
  2. The owner liked it so much he didn’t see fit to remove it.
  3. However, the owner of the building didn’t agree, so…
  4. five years ago he asked someone to cover it up with primer.
  5. When the person with the primer showed up this gentleman (who the owner of The Garden described as being a “cat person”) had changed his mind. He had grown attached to it.

And so it has remained on Kent Street ever since. I have no idea what the person responsible for this was thinking when he (or she) created this cat. Was his intent vandalism or art? I don’t know and quite frankly I am comfortable with not knowing. It has since become a beloved member of the community and I suspect I speak for many when I say I hope he (or she) stays with us for a very, very long time!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Gentrification Watch: Welcome To The 1970s

January 20, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 






Yes sir, that waterfront rezoning has kicked gentrification in Greenpoint into overdrive. Why, just a few years ago we couldn’t afford spray paint to tag our burned out cars.

Anyone care to guess how long this hilarious item will remain on India Street? From the look of things I’d say this carbecque has been sitting here for at least 48 hours.

Miss Heather

Joe Lentol Is On IDT Energy

December 24, 2008 ·
Filed under: 11222, Asshole, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Here’s a fact sheet courtesy of Concerned Citizens of Greenwood Heights.

Learn it, live it, love it— or get screwed. The choice is yours.

Miss Heather

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