Quicklink: Two Greenpoint Rapes

Yes folks, that’s two rapes in one week. The most recent one came to pass in the much-beleaguered McCarren Park womens bathroom. Read it and weep.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again: PLEASE be careful when you’re out and about. Especially around McCarren Park and if you’ve been drinking. Yes, the 94th Precinct is among one of the safest in New York City— but that doesn’t mean this sort of thing doesn’t happen here. It does. Don’t become a statistic.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Special thanks goes out to Queens Crap for bringing this item to my attention.

Spotted On Bedford Avenue: Absolut Brooklyn

It has come to my attention that the folks at Brownstoner have been speculating as to where the photograph for this heavily Photoshopped advertisement (as seen here gracing the Crosstown Local) was taken. Well, today dear readers, I am pleased to announce I have the answer!

I spied this chap painting an advertisement for this “Spike Lee Collaboration” this afternoon on Bedford Avenue. I struck up a conversation with him. I knew exactly how to break the ice.

Excuse me, but are you going to paint in the street numbers for these two houses?

I inquired.

I don’t know. The type is awfully small.

He replied, while looking at the print out he was working from.

Well, the one on the left is “400” and the one on the right is “387”.

I helpfully offered.

Did you work on this campaign?

He asked.

“No I didn’t”, I replied and went on to opine:

This discrepancy was brought to my attention while waiting for the G train. Someone circled the addresses and wrote “WHAT”  in all caps. When one has to wait 15-20 minutes on a subway platform he (or she) tends to notice such things. In any case you might want to fix that. May I suggest you make the building on the right “398”?

My new friend found this tremendously entertaining and went on the spill the beans about the provenance/fabrication of this image:

  1. The block in question is located in Crown Heights.
  2. The buildings (some of them anyway, including “387”) were originally three stories in height. They were shaved down to two so more sky would be visible.
  3. All the trees were added via Photoshop.

So there have you.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Two Ply

It’s refreshing to see that our Parks Administrator/”Parks Advocate” is taking neighborhood complaints about the lack of bathrooms at Barge Park (and elsewhere) seriously. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised by this. After all, this is the same person who saw fit not to notify the “Friends Of” group for Barge Park that this concert was going to be conducted at the park they represent. When queried about this her answer was (and I quote) they “had a lot on their plate”. Obviously.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: NEVER!

June 29, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Apollo Street.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Message From Con Ed


NEW YORK – Con Edison is urging all customers in the neighborhoods of Greepoint, Williamsburg, Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, and Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, to discontinue their use of non-essential electrical appliances and equipment until problems on the area electrical cables can be resolved.

There are no outages in the area at this time and this conservation request is precautionary designed to take pressure off the electrical system in these neighborhoods, while crews are repairing equipment.

The affected area includes approximately 90,000 customers, and is bounded by Newtown Creek on the north, Graham and Throop Avenues on the east, Fulton and Pacific Streets on the south, and the East River on the west.

Company crews are working to repair the problem.  Con Edison has asked customers in these neighborhoods not to use appliances such as washers, dryers, air conditioners and other energy-intensive equipment and to turn off lights and televisions when not needed until the cable equipment problems are resolved.

The cable equipment problems in the above mentioned neighborhoods have no effect on the rest of the Con Edison system.  Con Edison will provide updates to affected customers both directly and through the media as the situation warrants.  The company is in constant communication with the New York City Office of Emergency Management.

Con Edison urges customers to call 1-800-75-CONED promptly if they are experiencing any service difficulties.  Customers can also report power interruptions or service problems, as well as view service restoration information online at www.conEd.com, and on their cell phones and PDAs.

A number of people have brought this missive to my attention. Among them is a woman named Donna who writes:

Have you received a message from Con Ed about difficulties with the power in our area?… It says due to unusually high consumption shut off all non essential items, including Air Conditioners!!!….(and computers!!)

My lights are all very dim and my fan is barely working. ( the AC just stopped, I thought it broke)… This happened last summer. My sister said she read somewhere that the population of Greenpoint has increased somewhere in the 22,000 people range or some other riduculously large number. Why do they keep cramming more people here and completely ignoring the infrastructure…. The entire Eastern grid going down during the last blackout should have opened up a few eyes don’t you think??…. Not to mention when it rains heavily, the shit tits can’t process all the overflow…. And don’t get me started on the reduced public transportation. More people than ever here and less / shorter trains , reduced service and some lines cut out completely!!!!! . New York City is really falling apart….
But, they just keep building luxury condos!!! …. AAAAAARGH!!
Donna has a point. I had never thought about it before but the areas effected ARE where a lot of high density developments have been built.  Not only has the lack of proper preparation created nightmarish commutes in he communities in question but it may very be pushing our electrical grid to brink as well. This is municipal planning at its very finest folks. Or will at least give someone who paid $500,000 – $1,000,000 for a condo something to think about if/when there’s a black out.
Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Shit Tit

June 29, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This delightfully abstracted image of our very own waste treatment plant comes courtesy of entropymedia and is dedicated to Victoria Belanger: the woman who should have been the grand prize winner of this year’s Jell-O Springs Eternal Competition. For what it is worth a member of the Newtown Creek Monitoring Committee, the community group which oversees the  Shit Tits, was very impressed by Victoria’s creation. She writes:

I saw the shit tit jello entry. Awesome!!!!!! That mold should be memorialized in the DEP Visitors Center. Don’t think I won’t ask at the next meeting!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: H20

June 29, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Varick Avenue.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Bottoms Up

While Williamsburg walked and the Northside rocked last weekend life went on pretty much as usual at McCarren Park.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: The Production Lounge Gets Served

June 28, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item comes courtesy of a chap named Matt who writes:

Thought you’d enjoy this.  It was posted on the door of the Production Lounge the other day.
Could this spell the beginning of the end for one of Greenpoint’s, um, more notorious establishments? Given that they have alienated the community at large (gun fire tends to do that kind of thing) and seemingly now their landlord as well I wouldn’t bet against it.
Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Smile!

June 28, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From The American Playground.

Miss Heather

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