Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Kindness Counts

August 19, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Dog Shit Signage, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

It’s been a while since I have hit you up with some blue chip dog shit signage. Well, as it happened today I encountered quite a bounty whilest strolling down Greenpoint’s less-than-gold coast. Here they are.

Calyer Street


I find this one fascinating on a purely semiotic level. You have a dog shit sign made out of a photograph featuring yet another dog shit sign. It’s like an M.C. Escher paintingalbeit one about crap.


Courtesy coupled with Orwellian overtones… I like it!

West Street



Over the years I have become quite the aficionado of this person’s work. He or she has been at for quite some time and although the copy varies a little, e.g.; the reader is usually addressed as “asshole”. The author always goes to the trouble to say thanks. Here’s a pair but goodies from the New York Shitty archives.


This one dates from March of this year. As you can see our dog shit vigilante exercises a great deal of resourcefulness when it comes to getting his (or her) message across. And in closing there is the following one, my personal favorite, which dates from April of 2006.


Who can argue with that?

Miss Heather

Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Red & Blue


Blue bike with Cookie Monster a la Manhattan Avenue


meet red bike with catsup on Driggs.


Miss Heather

P.S.: As you have probably noticed, dear readers, I have taken to posting later than usual lately. This is because my computer happens to be located in the warmest room of my humble apartment. You can anticipate more postage later today— but for time being I am off to beat the heat!

New York Shitty Day Ender: Armed Robbery On Jewel Street?

As the lack of postage today probably suggests, today I kicked back and took it easy. I am glad I did, because it helped to be well rested while reading the following email (entitled “Mugging with guns alert in Greenpoint”). Its contents are pretty disturbing:

My friend just sent me this email today, I thought to forward it to you as a public announcement. Amanda, my friend and neighbor, and I live on Jewel Street, between Meserole and Norman.




Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: DIY

August 18, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

The junk shop gets a number of interesting items— and although I try to refrain from posting a great many of them I couldn’t resist sharing this homemade Spuds MacKenzie doll.



If my memory serves me correctly this canine had a taste for Stroh’s. But hey, this is Greenpoint: Garden Spotters prefer tall boys.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: People In My Neighborhood, Dog Days


Nassau Avenue


Norman Avenue


Driggs Avenue


Not everyone has benefited from the luxurification along the Brooklyn Queens Expressway. Take this man tired after collecting cans resting under it, for example.


On a more “up” note,  I encountered this young man on Greenpoint Avenue. This gent, Jared, was headed over to Van Gogh’s Radio to hang his art work. You can read more about him here. (Click this link— you know you want to!)


This gaggle of Greenpointers hail from Kent Street. I do not know the woman to the right. I want to: she is always dressed to the nines and has a knack for color coordination.


In weather such as this it is always good to wear a hat, like this woman in front of Cafecito Bogota.


One need not sacrifice style to beat the heat. The woman clad in the striped blouse always sports red lipstick to match her cap. She knows how to coordinate: her outfits are always painstakingly coordinated with her sneakers. Madison Avenue meet Manhattan Avenue: where natty practicality rules!


I’m not too sure what this guy is doing. But he’s doing it in the middle of Manhattan Avenue— and no one seems to mind.


Bedbug King, meet the Mayor of India Street and Manhattan Avenue!


And lastly, my favorite Manhattan Avenue dude: Ziiggyy. The previous is no typo. That’s his name! He didn’t know what to make of me at first— in fact he was suspicious.

I asked:

Can I take a picture of your guitar?

To wit he replied:

Only if you give me $1,000.

If I had $1,000 I’d keep $500 and give the other $500 to you!

I replied. He laughed. The ice being broken, we talked shop while he shopped for a new pair of sunglasses— a task which he saw fit to enlist my assistance. I gladly obliged. The blue sunglasses didn’t suit Ziiggyy so we searched for an alternative. And talked about life— and sunglasses.

Me: So you don’t like the blue ones. Why?
Zig (for short): I don’t like them. They just aren’t right for me.
Me: So you want glasses with rims?

(Zig sorts through the glasses, puts on a green pair— replete with green lenses.)

Zig: I like these but who wants to see the world green?
Me: There’s a reason for the term “seeing the world in rose-colored glasses”. This is Greenpoint— green lenses aren’t going to make it look any better. Only worse. What about this purple pair?
Zig: But they’re rimless— you said we should look for rimmed glasses!
Me: Yeah, but I think these might just be it.
Zig: (trying them on) They do match my shirt…
Me: And your earring, that’s amethyst right?
Zig: That’s my birthstone!
Me: So you were born in February? I was born in January!

(high five)

Long story made short, Ziiggyy bought the glasses. Upon parting ways I said:

I consider myself to be very lucky to have met you.

To wit he replied:

I do not believe in luck. To believe in luck is to believe in good luck and bad luck. I believe in God’s will. That’ why I do not worry (about luck): it’s out of my hands. I’m happy.

Me (stunned):

Well, thank you for humoring me.


That’s what I do: humor people. Make them laugh, make them cry and…


make them think!

He nodded in agreement and we parted ways. You can learn more about Ziiggyy and his guitar by clicking here.

Miss Heather

P.S.: This post is for all the “Ziiggyys” in the world. We need you.

Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Street Seating Selections

Man oh man is it hot out! For this reason I have decided to beat the heat by sidling up to the a/c and rolling out some of my favorite Williamspoint street seating. Enjoy!


This pleather with sneaker and toaster ensemble hails from India Street.


Although a little worse for wear, this Brooklyn Queens Expressway number has a certain air of gravity about it I find compelling.


A little brown velour from Green Street.


Behold, the Bedford Avenue crusty couch.


Need to beat the heat? This green leather recliner from Throop Avenue is appointed with a can of Arizona iced tea! And last, but hardly least:


What this great DIY number from Lorimer Street may lack in elegance it more than makes up for with good ol’ Greenpoint ingenuity. Note the  presence of two cushions so the user can adjust his (or her) comfort level accordingly. Outstanding!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Commie In Chief

August 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Jeff (who documented the following morsel of Greenpoint goodness) writes:

Found on Meserole and Newell.



That’s telling ’em! Oh Greenpoint, you never cease to entertain…

and this is why I love you so!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Caution

August 15, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Street Art 


This missive can be found near the corner of Franklin and Milton Street and comes courtesy of algul siento. Great catch!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: A Vintage Siding Slice*

Today I had a moment.

I announced to Mr. Heather when he arrived home from work yesterday.

To wit he replied:

Good or bad?

Good… I think. Although it could be proof I have lived in Greenpoint WAY too long— or my aluminum siding fixation has turned me into an idiot savant of siding.

I replied. Curiosity piqued, the Mister wanted to know more. And I told him.

Well today I found a photo album at the junk shop. Naturally I went through it. (You would not believe the “Kodak moments” I have found at the junk shop dating from the pre-digital age whose subject matter is of such an intimate nature I honestly can’t imagine entrusting it to your local 24 hour photo to develop. But clearly quite a few people did just this. Over the last several years I have amassed quite a collection. Probably enough to start a blog whose sole purpose is to showcase them. Seriously. But back to the subject of this post: my moment. — Ed. Note.)  I quickly deduced the contents were taken in New York City.


This one hit pretty close to home: Queensboro Plaza circa 1982. I dug around some more and found this.


I showed the above image to Mister Heather:

I knew where this was instantly. It’s in Greenpoint. I identified it by the siding.

Huron Street, Greenpoint, circa 1982 meet Greenpoint 2009.


Very little has changed.


There are sunflowers. Which I adore.

west at india ca 1982

And Bloomblight, which I deplore. This photograph was taken at West Street around India Street. Very little of what you see in the above photograph remains nowadays— including the people. It’s a bunch of derelict development sites.

But we have a mural!



It’s particularly fetching when the DOS truck sweeps it up.


The beach (soccer? volley?) ball caught in concertina wire makes this locale ever more inviting. That’s probably why no onesave the beneficiaries of this project– wants to hang out there. It’s good P.R. for politicos, bad policy for citizens.


The above photograph, taken in the 1980,’s is prima facie evidence that Greenpointers had waterfront access— as humble as it was— before the 2005 re-zone. Now we have barbed wire fences. And self-elected intermediaries.

Miss Heather

*This is dedicated to Kevin Walsh of Forgotten New York. Whose “slices”, writings, rants, and person have enriched my life— and inspired me to start this “blog”. This lovable curmudgeon happens to have a birthday this month. Why not send him your regards?

P.S.: The India Street park is being built atop the existing asphalt so as to avoid DEP soil tests. I wonder if Dean Palin, when he razes this mural to build his 40 story testament to folly will test this site for pcbs, etc.?

New York Shitty Day Ender: Has Anyone Seen Tiger Lily?

August 14, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


If you have seen Miss Lily or know of her whereabouts please contact her “person” at the above telephone number ASAP. As the above flier indicates she has a purple collar and health problems which require medication. Suffice it to say time is definitely of the essence!

Miss Heather

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