Viridian Death Watch: Another One Bites The Dust

September 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Abjectecture, Asshole, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Remember a couple of weeks ago when Jay Lombard of Dog Habitat brought the above little fella (and two of his equally deceased feathered friends) to our attention? He had ascertained that the glass windows of Greenpoint’s favorite nondo, the Viridian, was to blame for their demise; the reflection cast from them was fooling these cedar waxwings— which should be noted are currently migrating south— to fly into them. Well, it is with heavy heart that I inform you 110 Green Street has claimed another victim.


And this time— instead of picking his (or her) fragile little body up— Magic’s funky bunch simply swept him along with all the other “trash” (gracing the western end of their property) onto their neighbor’s lot.


You’re a real class act, Viridian.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Helicopters?

Shashi writes:

know anything about those incessant helicopters over greenpoint from 6-7:30 in the morning? traffic copters? how does one complain about them?

Truth be told Shashi, I am not 100% clear on what your recourse is. However if you are writing in reference to the helicopters flying around the waterfront this morning methinks I can give you answer. I have it on very good intelligence that our very own Mayor was in the far north Garden Spot conducting some kind of dog and pony show which we will undoubtedly be subjected to in the near future. I am certain the message will (more or less) be:

Everything’s just great!

Had our fearless leader bothered to actually step out where the common peasants live he would quickly ascertain things most decidedly are not.


Looks like the natives are getting restless.


I hate Greenpoint Nazis.

Some of my colleagues amplifiers in the print media might have noticed I have given no indication whatsoever as to where either of the previous items are to be found. You can rest assured they are in Greenpoint and the lack of naming their specific locations was no oversight on my part. If you are going to earn your livelihood plagiarizing my work I’m going to make good and damned sure to make you work for it.

Now that I have undoubtedly sent a pack of hack reporters scurrying around the Garden Spot looking for Nazi lamp posts*, do you have any advice, dear readers as to how Shashi should handle her noise problem? My educated guess is she needs to call 311 and file a complaint with the Department of Environmental Protection.

Miss Heather

*Oh yeah— if think you’re being clever by referencing the comment Tony left on this post:

This is much better than the swastikas I’ve been noticing on lamp post bases lately… just saw another today on Nassau @ Russell.

You’re not. As of 3:00 this afternoon there were no swastikas whatsoever to be found at this location. My guess is (given the police presence I saw there) they had been made note of and removed. Happy hunting!

Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: Cupid

September 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Bloomblight, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 


This is one of the few nice things to be seen on Dupont Street nowadays.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Oh Oh Oh!

September 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Yes, I realize this is incredibly juvenile, immature, sophomoric, and so forth. But someone has taken to writing this missive of personal woe on West Street between Greenpoint Avenue and Calyer Street. At last count there were four of them: two on the east and west sides of West Street respectively.


And— at long last— someone has responded!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Heart Walk 2009


This was brought to my attention by my colleague, fellow Greenpointer and participant in this event: Bitchy Bluestocking. Here’s the general rundown per her email:

As some of you may know, I joined a fitness class at the Greenpoint YMCA this summer. Punk Rope is an incredibly fun, butt-busting workout, and its founder, Tim Haft, regularly volunteers his rope-jumping expertise at community events. I recently helped out at the Astoria Water Walk, and there were a lot of happy faces during our demonstration.

On Sunday, October 11, I will be joining team Punk Rope for Heart at the Brooklyn Heart Walk in Prospect Park. This 5K will raise money for the American Heart Association, which gets the word out about heart disease and stroke, the country’s number one and number three killers, respectively. It also contributes to research on heart disease and trains millions of people in CPR and emergency cardiovascular care. It goes without saying that some of my teammates will be jumping the 5K, and Punk Rope will also be warming up the crowd…

Anyone interested in helping Ms. Bluestocking achieve her goal can do so by clicking here or by contacting Tim Haft via email at: tim (at) punkrope (dot) com


Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Endorsements?


Although I am trying to do what everyone does on Labor Day (absolutely nothing) I feel compelled to pass along this item from frequent contributor and New York Shitty reader: Tony of Kent Street. He writes:

Hello Miss Heather…

I was thinking about who I plan to vote for in the upcoming elections and had the idea that, like other news organizations, you should post the NewYorkShitty political endorsements prior to the election.

I know to the New York Post you’re just a blog, but to a lot of us, you are the voice of reason with a ton more knowledge of local politicians than many of us.

I think it may be a real service to your readers and in turn you may get others to vote for the right people for the job.

What do you say? Maybe attach a pdf to print out and bring with you to the polling place.

This is the second such inquiry I have received in as many weeks.

I have made my feelings known here and there and left it at that. I do not relish the notion of giving endorsements to anyone. I find the practice (even by so-called “respectable” publications as the New York Times) rather silly— and presumptuous. You shouldn’t let someone else do your thinking for you.

My primary concern— or bone of contention— (aside from being of the distinct impression that Williamsburg and Greenpoint have no business whatsoever belonging to the same City Council district as Brooklyn Heights, Park Slope and DUMBO*) is the sad reality that voter turn-out in north Brooklyn is abysmal. No amount of log-tossing and passing the buck (and believe you me, I have seen a lot of this lately— those of you who belong to the Community Board 1 Yahoo Group can attest to this) is going to change this fact. We, as a community, are now reaping the fruits of our apathy. To put it another way: I am more interested that people here vote at all. Who they vote for is a matter to reconcile with their own conscience.

The previous (and rather lengthy) caveat having been written, I am— reluctantly— going to solicit questions regarding the upcoming election (and its candidates) from you: the readers. These can be tendered via email at:

missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com

I’ll be accepting questions through Wednesday. From there I will do one of two things:

  1. Write a post giving my take on them. I will be as forthright and honest as can be expected about my position/bias.
  2. Compose an email (with my take) which will be sent to all who have asked questions. I will compose one answer and send it out individually so as to respect everyone’s privacy.
  3. Either way, I will also provide a list of resources you can peruse in order to make an informed decision.

As I have intimated previously in this post: no one should be entrusted to make your voting decisions except you. I will give my two cents— but please be a smart consumer and do your own research. Above all: VOTE!

Miss Heather

*Seriously. If there is to be a bi-borough district Williamsburg and Greenpoint should be in it.

Map Credits: Gotham Gazette

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Mixed Signals

September 7, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


From Banker Street.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: Yes

September 7, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


From Green Street.

Miss Heather

Happy Labor Day From New York Shitty!

The sun’s out, the weather is pleasantly mild. I cannot think of a better place to while away this Labor Day than a nice walk along the Greenpoint’s waterfront.


(Java Street)



(Kent Avenue)

Or not. A half-eaten sandwich and a dead rat covered with flies are but a fraction of the delights which await you if you decide to visit Greenpoint’s waterfront.


Is it detritus you seek? Kent Avenue has it in spades!


But if you’re looking for a little Greenpoint greenery you’ll be hard-pressed to find it anywhere else.


Who needs parks when we have this?


Although a discarded styrofoam cup sort of defeats the message. You know, after all this walking and tea quaffing I need to go to the bathroom. Methinks I will head over to Kent Street.


It looks like they have locked up the Econoheads. Damn.


Oh wait, here’s a toilet…


and it is even appointed with a sink— very nice! On August 13, 2009 The Brooklyn Paper published an article entitled “Gates of Wrath”. Follow are a couple of quotes from this tome.

Greenpoint continues to have virtually no access to its waterfront and [proposed] parks are still years away from completion… These street ends, once fully open, accessible, and clean, will provide the community with three desperately needed waterfront havens. — David Yassky, City Councilman* for the 33rd District & Candidate For City Comptroller


“It might just be a crumbling street end, but people are eager to get down there and be by the water. — Stephanie Thayer, Parks Employee and Executive Director For Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn.


Only the best for Greenpoint.

Miss Heather

P.S.: To see some late summer rodent love— East Village style— click here. Trust me: it’s worth it.

*Who has been in office since 2001 and is just now “noticing” what anyone who has lived here for a year knows all too well. Way to go, Sherlock-fucking-Holmes.

New York Shitty Day Starter: Stray Cat Strut

September 7, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Badass Kitten, Algul Siento



Kicking off this Labor Day are a few of my favorite felines from the Garden Spot. Be sure to check out Algul Siento’s photostream for more cat lovin’ fun!

Miss Heather

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