Spotted At 154 West Street: (Too Cute For Words)
Once in a very blue moon I will see something that will make me stop and say “aw!”. This is one such case. Perhaps Paul is tired of waiting for WNYC Transmitter Park to open so he has taken matters (and a ballpoint pen) into his own hands? To this young man’s credit he has provided a solid date his facility will open. This is of course today.
In this respect this young fellow (and would-be entrepreneur?) has put our Parks Department (which is staffed by adults who seemingly cannot publicly issue a firm opening date for Transmitter Park. Instead it keeps getting pushed back.) to shame. Paul for Community Board 1 Parks Supervisor!
Today At 239 Banker Street…
…an agent showing the property to a prospective client?
And of course this.
It would appear that not merely being satisfied with illegally leasing out spaces at this edifice as residential space (and violating a Stop Work Order) our friends at 239 Banker have decided to kick it up a notch by adding this garbage can holder— or is it a bike rack?
It’s kind of hard to tell. In any case I can assure you this is quite illegal (it’s located on city property). Anyone care to call 311? Rounding out this, the latest but certainly not to be last, post about this property I leave you with this Craigslist advertisement…
and this recently issued disposition from the Department of Buildings.
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Stolen On Huron Street
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
A fellow named Michael writes:
Hey Heather,
Love the blog, as always. Sadly I have another stolen bike post. I was wondering if you could help my wife out by posting something on your blog.
My wife woke up to a stolen bike this morning. Her green 3rd Ward NYCBike was stolen last night/early this morning on Huron Street between Manhattan and Franklin. The bike had a brown wicker basket, old-school Brooks saddle and NYC Street Memorial placard in the spokes. A pic is attached (pre-Brooks saddle). Contact with any info.
Thanks again for any help.
If any north ‘Pointers have seen this bike or know of its whereabouts please contact its rightful owner at the above-listed email address. Thanks!
Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Calyer Street
Today I learned that sometimes a shadow is as good, if not better, than the original!
Mark Your Calendars: National Night Out
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Since I have been hearing a lot of buzz about police matters in our Precinct of late (and there will be no Community Council meetings until September) I feel compelled to note that in two short weeks the 94th will be hosting its annual National Night Out. This is an excellent opportunity to meet and chat with members of our police department. Have a concern you’d like to raise? This is an excellent time to do it! What’s more, I have heard it is a lot of fun (really). Check it out!
National Night Out
August 7, 2012 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Meserole Avenue at Lorimer Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222
New York Shitty Day Starter: West Street
Taken July 24, 2012.
New York Shitty Day Ender: Clean!
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy
On a lark today I decided to see how Java Street’s feral furniture fest (READ: illegal dumping) was progressing. You can imagine my shock and subsequent delight when I beheld this. Not only is everything spic and span (all things being relative), but the much-beleaguered trash receptacle has been divested of its contents.
What a difference a visit from the Department of Sanitation makes!
Spotted At Pets On The Run: Adoptable Cuties!
This afternoon as I headed out to run a few errands I spotted a new (and as you can see adorable) face at this establishment. Intrigued, I decided to stop by later.
When I did I noticed this lass (?), clearly fatigued from standing guard at the front door, was out cold…
and that she has a “friend”!
Those of you who are looking for a furry companion (or two) should stop by and make their acquaintance. Eyeball-searing cuteness (as seen in the above photo) awaits.
Pets On The Run
989 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: India Street
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy
Taken July 24, 2012.
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