Spotted On McGuinness Boulevard: More Bloomblight
Filed under: 11222, Bloomblight, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
Motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists please take note some of the traffic and crosswalk signals at McGuinness Boulevard (such as this one at Java Street) are not working. Be safe and look out for each other, Greenpointers!
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Rainbow Connection
Filed under: 11101, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy
A fellow named Max writes:
Hello Miss Heather,
Hope you’re safe and all that. Wanted to share a Greenpoint Sandy photo. I am fortunate enough to live on Dupont St. and have a great skyline view. Here’s what I just shared on my instagram/facebook:A bright rainbow appears in front of the NYC Skyline after Sandy’s worst. I love my view, I LOVE THIS TOWN #nyc #sandy #greenpoint #rainbowconnection
Hope you like it and share it… Stay safe and warm and all that crap!
Outstanding shot, Max— thank you so much for passing it along!
New York Shitty Halloween Watch: Eyes On The Street
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy
From India Street.
Quicklinks: Resources For Small Businesses Impacted By Sandy & More
Filed under: 11206, 11211, 11222, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
These resources have been brought to my attention by the fine folks at EWVIDCO (East Williamsburg Valley Industrial Development Corporation, for those of you who are not in the know). Via their Facebook page:
Please forward to any Greenpoint businesses impacted by Sandy
“NYC Dept. of Small Business Services has an Emergency Response Unit specifically to provide assistance for businesses that are forced to interrupt their operations due to “unavoidable disasters” such as Hurricane Sandy. This unit has helped businesses deal with a wide range of issues.
If your business is interrupted and you think you need assistance, call the Emergency Response Unit Hotline at 212-618-8810. OR send an email with a description of your issue and a way they can contact you to: BOT-ERU@SBS.NYC.GOV”
Done! Those who are in need (or are simply curious) can can get more information about applying for disaster assistance via FEMA by clicking here. Otherwise, this incredibly handy portal can not only help you determine if you qualify for help, but you can apply for aid there as well. Check ’em out!
New York Shitty Slideshow Du Jour: North ‘Point Selections
Filed under: 11222, Bloomblight, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
Late this morning, noticing that the weather had abated somewhat (and having a raging case of cabin fever), I decided a constitutional was in order. Ikept my peregrinations limited as:
- It was still quite blustery outside.
- I was (and am) working on (maybe) five hours of sleep.
Nonetheless, go out I did. Overall, I have to say the damage appears to be minimal. I was particularly pleased to see that both the Newtown Creek Kayak Launch and WNYC Transmitter Park appear to be relatively unscathed. Conversely, the same cannot be said about the manifold number of derelict/abandoned construction sites hereabouts. See the Bloomblight for yourselves, gentle readers.
Here’s the deal, folks:
I will readily admit our city’s response to Sandy was certainly laudable. However, to say there was (is) no infrastructural decay is to be disingenuous: there most assuredly is. All the previously-depicted sites have been problematic for years. With each and every passing storm— however minor or severe— these fences have collapsed, creating hazards for their neighbors and passerby.
Why is this allowed to continue?
You ask. Very simple: for wont of effective enforcement. In this respect the powers-that-be in our city’s government and enforcement agencies (the Department of Buildings in particular) should be ashamed of themselves. In any case, it’ll be interesting to see how long it will take for all of this to be cleaned up.
New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Manhattan Avenue
Taken October 30, 2012.
Urban Artifact: Special Post-Sandy Edition
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact, WTF
From Manhattan Avenue.
Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: McGuinness Boulevard
Taken October 30, 2012.
The Word On The Street: Special Post-Sandy Edition
Filed under: 11222, Bloomblight, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, The Word On The Street
From West Street.
P.S.: I have many more shots from my brief sojourn around north ‘Point, so stay tuned!
New York Shitty Day Starter: Manhattan Avenue
Last night a carbecque came to pass in the Garden Spot.
Fortuitously, the sombrero was unharmed.
P.S.: Those of you who are wondering about exactly what the hell happened can get the skinny by clicking here.
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