From The New York Times: Vindication…

(Or at least proof)

The ‘Burgificaction’ of McCarren Park pisses me off in a big, BIG way. I was reminded of this yesterday. So as to clear up any confusion as to the provenance of the McCarren Park Pool I offer you this: an article from the August 1, 1936 edition of the New York Times. Our city’s ostensible newspaper of record.

Political bosses in Brooklyn are a dime a dozen. History (thankfully) forgets most of them— but not the  “Prince of Garden Spot of The World” AKA: Peter J. McGuinness! A well known (if reviled) thoroughfare hereabouts bears his name. If it wasn’t for Mr. McGuinness’s chicanery, political savvy* and charm Williamsburgers wouldn’t have a pool in which to party (or piss).

In, I repeat,


Miss Heather

P.S.: How can you not love a guy who says this (about a brief sojourn in “the south”):

I don’t like that Jim Crow they got or their goddam white crow either.

*His career survived the Seabury hearings.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Cat & Kitten Adoption Event Tomorrow!

February 19, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This item was brought to my attention by a lady named Lindsay. She writes:

Hi Heather,

I enjoy reading your blog and was wondering if you could post the following event. My boyfriend is hosting an Empty Cages kitty adoption event at his tattoo shop.

I have known the gentleman who started Empty Cages Collective for some time. He’s a great guy and is very dedicated to the welfare of animals be they furry or otherwise. Even if you are not in the position to adopt a pet do swing by 8 of Swords and give some adoptable cuties a little love— or make a donation so Empty Cages can keep up the good work!

Empty Cages Collective Cat & Kitten Adoption Event
February 20, 2010 Noon – 5:00 p.m.
8 Of Swords Tattoo Shop & Gallery
178 North 8 Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Audio/Visual Presentation Du Jour: Miss Heather Explains The Difference Between Greenpoint & Williamsburg

Today was a red letter one for yours truly. Not only did I have the sheer luck of meeting a very nice lady who makes her own mead (and offered to make some for yours truly— totally free— if I provide her the honey) but I had lunch and some long overdue “catch-up” time with a buddy of mine. He’s a really funny and witty chap, that Tony. After we completed our meal at Kestane Kebab we went for a little walk. As luck would have it we encountered a tour group at the intersection of Union and Driggs Avenue. We decided to hang around a spell and see what’s up. The guide, noticing my rapt interest (and in all likelihood my ensemble of pink sweats, pink hoodie, pink sunglasses, pink sneakers and signature Chococat hat), started quizzing me about what constitutes Greenpoint versus Williamsburg. Hilarity ensues. (NOTE/CAVEAT: It was pretty windy out so you’ll need to crank up the volume a bit. Take my word for it: it’s worth it.)

Special thanks go out to Tony (who I would like to mention has started a blog of his own) for having the presence of mind to record this exchange. And oh yeah— it was pleasure making your acquaintance, Mr. Seidenstein. I like the way you think!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: McGuinness Boulevard

February 19, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Taken February 18, 2010.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Ice

T writes:

Hi, Miss Heather…I live on Eagle Street… between Franklin and Manhattan.  Last night, while simply trying to drive a single block to move my car for alternate side parking, I nearly killed a pedestrian while driving about 5 miles an hour.  You see, no one has seen fit to either salt, sand or plow Eagle Street, nor any of the other cross streets above Greenpoint Ave, so far as I can tell.  While there is about 4 inches of slushy snow on the street, I found out very quickly that there is about an inch of black ice under it all.  I noticed the same issue during the last snow storm.  Manhattan Ave and Franklin seem to be adequately plowed/salted.  What the hell is the deal with the cross streets??  It’s dangerous and annoying.  I called 311 and filed a complete with the Department of Sanitation, but I’ve only lived here for a year and a half (two winters…last winter was barely snowy), so I have no idea if this is a historical problem or if it’s the result of budget cuts do to the economy.  So I was curious – am I over-reacting to a one time problem, or is this something that you and others, having lived here for much longer, have witnessed and are familiar with?  If so, is it a ‘(people) don’t complain to the city so we don’t care’ issue?  Is it a budget/resources issue?  Before I go ape shit with the Dept of Sanitation I was hoping for some input from wiser, calmer souls.  Any thoughts or interest at all on this issue?

One thing I have observed the last couple of weeks is the Department of Sanitation appears to have gone on a ticketing blitz mostly directed at residential properties which have not kept their sidewalks clean and clear. I have seen literally dozens of tickets, so obviously some kind of enforcement is being implemented. That said— and speaking as a pedestrian— what rankles me is the number of derelict construction sites whose sidewalks (if indeed they exist— many have been smashed to smithereens) have been rendered impassable due to piles of snow and black ice. CASES IN POINT:

544 Union Avenue

This property has been ticketed by the DOS…

for litter! Given this lot is covered in some areas with as much as two feet of snow I find this fascinating.

1059 Manhattan Avenue

This one is a big, BIG bee in my bonnet. I have lived in Greenpoint for ten years. This sidewalk has been a disaster area for as long as I can remember. In fairer weather it is a pockmarked gauntlet of rubble, in the winter it is downright dangerous. In either case it poses a problem for the many elderly people who live around the corner at Mary D’s Senior Center. You see, in order to purchase groceries (or pretty much anything else for that matter) they have to negotiate this death trap. Some in fact, do this. Most don’t: they walk in the street instead. They way I see it, it is only a matter a time before someone breaks his/her hip at this site. Perhaps after this grisly scenario comes to pass the city will finally do something? I wouldn’t hold my breath.

In the meantime call 311 and complain, complain, COMPLAIN! I outline the exactly how you should go about this in this post. Read it, learn it, live it!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Juxtaposition

February 19, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Eagle Street.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: McGuinness Boulevard

February 18, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

If this photograph seems eerily familiar to you, dear readers, it is because I took a similar such shot June 11, 2009. Butt today’s bit of McGuinness goodness has a twist.

The truck is empty.


McGuinness Boulevard (or Mickey G’s as I affectionately call it) is as McGuinness does.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Ask & Ye Shall Receive!

It has come to my attention that Brownstoner saw fit to feature an apartment for sale hailing from none other that Belvedere XX. Ostensibly because someone took umbrage with me calling this edifice a piece of crap*— which I assure you it is. Belvedere XX is also known as 185 India Street and the neighbor of LoftsGreenpoint Rental Shitshow Part 1305.

Crap likes company. Especially on McGuinness Boulevard.

But this post isn’t about Belvedere XX, Brownstoner or McGuinness Boulevard. It’s about Belvedere XXXVI and “Park Slope”. On January 25, 2010 I wrote in this post:

…The Belvederization of Park Slope?!? Needless to say I had to get to the bottom of this (inasmuch as one can without G train service). We headed to the closest Belvedere without delay.

Sure enough, it is true! Replete with all the accoutrements we have grown to expect from Belvedere: commodious roof decks and balconies. Needless to say I must see this. However, I am more or less precluded from going to 175 12 Street personally. I am not only too busy with matters north Brooklyn but quite frankly doling out $2.25 in subway fare strikes me as being far too much money to outlay on such an endeavor.

This is where you come in: could some kind soul get a photograph of this property and send it to me via email at missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com? I’m dying to see Belvedere XXXVI. Especially in light of the fact this edifice is conveniently located near Lowes, the Brooklyn Queens Expressway and the aromatic Gowanus Canal. Who wouldn’t want an eyeful (or noseful) of that!

Well, I asked for it and I got it. Rowan 5 writes:

Here ya go. The Belvedere is closer to 3rd ave. It’s surrounded by frame houses mostly, with a giant high rise luxury building at the corner of 4th and 12th.

It’s not a bad-looking block but Park Slope proper it is not.

Most definitely not.

I love the prominent poster on the front door advertising Greenpoint and Williamsburg condos…

So there have you: Park Slope Gowanus is the new Greenpoint!

Miss Heather

*I have been told by an anonymous source that someone who bought a unit at Belvedere III, which is admittedly the Pete Best of the Belvederes, ended up re-selling at a loss. Apparently he bought one of the quasi-legal “studio” apartments they are known for (READ: a minuscule first floor apartment with a fully appointed basement including— I shit you not— a sauna). It had problems with flooding.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Off Roadin’

February 17, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Freeman Street.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Business Watch: What’s Up At 199 Green Street?

February 17, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

I have been asked this question many times. Today I have an answer. Sort of.

Regrettably this establishment was closed when I walked by (so I could not ask its proprietor/proprietress about their business) but it appears to be a clothing shop/craft space of some sort. Does anyone have the 411 about Scales? If so, please share via comments or email at:

missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com

Inquiring minds want to know!

Miss Heather

UPDATE 10:20 p.m.; Here’s the 411 per one of 199 Green Street’s neighbors we’ll call V:

I live next door and have seen the comings and goings for some time. It appears to be a woman in her mid 20s with a sewing machine, an ironing board, a wooden chest, and not much else in there. Right now, as the sign says, she is making circle scarves (cowls) which you can see hanging in the window, I believe. I walked by the other day and the sign said “be back at 7:00, at soccer,” which was cute. It looks like it’s about a 150-200sqft storefront, behind those curtains, so there’s not a lot to miss.

For a while, it seemed she was living there, but that may have just been her setting up shop. At least now it’s curtains rather than the butcher paper that was up previously.

UPDATE, February 18, 2010: Thanks to my buddy Seth I have been put in touch with the owner of this establishment! Hopefully I will meet up with her tomorrow. More to come…

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